For the time being, however, the stock appears to be solid, despite the cracks. To further confuse things, the guns were serial numbered on their buttplates when they were originally manufactured, and the Krnka breeches were also serial numbered when they were produced. For the collector of Russian muzzleloading muskets, this is the final example chronologically for your collection. Dropping the cleaning rod down the barrel solves the problem, but the head needs to be flat in order to hit the firing pin. Four digits (year 1859) beneath the dash-dot-dash line. The metal of the gun has been lightly cleaned, weakening some of the markings, although they remain mostly legible throughout. In 1856, the Russians adopted their first rifled long arm of reduced bore for general issue to the infantry, the. The superiority of the new Enfield versus the Russian muskets was immediately obvious. It retains strong rifling and shows scattered light pitting and some frosting along its length. 1876 Photo Credit:, Other M1869 Krnka Short rifles and Carbines. In 1857, 100 Colt rifles were purchased and sent to the U.S. troops for field service. Given the context, this would be an acronym for "TULSKIY ORUZHEYNIY ZAVOD" which reads "Tula Arms Factory". Description: CIVIL WAR ENFIELD STYLE SPANISH CONTRACT MODEL 1857 OR P1857 PERC. Despite the evidence of the potential superiority of metallic cartridges, this was not assured, and the Russians followed the lead of the Germans (Dreyse) and French (Chassepot) and adopted the Terri-Norman and the Carl paper cartridge ignition systems. This was specifically a result of the disbelief of the authorities in the infantryman's ability to hit targets at a long distance. Only the above three rifles were converted by the Russians into the Krnka system, and we are not certain regarding the M1859 6-Line rifles The Cossacks went from this muzzle-loader directly to the M1870 Berdan II Cossack rifle. The pre-war .44-cal. The parent rifles' serial numbers are usually found on the side of the barrels near the breech, but may be located on either side of the barrel. Rare, (Non-U.S.) Black Powder, Metallic Cartidge, Military Rifles. The Bulgarians were gifted by their Russians allies with well more than 100,000 Krnkas following the Russo-Turkish War of 1878-1879. In 1839, the Russian military adopted the percussion ignition system and by the early 1840s had undertaken a percussioning program similar to those in the United States and most of the European nations to alter existing stocks of flintlock muskets and rifles to percussion. The Crimean War ended in March of 1856, but the lessons learned by the Russians from the English would affect Russian small arms design for the next two-decades. When firing at a 3-Lines armor plate (a "line is 1/10 of an inch, 7.62-mm, or .30 calibre) from a distance of 1200 steps (853 meters), all bullets pierced it through. It was Krnka, and not the, In February of 1869 it was proposed that the conversions to the Carl system be halted and that conversions to a metallic cartridge be substituted. The Russians sued for peace in 1856 giving up Bessarabia (part of present day Romania ). Revised September 26, 1999 Three years later, when Bulgaria entered the First World War, 12,800 stand of Krnkas remained in Bulgarian service. This same assembly mating number from the alteration process appears on the top of the buttplate, on the top of the barrel, inside the lock, inside the barrel channel of the stock, on the right side of all three barrel bands, on the long range sight base and on the cleaning rod (ramrod). The right side of the breech block is numbered with the conversion number, . Web1857 Harpers Ferry Model 1855 Percussion Rifle-Musket 24 1860 Henry Model 1860 Lever-Action Repeating Rifle 25 1860 J.F. The stock was of stained birch with a grain pattern similar to Austrian and Prussian beech. THREE BAND RIFLE MUSKET, DATED 1864. Photo Credit: User Nick Stanav The new design retained the French-style back action lock of the earlier M1845 muskets, which was retained by a single lock screw that passed through the front of the lock, screwing into a rounded triangular escutcheon on the counterpane and by a single spanner screw at the tail of the lock. Is anyone able to help me decipher this cartouche? Four systems were considered, those of Terssen, Albini, Baranov (substantially a license-produced Albini) and Krnka. Since Colt no longer had a manufacturing facility, he contracted with Eli Whitney of Whitneyville, Connecticut, to produce these guns. As noted the M1856/67 Rifle remains in VERY GOOD condition. Side view of the shoulder-locking 6-Line/Krnka cleaning rod. Note the octagonal coupling fitted between the barrel and receiver of these correct Russian Dragoon Krnkas. The Krnkas were converstions from the earlier Russian "6 line" (.60 Calibre) percussion breechloaders. Add to My Saved Parts. )/69 Krnka Dragoon rifle. The neck of the bayonet has an oval cross-section. WebIn 1858. a new production line with 28 skilled workers under the guidance of Mihailo Cveji was set up for converting some 15.000 old flintlock muskets to percussion system: in the first year only some 1,800 rifles were converted, then the production increased to 1.000 addapted rifles a month, so by 1863. As the Ottoman empire was breaking up, France, Great Britain and Russia all had interests in its territories. The ramrod of the Russian M1856 series 6-Line rifles has a concave head to avoid flattening the point of the Minnie bullet used in the muzzle-loader. Like the earlier Russian M1828 and M1839 flintlock muskets, the new percussion M1845 drew heavily on French influences and bore a strong resemblance to the French M1842 Musket, down to the adoption of the back action lock, foregoing the forward action lock that remained standard in the United States, Great Britain and most of Europe, with the exceptions of France and Belgium. In addition to being used by the Russian Empire, the Krnka saw service with the Kingdoms of Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, primarily as arms provided by Russia to those kingdoms during the Balkan Wars. Even as early as 1867, Russians Colonel AP Gorlov and Captain KI Ginnis, together with American Colonel Hiram Berdan, were already well into the development of a smaller caliber (10.75mm "4.2 line") rifle with its associated modern brass cartridge, although it was still at least a year before it would be acquired and fielded, and then in small numbers. Russian, The conversion maintains its original back action lock but the original hammer is replaced with a very simple flat hammer-like striker (resembling a hammer with its head horizontal rather than vertical) to strike the firing pin fitted longitudinally through the breech-block. But technologically the rifle and its 4-Line 10.75mm cartridge is a substantial leap forward from the 6-Line 15mm Krnka. U.S. Model 1855 Springfield: The Rifle-Musket of the Regulars This generated a new era of repression lasting through the reigns of Russias last two Romanovs, Alexander III (1881-1894) and Nikolas II (1894-1917). This block contained the simple firing pin, as well as external piece that communicated the impact of the hammer to the pin. This same pattern of rear sight had also been specified when the Russians placed a large order for percussion altered rifled-muskets from Colt during the Crimean War. In this drawing the rifle is shown with a long rear sight leaf. Model: 1857 PERCUSSION MUSKET RIFLE. The association Sylvestr Krnka, z. s. published a book. Yet other sources have suggested that the conversions were carried out both at all three of the three Imperial factories as well as at private enterprises, particularly in Kiev and Libau. .. However, the new design introduced a very English stock profile with a brass nose cap and clamping barrel bands, all of which were certainly a tip of the Russian ushanka (fur cap) to the English Enfield. Currently, we do not know with certainty the length of the rear sight leaf properly fitted on the M1859/69 Dragoon rifle, as most surviving Dragoon rifles pictured have had their sights removed. The so-called "fortress guns" over time were quite widely used to defeat manpower behind shelters and protective structures. The steel bullet was encased in a lead sheath to protect the barrel and add energy for penetration. So, Krnkas are, not surprisingly, found with missing rear sight leaves and missing sight leaf thumbscrews. See Turkish Peabody-Martini and the link there to the Plevna Defense therein), the decision was made to "upgrade" all Krnkas in Russian service to the long-leaf 1200m rear sight. These first two were a long, generally issued infantry and marksmans or sharpshooters rifle mounting three screw-retained barrel bands, and possibly a shorter, also three-band, Dragoon rifle. M1859/69 Dragoon Rifle Photo: Credit: Russian Museum of National Military History. The right side of the breech block is also stamped, . Manufacturer: FRENCH. The references to the Krnka meanings are below his letter. M1856, Bulgaria: The Russian Krnka rifles were also supplied by Russia to, and adopted by, Bulgaria and Serbia, at the time vassel states of Russia. The two primary rifles of the infantry were the M1856/69 "Marksman" rifle converted from the earlier M1856 6-Line rifles and identified by its long-leaf rear sight, and the M1858/69 "Infantry" rifle converted from the stocks of M1858 6-Line rifles, having shorter rear sight leaves. Indeed, it is rather quite likely that the small numbers of Krnka long arms occasionally seen in Western collections have all come from Bulgaria and the Balkans, as Russia itself rarely sold off its surplus arms, which also accounts for the scarcity of the Berdan I & Berdan II rifles found in the West. These muzzleloaders are authentic, true reproductions. Three years later, when Bulgaria entered the First World War, 12,800 stand of Krnkas remained in Bulgarian service and many were issued even then to rear echelon troops. WebModel: 1857 PERCUSSION MUSKET RIFLE. Note the octagonal coupling fitted between the barrel and receiver of these correct Russian Dragoon Krnkas. The barrel bands were originally from a M1856 musket whose serial number ended with. I dont know when you will find another complete, matching numbered example for sale again, and for such a reasonable price, so dont miss your chance to add this rare Russian rifle to your collection. The new M1856 Rifle Musket was 53 in overall length with a 37 long, .60 caliber barrel that was rifled with four grooves with a relatively slow rate of twist of about 1:49, or of a turn in the length of the barrel. Krnka rifle, both the Infantry ( ) and the Marksmans ( ) versions M1869: Infantry - 200 paces (142 m; 156 yds) to 600 paces (428 m; 467 yards). The Russian M1856/67 Krnka offered here is in about VERY GOOD condition, particularly for a 19th century Russian military long arm. The breech block is marked with the serial number, on the left side and on the interior of the swinging breech door. Please Note: This site is best viewed on a desktop, laptop or tablet computer. Touch device users can explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Virgin Mosin-Nagant user vs. Chad Model 1857 Six Line rifle musket enjoyer . The Russians found themselves in the same quandary as the rest of the major powers, how best to adapt the huge stocks of existing muzzleloading percussion long arms to breechloading cartridge guns. WebWinchester rifle is a comprehensive term describing a series of lever-action repeating rifles manufactured by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. All other parts, The Treaty of San Stefano (1878) ending the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, provided for the formation of a Bulgarian self-governing principality with a zemstvo (locally governed Czarist Russian province) army. The buttplate, nose cap and triggerguard were of brass, with all of the other furniture of iron, including the triggerguard plate and its extended finger rest. Photo of the same overall length, same barrel length, same weight and ballistic performance as the M1856, except that it was fitted with a short-leaf rear sight calibrated only for 600 steps (427 m) and intended for "regular" line infantry; 3) The M1859 Dragoon Rifle ( 1859 .) All shorter Krnka rifles are either Bulgarian conversions for special-troop use, or locally altered post-service for civilian use. The rear sight leaves on Krnka rifles are held in place with very easily removed (and thus very easily lost) simple thumbscrews (see pics below). Overall this is a solid, complete and attractive example of an extremely rare. Fortress gun Ghana arr. The obverse butt is stamped with two illegible cartouches, the weakest likely the original percussion production cartouche and the slightly more legible one the mark applied after the alteration. Product #: 2033580. Regardless, many, if not most, of the short-sight Krnkas were transferred after the war to the Bulgarians anyway. Photos Courtesy of. Twenty years later Russia again went to war with the Turks attempting to regain Bessarabia and, although they defeated the Turks (see, The disappointing results of the Crimean War signaled to the Russian command that it needed to hastily began equipping the troops with, In order to fully understand the Russian Krnka adoption and conversions, it helps to understand the models of the Krnka predecessor/parent rifles. We have made every effort to make this site friendly to cellphone users, but it's really designed to be viewed with a larger screen. Katalog, Makovskaja L[ila] K[onstantinovna], Moskva: Voennoe Izdatel'stvo, 1990, 1994, Page started March 10, 1999 Pinterest. However, based on Russian sources we believe it to have been the short-leaf (600m range) sight. In February of 1869 it was proposed that the conversions to the Carl system be halted and that conversions to a metallic cartridge be substituted. Beuret Frres was another relatively large and prominent Belgian gunmaker in the late 19th century. CIVIL WAR ENFIELD STYLE SPANISH CONTRACT MODEL 1857 OR P1857 PERC. In order to fully understand the Russian Krnka adoption and conversions, it helps to understand the models of the Krnka predecessor/parent rifles. The top of the buttplate and the top of the Krnka breech are marked with the two-headed Russian Eagle along with various other small marks. WebModel: 1857 PERCUSSION MUSKET RIFLE. Eligible for FREE shipping * Lockplate, Stripped. Product #: 1940180. Only the above three rifles were converted by the Russians into the Krnka system. Muzzle velocity when fired from the Marksman & Infantry rifles: Russian 6-Line muzzle-loading rifles were manufactured at all three Imperial weapons factories, It is estimated that some 620,000 or more Krnka conversions of various Russian 6-Line rifles were produced during this period, After the re-equipment of the Russian army with modern, As a side note, Russia also provided Bulgaria with 15,000 captured Snider rifles presumably. .577 caliber Carried by: Sterling E. Lucas Co. H (Warren Volunteers), 21 Regt. WebBuilding on a legacy of excellence forged by Eliphalet Remington in 1816, Remington rifles have defined and defended the American way of life for more than 200 years. Revised February 19, 2000 The Krnka rifles were placed in Bulgarian store for the moment, but not for long. 2 rifles. In 1870, the Russians adopted the Colt manufactured single-shot Model 1868 breechloading rifle, which had been invented by Hiram Berdan of the Berdan Sharpshooters of American Civil War fame. They were first used in defense of, and later in the assault on fortresses. Today. Explore. The bore of the rifle remains in VERY GOOD condition as well. This M1858 WebThe M1867 Russian Krnka ( ) was a breech loading conversion of the muzzle-loading Model 1857 Six Line rifle musket designed by Czech arms maker, Sylvester Krnka. Four distinct examples of Russian 6-Line. WebThe M1867 Russian Krnka was a breech loading conversion of the muzzle-loading Model 1857 Six Line rifle musket designed by Czech arms maker, Sylvester Krnka. This M1858 6-Line rifle originally built in 1864 by the large, Belgium, Liege gunmaker Auguste Francotte & Cie (company), has been converted to a M1858 Krnka.. Photo Credit: Another Liege-built M1856 6-Line rifle converted to Krnka, this example manufactured and marked by Beuret Frres (Beuret Brothers), Liege 186(?). )/66 Krnka) for conversion of a breechloader. He was gone, but his rifle still remains, For the time being, however, the stock appears to be solid, despite the cracks. The gun is marked with a plethora of pre-revolutionary Cyrillic orthography and markings, as well as a dizzying array of serial and mating numbers. Romania: It is believed by Balkan researchers that Romania also acquired surplus Russian Krnka rifles, but we have not been able to verify this. M1856/69 Russian Krnka Marksman rifle ( ) Photo Credit:, M1858/69 Russian Krnka Infantry rifle ( )- Photo Courtesy and the left side of the bands are all stamped with that number, as well as with the bow & arrow logo of the Sestroretsk arsenal where those components and the nose cap were produced. Four digits (year 1859) beneath the dash-dot-dash line. In fact, the only example that I could find for sale recently is not in materially better condition but is priced $1,000 higher than this gun! Housed within the breech block is a very small nipple-shaped firing pin actuated by a much larger inertial striker. Exceptionally, Photo Credit:https://guns.allzip. Figure 87 View of the assembled lock of the Krnka rifle. This same assembly mating number from the alteration process appears on the top of the buttplate, on the top of the barrel, inside the lock, inside the barrel channel of the stock, on the right side of all three barrel bands, on the long range sight base and on the cleaning rod (ramrod). The M1867 Russian Krnka ( ) was a breech loading conversion of the muzzle-loading Model 1857 Six Line rifle musket designed by Austro The Krnka is identified by its large (15mm+) caliber barrel with barlycorn front sight, simple brass nosecap, its tall, flat, perpendicular-head hammer, bronze receiver with iron breech opening to the left, a back-action lock mechanism, a brass trigger guard with iron trigger guard tang and finger spur, and brass buttplate. The rear sight was a distinctive feature, as it was a Swiss-style pivoting leaf of the same pattern that had been used on the Lige-made Russian M1843 Luttich Carbines, which were Belgian-made Russian contract copies of the British Brunswick Rifle. However, there are a relatively significant number of very well executed shortened three-band Krnka short rifles and two-band Krnka carbines out in the world. ( ) was a breech loading conversion of the muzzle-loading Model 1857 Six Line rifle musket designed by Czech arms maker, Sylvester Krnka. The M1868 Berdan I is not specifically or technically a follow-on rifle as it was developed and adopted concurrently with the M1869 Krnka series conversion rifles. Manufacturer: FRENCH. WebModel 1853 Enfield rifle musket. The steel lower tang does not have the prominent finger spur of the rifles but rather only a very small bump. Photo Credit: M1869 Krnka Dragoon lower barrel band. In 1880, it was decided to re-equip the Bulgarian army with Berdan No. During the mid-19th century the Izhevesk arsenal emerged as the premier Russian arms manufactory and by the second half of that century was producing the finest quality arms in the empire. Never take a Krnka's word for it regarding any rear sight that it carries! The Krnka system consists of a breech block pivoting from right to left, but otherwise somewhat similar to theSniderandFrench Tabatiresystems. While the Russians considered the British Boxer cartridge adopted for the Snider, its coiled brass case was much more delicate than the drawn brass of the Berdan cartridge. In 1856, the Russians adopted their first rifled long arm of reduced bore for general issue to the infantry, the Model 1856 or Six Line Rifle. Some authorities have indicated that after 1871 most of the Krnka rifles were converted from 15 mm to the Russian Berdan M1868 caliber, 10.6 x 58 but Hoyem disputes this and it is likely that the references to "converted to 10.6 Berdan" refers to the withdrawal of the Krnkas in favor of the more modern and much more effectiveM1868 Berdan I, and shortly thereafter, M1870 Berdan II rifles. Even as to Russian produced rifles, the armories also bought locks and other parts from other sources which may account for different markings. The stock shows the most wear and tear, having been lightly sanded and leaving the two cartouches only shadows of their former selves. Free shipping and returns on We are unaware whether or not Krnkas obtained by Bulgarian from Russia were subsequently further marked by Bulgaria in any way to differentiate them from the Russian rifles. For the collector of Russian muzzleloading muskets, this is the final example chronologically for your collection. The Infantry and Marksmans rifles are virtually, The cleaning rods of the underlying rifles were retained by being locked in place at the shoulder in a manner, for example, identical to that of the, Side view of the shoulder-locking 6-Line/Krnka cleaning rod. Reply . Buttstock of a Krnka Dragoon rifle compared with that of a M1869 Infantry/marksman rifle. Add to Cart. Beuret Frres was another relatively large and prominent Belgian gunmaker in the late 19th century. The rivalries among these countries reached its climax in the Crimean War (1853-1856) where Russia fought an alliance consisting of France, Great Britain Sardinia and Turkey. At the beginning of 1915, Gan's 8-line guns were withdrawn from Russian fortresses and re-issued to front line units for use against armored vehicles. $175.77. View Item in Catalog Lot #811 (Sale Order: 811 of 952) Sold for: $375.00 to onsite "Tax, Shipping & Handling and Internet Premium not included. In 1866 the Russians began the process on converting these muzzle-loading rifles to breech-loading systems. Unlike the Snider and Tabatire, the breech block is not withdrawn to extract the spent case. WebApr 3, 2020 - Miller Conversion of a Model 1861 Rifle-Musket. above. Markings on a Krnka Converted "6-Line" rifle, M1856/69 & M1856/69 Russian Krnka lockplate markings. . The M1855 rifle-musket was the first U.S. regulation arm to use the .58-cal. In particular, it was distinguished by a very strong bolt group - a similar design was used in the Krynka-Gan fortress gun of 20.4 mm. The gun had a rifled barrel and weighed 20.5 kg. The gun is marked with a plethora of pre-revolutionary Cyrillic orthography and markings, as well as a dizzying array of serial and mating numbers. The photos should do a good job of depicting the condition of the stock. It was also clear that a new reduced caliber design was the wave of the future. Quite rare The Vereinsgewehr Rifle, comissioned and produced in 1857, was a rifled musket designed across three Germanic states: Baden, Hesse and Wrttemberg. Specifically a result of the muzzle-loading Model 1857 Six line rifle musket enjoyer as noted the M1856/67 rifle in... ( 600m range ) sight fortress guns '' over time were quite used! Krnka, z. s. published a book adopted their first rifled long arm to Austrian and beech. 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