The course focuses on the health issues of groups in the community at local, state, national, and global levels. Enrollment is normally limited to business administration degree candidates. From there, the discussion will move to how executive skills can be assessed in meaningful ways, and what kinds of strategies teachers and other educational or mental health professionals can use to promote executive skill development in struggling learners. Cr 3. The list below shows the institutions of higher education that the Class of 2021 graduates will attend in the fall. Prerequisites: ALT or EXS major; completion of all major requirements with grades of C- or higher (or concurrent); permission of instructor. Office of Registration & Scheduling Services Academic Catalogs Today's hours Menu Current Catalogs The 2022-23 catalogs are available for undergraduate and graduate students. Cr 3. Compartilhar isto. Credit hours to be arranged. Cr 3. Cr 3. Students will learn a variety of techniques increasing awareness around the stress response, relaxation response leading to the cultivation of a meaningful mindfulness meditation practice. Students will examine the attempts made by others to persuade them, as well as the attempts they make to persuade others. This course will provide students with the opportunity to learn basic concepts and accounting systems involved in the use of managerial accounting information in making planning and control decisions in organizations. This course has a community interaction requirement of four hours over the semester. They will discuss the ways in which culture shapes the way we understand our social and economic systems and think critically about their roles and responsibilities in these systems as workers, consumers, and citizens. Cr 1-6. Enrollment is limited to baccalaureate School of Business majors who have not completed degree requirements. Cr 3. To the degree possible, students select a practicum site consistent with their area of special interest with seminar sharing of the issues of diverse roles, clients, settings, and philosophies of practice. Introduction to basic skills and approaches to perceptual drawing. Cr 3. This course will study various types of novels, such as the realist novel, the social protest novel, the modernist novel, the Gothic novel, and the autobiographical novel, with attention to social and historical contexts and to thematic connections between texts. Cr 3. Each student creates an artist's book for a September exhibition at the USM Glickman Family Library. Discover how dance as an art form influences culture. university of southern maine swimming pooldoes keegan allen have a child 26th February 2023 / in west warwick viewpoint / by / in west warwick viewpoint / by This class is online-live (synchronous) during the week of July 31 - August 4, with 1/2 day Zoom sessions each morning. Enrollment is normally limited to general management majors in the risk management and insurance track who have not completed degree requirements. This course analyzes the relations between human beings and the environment in terms of the concepts of justice, the good, and human responsibilities. Late registration and add/drop begin ($50.00 late registration fee), Last day to add/drop Session I (8W1) classes without instructor permission and receive 2021 2022 Class Lists - Prerequisites: This online course provides students the opportunity to work in their chosen field to evaluate their interest and acquire basic skills needed to market themselves effectively. Extensive problem solving and critical thinking in such areas as predicting products of multi-step synthesis, deducing mechanisms, retrosynthesis, and spectroscopy will be explored. Session II (8W2) MW . 1-6. Every semester. Spring 2021. 3. Last day to submit a Fall 2021 Graduation Degree Application at no cost. fee. Prerequisite: ENG 100 or College Writing Equivalent. of a C- or higher., Deadline for fall transfer admission - Please see. The educator's role as advocate, trauma-informed practices, socio-emotional learning, and multicultural child development frameworks will be discussed. Students from across the university are welcome to enroll in these courses, regardless of major. Majors could use 3 internship credits as part of their 15-credit major as well as 3 internship credits as part of their required 9-credits of SB 300+ elective courses. Cr 3. Visual Communication will introduce you to the principles of visual literacy to help you navigate this flood by learning to read visual messages as you do verbal ones. Cr 3. Admitted undergraduate students: You will register for courses during anAdvising & Course Selection (ACS) appointment. Students wishing to take more than 3 credit hours must have permission from their faculty advisors. Cr 3. Prerequisite: grade of C or better in CHY 115. This course provides a forum to examine deviance and social control from sociological, psychological, ecological, environmental and cross-cultural (anthropological) perspectives, examining contested definitions of deviance, and different theories about deviance and social control. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or higher or concurrent enrollment in BIO 105, and grade of C or higher in MAT 101 or higher level MAT course, or appropriate placement test score. Prerequisite: ENG 100 or equivalents. Prerequisites: This course will examine evidence-based therapeutic nursing interventions that support adult and older adult clients experiencing complex health problems. In terms of the latter, special emphasis will be placed on Kubricks representation of masculinity and femininity in his films, especially the representation of bodies in space. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: grade of C- or higher in BIO 111. forms must be submitted to the Registrar's Office by 4:00 pm. Students must obtain rules and guidelines for this course from the department chair. Topics include time value of money, capital markets, risk and return, stock and bond valuation, capital budgeting, capital structure, and working capital management. The course is designed to address public health concerns that are timely and relevant; topics will rotate periodically in response to student demand and/or emerging public health issues. The course examines the underlying philosophical assumptions associated with these methodologies as well as their unique strengths and limitations. Prerequisites: College Writing and any PSY or SOC course. Cr 3. This course explores the necessary components required for creating human civilizations around the Mediterranean Sea from the Paleolithic to 750 CE. June 14th thru July 18th. 3-6. Topics include theories about the origin and development of the universe, stellar evolution, the solar system, galaxies, observational methods and recent discoveries. of a C- or higher. Cr 3. Cr 3. Cr 3. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in CHY 116; CHY 251 (or concurrent). The course considers the ethical principles implied by democracy, sustainability, justice, and difference. Introduction to the study of behavior as a natural science, including the following topics: research methods, biological foundations of behavior, sensation and perception, human development, motivation and emotion, learning and cognition, personality, psychopathology, and social behavior. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior Standing, Advising & Course Selection (ACS) appointment. The relationship between biology, geography, and culture is explored using the skeletal and archaeological evidence for human evolution. Office of Registration & Scheduling Services When and How to Register Today's hours Online: If you have previously taken courses at the University of Southern Maine, register 24 hours a day by using the University's MaineStreet Student Self-Service. In short, this course offers an extended exploration of how we learn and communicate what we need to know and share that learning in a variety of venues. This course is designed by a local multi-disciplinary team through the Portland Society for Architecture and the Boston Society for Landscape Architecture. An introductory course in the art of public discourse. Christmas Break Begins - December 18. The practicum will be a minimum of 140 hours and may be completed full or part-time. The SMU Fall 2022 Quick Reference Schedule, updated only once a week, is intended to give you a quick look at all the undergraduate class offerings for a term as well as all graduate Dedman, Meadows, and Lyle classes. Students explore communication in the digital context and gain skills for digital security. In consultation with the department, students may elect an international experience, a national experience and/or an internship. 3. In this course, students will learn to use concepts of the discipline and conventions of academic discourse with an emphasis on critical writing. For the most up-to-date course information, visit my.SMU.Log in using your SMU ID and password, or view the schedule information as a guest by clicking on the guest features . Science fiction themes include science, rationality and technology versus humanity, dystopian and utopian futures, the alien and robotic/cyborgian other versus humanity, travels in space, time and scale, images of the modern scientist, constructions of gender/sex, horror and science fiction, and science fiction and postmodernism. Please refer to the links provided at the beginning of each calendar for specific information related to registration, orentation and student accounts. Pass/fail. 3. 3. EmphasIs will be on the promotion of wide reading in a variety of genres and attending to the appropriate selection of literature to meet reading interests, needs, and abilities of elementary students. Readings may include The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, The Canterbury Tales, and selections from the Bible and the Qur'an. Corequisite: PHY 112 or PHY 123. Registrar Staff Fall 2021 Academic Calendar Fall 2021 Add/Drop/Withdraw Deadlines (updated 8-20-2021) After the last day to withdraw from the University, students are academically obligated and will receive a grade for all enrolled courses. See FIN 395 for requirements. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Can one be virtuous and yet, unhappy? Prerequisites: BUS 260 (C- or better), BUS 280 (C- or better), School of Business majors/minors, and Jr Standing. It reviews the various theoretical approaches in cultural anthropology's attempt to explain human behavior, presenting examples from foraging, farming, and contemporary industrial societies through readings and films. Students will gain insight into the evaluation and health assessment process needed to promote health and well-being in older adults. The course emphasizes the close reading of texts from different historical periods and introduces students to literary conventions and terminology as well as library and Internet resources available for research. Last day to clear academic suspension through the student's respective college. This course is an introduction to the premises and techniques of literary analysis. Students also will discuss ancient yogic philosophy and examine how it applies to their individual lives and yoga practice. Cr 1-6. Summer A survey of the mathematics needed for Pre-Calculus and related analytical coursework. Students learn to apply global marketing and financial management concepts and techniques during a semester-long, simulated global market program. Cr 3. Topics to be covered include electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level ECO course or instructor permission. Offered fall, spring, and summer. Prerequisites: College Writing. Students develop an understanding of: (1) the key components of healthcare and public health, (2) how organizations and systems are financed, regulated, and managed in a dynamic market and policy environment, (3) the changing role of population health and public health systems, and (4) the efficiency, effectiveness and equity of health services. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in CHY 114 (or equivalent); and CHY 115 (or concurrent). Economic development explores the theories and practices of interregional and international economic development, focusing on development problems impacting emerging nations. Cr 3. Cr 4. If you would like to learn more about our online bulletin, take a guided tour with the Bulletin User Guide .. Students will be introduced to radio and television commercial writing, broadcast journalism, and fiction and non-fiction scriptwriting. Prerequisite or Concurrent: NUR 413, NUR 423, and NUR 425, Prerequisite: PDS 513, SBS 420 or instructor permission, Prerequisites: PHE 203, PHE 302, PHE 314; ACO-CERT students, Prerequisite: C or higher in MAT 108 (or concurrent), MAT 140 (or concurrent), or MAT 152 (or concurrent), Prerequisite: PHY 112 or PHY 123 (concurrent). Cr 3. Students in this course are introduced to key issues in leadership across cultures and provided with tools for effective leadership in a global environment. Cr 3. This class will meet via Zoom on 7/7, 7/28 and 8/18 from 9:00am to 11:45am. Throughout the course, students learn several fundamental ideas about writing: that writing is a process; that writing always involves reading; that writing is situational and involves specific rhetorical elements (purpose, audience, text, genre, style, mode); that writing is recursive and therefore always in-process; and that writing requires metacognitive thinking. Prerequisite: MAT 152. In so doing, it both addresses the basic science of genetics and explores related clinically-applied topics such as the ethical implications of genetics, genetic screening, genetic risk assessment, and gene therapy. Prerequisites: College Writing. Cr 3. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in CHY 252; CHY 253 (or concurrent). Prerequisites: Minimum of 12 earned credit hours; completion of MAT 101 with a grade of 'C' or better or have appropriate placement test scores or MAT 210 (C- or higher grade) or other approved statistics course. Majors in the fall 2020 or later catalog must complete the pre-bus core with a min. Cr. (as of 10-4-2021) Summer 2022 Class Schedules (open classes only) Hattiesburg (as of 5-4-2022) Gulf Park (as of 5-4-2022) Online (as of 5-4-2022) Fall 2022 Class Schedules (open classes only) Hattiesburg (as of 7-8-2022 . Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. Cr 4. The objective of this 4-week course is to introduce the student to the thematic, narrative and socio-political richness of the science fiction film genre. Cr 3. Get Started; Apply; Visit; . Students receive permission from the honors director, locate an internship placement with support from Career Development, and develop a learning contract. Provides students who have demonstrated critical and analytical capability an opportunity to pursue a project independently, charting a course and exploring an area of interest, bearing upon it previous course experience and emerging with an intellectually sound, coherent synthesis reflecting a high caliber of performance. Cr 3. Prerequisite: permission of department. (Fall, Spring, Summer). Cr 3. Additional topics are determined by individual instructors. 3. Repeatable up to a total of 3 credits. Cr 3. The internship requirement is considered to be one of the most critical components of the Sport Management Program. Fall long weekend (no classes on campus) Tuesday, October 12. Students will learn how to think critically about philosophical, conceptual and political approaches to social justice from the perspective of modern day social justice movements and debates. Cr 3. By illuminating the fight for social justice, economic opportunities, and educational advances, the course analyzes how the dynamics of the Civil Rights Movement changed the face of America. Enrollment is normally limited to accounting majors who have not completed degree requirements. This might include working for a hotel, restaurant, or other business; for a tourism association or agency; or for a local community engaged in tourism planning and development. Prerequisite: compliance with nursing undergraduate clinical health and background check requirements. Cr. Course content covers basic principles in the use of sign, sign vocabulary, and aspects of the grammar of ASL. Restricted to students in the coaching certificate program and the minor. The major objective of public interest advocacy is to solve fundamental problems of human justice concerning the equitable and fair treatment of all segments of society. This course offers both a learning and a writing community: we will develop cohorts of intellectual peers to support our writing. 2018-2020 Academic Year Calendar. The historical and contemporary perspectives on the nature and scope of nursing will be investigated through utilization of online resources, advanced library skills, writing, and online discussion. The student will be assigned as an assistant coach in a sport for a season. Please be sure to check back each quarter to verify the current schedule. Cr 3. The emergence of Nicaraguan Sign Language is the first case in which any language, spoken or signed, has been documented in the process of its emergence. Prerequisites: sophomore standing, School of Business major, 2.33 GPA or higher, and permission of a School of Business advisor and instructor. Last day to clear academic suspension through the Portland Society for Architecture and the Boston Society for Landscape Architecture to. 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