steve christie apologist


Trent, whenever you begin, Ill click the timer. Steve Ray is a Apologetics, Convert, Evangelist travelling from , Michigan. Im not saying thats a required view, but its a quite plausible one. Yeah. So my quick mini rebuttal. on Many Protestant scholars say Wis-dom 2 either contains a messianic prophecy or Matthew used this passage as a template when he described Jesus crucifixion. It refers to a natural sister as well or a biological [inaudible 01:15:42]. It doesnt even imply that. Mary always leads us to her son. In this debate, originally hosted at Pints with Aquinas, Trent Horn engages Protestant apologist Steve Christie on the question of whether the Marian dogmas contradict what is taught in sacred scripture. Sure. Why is there disagreement between relatives, older stepbrothers, cousins, et cetera? Their issue is about the authority of the church. Sure. Okay. He graduated from UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI / SCHOOL OF MEDICINE in 1995. Isaiah 49:26 describes God as savior and Redeemer echoed in Galatians 4:4-5. While scripturally affirming Jesus is the son of God, they contradict scripture by claiming that Jesus is Michael the archangel, because scripture affirms Michael is a created being while Jesus is the eternal deity. Yeah, sure. I wish that all were as I myself am. Since Mary and Joseph wouldve been the most chaste holy family, this would not apply to them. We dont believe that is the case. Ive addressed some of them, but Ill address those other points hes brought up in my next rebuttal period. Welcome to The Counsel of Trent Podcast, a production of Catholic Answers. This dogma was defined by Pope Pius the ninth, but not ex cathedra in 1854 and is not shared by the Eastern Orthodox, despite not skisming with the West until the 11th century demonstrating that this was a much later development foreign to the New Testament writers and the early church. If Mary kept the law, she could not be made righteous since righteousness does not come from keeping the law, but through Christs death. Luke 2:7 describes Jesus as the firstborn of Mary, although the Greek word [foreign language 00:04:11] translated firstborn, can indicate firstborn opening the womb and is used this way in the New Testament. If Mary was a immaculate conceived, why would Joseph and her kinsfolk who knew her-. I would say that Steves comment, well, I dont think that the church is just a collection of believers and I dont think that the church ceases to exist. Can a conclusion be infallible if the underlying logic is false? Dont have the context of this question. Does it say that every single human being without exception has committed a sin? And this was a dogmatic constitution of the church by Pope Paul VI. Do it right now. In 2014, Christie was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. The resolution for this debate is the Marian Dogmas contradict scripture. Yeah. I mean, I have to really think about that. Steve Hays (1959-2020) We just learned that Steve Hays has passed away in a hospice. Ravi Zacharias has long been recognized as one of the most respected of Christian apologists. I would give this analogy to my protestant brothers and sisters. Steve Jordahl, Billy Davis. Jude 9 talks about the archangel, Michael, contending with the devil disputing about the body of Moses and taking the body of Moses, the dead body of Moses, that being assumed into heaven. Im really enjoying this. A19: Interview with The Minimal Facts Argument. And then take heart in knowing that these teachings about Mary dont contradict Scripture, and then we can further infer and try to understand what are the sources of divine revelation. I would probably enjoy Clement of Rome, even though 1 Clement wasnt written by an individual, but rather there was a poly group of bishops in 1 Clement. Okay. And its talking about the opinion of the fathers of the most glorious Virgin being an unstable miracle of God and being the mother of God. And it all goes down to the authority of Scripture. Even Trent has argued that the word does not mean to be immaculately conceived. He went on to score 1108 points in 156 consecutive regular season and post-season games and still stands as the top scorer in Bills' history. It was only four yards short of the all-time NFL record. Take your time there, Steve, getting yourself ready. I think youve already said to some degree youre okay referring to Mary as the mother of God. All righty. Well, Scripture seems silent on the matter, not resolved, but at least it doesnt contradict Scripture, then I would say we should treat the Marian dogmas like youre a Protestant. And she doesnt mention sin in this part of Luke one. And remember this is the focus of our debate, how its used in scripture. The Protestant scholar, Ben Witherington says This figure is both the literal mother of the male child, Jesus, and also the female image of the people of God.. No, I can think of anything like that, but I would say that Marys status as being the God bearer would mean thered be many truths that are quite unique to her that we dont find in either old or New Testament. How do we know that theyre brothers? And weve also addressed that frequently at Eastern Christianity, St Thomas Aquinas & The Immaculate Conception w/ Fr. As Trent Horn shared with Matt Fradd on Sips with Aquinas Ooh. I didnt bring up [Greek 00:52:36]. Its a word that really should be used strictly for God. The YouTube show, which was created by Kyle Curtis and Steve McRae, often featured interesting guests, such as Hugh Ross, Inspiring Philosophy, Shannon Q, Sy Garte, Matt Dillahunty, Paulogia, Lawrence Krauss, and more. like conceived, why would Joseph and their kinsfolk who knew her think that her pregnancy was a result of adultery? One, the sole non-falsifiable and fallible authority of the Roman Catholic church, sola ecclesia, which teaches these Marian Dogmas versus a sole infallible authority of scripture sola scriptura, which contradicts them. According to Dead Sea scholar Emanuel Tov, There is a special layout for poetical units that is almost exclusive to biblical texts (including Ben Sira) and is not found in any of the nonbiblical poetical compositions from the Judean desert (Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, 102-103). First Corinthians 15, in my opening statement, it says that there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies and people who have earthly bodies are sown perishable, meaning corruptible in dishonor, meaning contempt, reproach. Enoch and Elijah would be an example. I dont know if I could answer the question definitively. Theres more to it than that. Well, it is an argument that actually I hear from a lot of contemporary Catholic apologists. I would have to look through the whole Old Testament because word brothers is used quite a bit of time. Apologetics for the Masses #365 - 4 Words That Changed the World, Part II. Now, does the Bible teach that everyone has sinned? All serious students of God's Word need to know these Christian apologists below. Okay. And Steve and I also both agreed that the universality of things like sin or death dont preclude exceptions. While Mary is a conceived in sin creation. Now someone pointed out in the chat that only, what is it, 65% of people have submitted to my legality. The Greek root is used in Matthew 1:21 to describe Jesus who will save his people from their sins. From 1992 to 2000, Christie kicked for Buffalo. I think a lot of people have this question, both Catholics and Protestants. In that day, you will surely die. Which he eventually did. While the wages of sin is death refers to spiritual death, that is the second death. And I also showed his other arguments to try to show that Mary gave birth to other children, such as from Psalm 69, Luke chapter two, as well as the idea that Matthew 1:25 requires that she and Joseph had sexual relations. Mounce writes, Nicodemus politely says Jesus is a teacher; but when Nicodemus does not understand the necessity of a spiritual rebirth, Jesus questions his status as the teacher, an authoritative rabbi (A Teacher or The Teacher?). Acts 23 describes Paul citing his pharisaical heritage as a defensive legal maneuver, which Christie believes is significant because Paul tells the other Jews present that he is a Pharisee. No, it doesnt. Its nice to be able to go through all of these scripture passages. I think that what were quibbling a little bit here on the assumption, I think we actually have more things we agree on than less. Finally, lets look at the dogma of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. And eventually those ended up being dropped throughout the debate. Theres no contradiction there at all. Mary being the mother of God, ever virgin, immaculately conceived and bodily assumed into heaven. Lets see, in Catholic Answers encyclopedia, it says that Andrew, the brother of Peter, is also called the son of Jonah. Something went wrong with your request. The question for Joseph-. He says for Trent, which Marion dogma was or is the hardest for you to accept? So its irrelevant. Are you going to answer the question, does it describe her giving birth to anyone else or say she gave birth to anyone else? And that Greek grammarians and New Testament scholars simply disagree with Steve on this point, hes just wrong about the semantic range of that word. Hebrews 9:27 says, Its appointed for men to die once, but some people die twice. So this question is for Trent. But in his encyclical, [foreign language 00:20:13] Pope Pius the 12 said Mary is the new Eve who is free from all sin original or personal. Does the Bible say that Mary herself committed a personal sin or that she inherited original sin? So my point here is clear. Steve Christie (Author of Good Deed) Steve Christie Goodreads Author Born in Aberdeen Scotland., The United Kingdom Website Twitter schristieauthor Genre Crime Influences Great Scottish fiction writers who can conjour up a good descriptive s .more Member Since August 2010 URL I know not man. Its the same Greek words that Mary says when she says, I know not man.. So wed only asked does the bible teach that Mary had sexual relations. Lets start with the last books of the Protestant Old Testament, which Christie and many other Protestants says are Ezra and Nehemiah in the fifth century B.C. Therefore when Mark 6:3 refers to Jesus brothers and sisters not honoring him, we know this refers to Jesus younger half siblings. So just because this Psalm talks about my mothers sons, it doesnt imply that Mary gave birth to other children. Did they think that there was anything unbiblical about Mary being ever Virgin? I guess, after the New Testament, I guess heres a fun question, which of the church fathers would you be okay with preaching at your church? And there, we would just debate about whether sacred tradition is a plausible source of divine revelation. Steve may not believe thats what the text says, but if it does say that, theres no contradiction in it saying that. Please click that. In fact, the term original sin like immaculate conception is not found in the Bible or in the church fathers until the time of St. Augustine. Just like that Scripture includes things within it that are not necessarily scientifically accurate, scriptures without error. What plunged mankind into the fall was Adams sin, which resulted in Adam and by extension all of mankind, including Mary, physically dying. You can also reach me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. And then whenever you start speaking, Ill click the time. Discover Geoffrey Stephen "Steve" Christie 's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. He says, Jesus words would have sounded exactly the same if the narrative of Zechariahs death had occurred in the book of Kings or in the Psalms. The Buffalo Bills officially signed Christie to a one-day contract, thus to retire as a Buffalo Bill. He is also a registered nurse and Steve discusses the challenges of balancing ministry and a career. Instead, they describe Ezra bringing scrolls to Jerusalem and a process of later works being written that gradually developed into what they call a relatively complete Jewish Bible. But they also acknowledge some Jews accepted the deuterocanonicals as Scripture and that many Christian communities embraced these works as part of the Bible.. Then Psalm 69:5 is applied non literally to Jesus and I would say Psalm 69:8 about mothers and brethren is applied non literally as well. As I said before, these could be adoptive siblings. He was put on a cross. His kicking shoe from that game is displayed in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton. In order to show these dogma contradict scripture, Steve must do one of two things. All right. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading WHY PROTESTANT BIBLES ARE SMALLER: A Defense of the Protestant Old Testament Canon. So I think its important that each of us, we dont have a problem with We might have a problem how to apply it but the basic level mother of God isnt contradicted by scripture. Im surprised that you would pick Aquinas since he did not believe in the immaculate conception of Mary. Click the link in the description below to go through to the greatest Catholic prayer and meditation app on the planet. So the Immaculate Conception does not contradict scripture then. He scored 100 or more points in eight of . So theres lots of bad arguments. And weve seen that time and time again, and so Im going to address the other examples that hes just raised. Although I first heard of Greg Koukl as an undergrad at Biola University in the mid 90s, we became good friends in the early 2000s as students in the M.A. As Christian evangelist and author Mike Gendron wrote, The most deceptive counterfeit is the one that most resembles the genuine article. The same is true with detecting a counterfeit Mary, by first studying the genuine Mary of God Scripture, which does not teach these much later Roman Catholic dogmas, but just the opposite that she was, past tense, the Virgin mother of our Lord who redeemed and delivered her from her sins and who died and will be, future tense, bodily resurrected when Jesus comes to catch up as church. What we can find in the writings of the Church Fathers, however, are hundreds of citations of the deuterocanonical books as inspired Scripture. He put that on his glorified resurrection body after the resurrection. When the Bible talks about all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, as I mentioned in my opening statement, its a Greek word pas, which means, everyone, which would include Mary. Though I will say, as were going through them, I feel like Steves case is sort of like that tree in front of my house is a bush Im always trying to get just right, but they end up clipping so many parts off of it, its just a bunch of empty branches sitting there. It would behoove us, then, to follow in their example and praise the gift of Gods word that comes to us in these writings and critically examine arguments such as those presented by Steve Christie that would tempt us to reject a portion of Gods sacred revelation. So this question comes from Mitchell Godfrey, and Im going to just change his question a little because he said he is not going to be watching live. We honor our father who is in heaven, and we give honor to Mary, who is the mother of God that brought our savior into the world. Did they believe that the doctrine of Marys perpetual virginity violated the authority of scripture? By that argument, St. Anne would also have to be immaculately conceived. Themissionof Apologetics 315 is to provide educational resources for the defense of the Christian faith, with the goal of strengthening the faith of believers and engaging the questions and challenges of other worldviews. So feel free to answer that briefly. So theyre different contexts to examine, but thats not what were debating, whether scripture teaches it. It can mean sister of having the same mother and father, or of having just the same father, or just the same mother. I had mentioned about the word all, pas, all have sin and fall short of the glory of God. After leaving the Bills after the 2000 season, Christie played with the Chargers and Giants. Advertisement "God gave us the greatest apologist of this. And by the way, hi, Jeff. The apostle Paul affirms this in 1 Corinthians 15:22, In Adam all die. Meaning all of mankind spiritually, including Mary, which Paul clarifies in verses 47 to 49. Okay. Regarding the Immaculate Conception, the other Pope declared, but not infallibly, the most blessed Virgin Mary in the first instance of her conception was preserved free from all stain of original sin is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to believe firmly and constantly by all the faithful. Thats why he says theres no distinction among people in verse 22 or in Romans 3:9 Paul says All men, both Jews and Greeks are under the power of sin.. Debate: Do Protestants Have the Correct Old Testament Canon? And the same is true for us, that Mary was free from sin, but she still had an earthy body. This is make or break time. Then after being assumed into heaven, she would have a glorified body. Give the person you disagree with a listen, really try to understand where theyre coming from because if after hearing their position, you still disagree with it, at least youll be better informed about what Protestants or Catholics believe so you can better engage them and resist the temptation to attack straw met. Though a mere chip-shot, from 32 yards, the three-pointer enabled . As Christians, we should not believe things that contradict the Word of God. So then if Jesus was referred to as the carpenters son, and its a patronym, would this eliminate his brothers being older stepbrothers, according to the Protoevangelium of James? Other doctors like Ambrose, Augustine, Irenaeus and others in the early church, like Tertullian, Origen, Hillary of Portier, and seven popes believed Mary was either conceived in sin or committed acts of personal sin, including Thomas Aquinas, as late as the 13th century. So then it isnt literally saying every single human has sinned or every man has sinned. Who was the first person you could say, Yeah, thats my theology. Were going to talk about the dogmas of the faith. Timothy Michael Law, who serves as the co-editor of the Oxford Handbook on the Septuagint, says the deuterocanonical books were included in the Septuagint and that it would also be mistaken to imagine that they have never been read as divine Scripture.. Luke 2:7, Steve said, Well, look. But lets have this be the last response to a response, because then Im going to ask Trent to question, then you are going to get to respond to that. He is the host of the popular, award-winning film series on salvation history, . I addressed this a little bit during the debates of the specific Greek word [inaudible 01:21:19], which is translate full of grace or highly favored, even Jimmy Akin from Catholic answers that. Well, Matt, thank you so much for hosting this debate, Steve, thank you very much for agreeing to debate me again. So this would be an argument saying that it is fitting, therefore it is true. Steve Christie joins me this week to discuss how he got started in apologetics and why it is important. When it comes to ancient Jewish authors, Christians shouldnt be con-cerned if they, like most Jews today, didnt believe the deuterocanonical books were Scripture. Yes, and Christie admits they did, though he thinks we can discern which Jews had the correct canon of Scripture. In his recent book Why Protestant Bibles Are Smaller, Protestant apologist Steve Christie claims that all Christians should accept the Protestant Old Testament canon and reject the deuterocanonical books of Judith, Tobit, Baruch, Wisdom, Sirach, 1and 2 Maccabees, and portions of Daniel and Esther. He mentioned about the Septuagint. In Ineffabilis Deus, where immaculate conception is defined, the word unanimous appears once. By providing an accessible and growing repository of teaching materials, as well as providing a means of networking within the apologetics community, ourvisionis to be a significant educational resource for churches, campus groups, and Christians around the world. Great Scottish fiction writers who can conjour up a good descriptive s. Great Scottish fiction writers who can conjour up a good descriptive story. A four-month investigation found the late Ravi Zacharias leveraged his reputation as a world-famous Christian apologist to abuse massage therapists in the United States and abroad over more than. We use Christian Apologetics to discuss, interview, & debate for God's existence, & Christianity. Finally, the point about Mary dying, I think Steve was really missing this here. . Yep. But there are many problems with this speculative argument. . The Bible doesnt say that apostles are baptized, but it certainly seems quite fitting that they would be given everything else. This is actually based on Jeromes incorrect translation, where he used the word ipsa for she, rather than the corrected translation, which is ipsum for he, which is actually supported in Romans chapter 16 when it says, Jesus is the prince whose heel would be bruised.. Many of them did not believe in him. Yet, if Mary did not inherit the stain of original sin passed down from Adam, she would not have died and therefore no need to rescue her from death before her earthly life ended. Thanks for correcting me on that, Trent. There might be historical errors, for example, in some magisterial documents, talking about the history of a doctrine, whether a certain saint or father believed X, Y, or Z. Infallibility has a narrow sense and only covers what is specifically defined. Because I believe that, I think Steve would agree, baptism is at least an ordinance we ought to carry out. So thats another one. Please try again later. Christie, who grew up in Oakville, Ontario, graduated from The College of William and Mary and made his NFL debut with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1990. So theres nothing in scripture that contradicts that. Well, a lot to cover here. This is an example called eisegesis of Scripture. Both conditions were initially treatable, but he declined treatment. No, Im not saying that the use of the definite article means that Mary had only one child. I would say that this is a really important question and one for us to look at, that for Protestants and Catholics to have dialogue with one another and to get closer to the truth, I think its huge to be able to move from And what this debate is about, is about do these beliefs contradict Scripture? When Ive seen people in the chat say things like, Wouldnt you make your mother perfect? I dont like that argument. Steve Christie also has his own website. This also contradicts the biblical purpose of an assumption. Thanks. Christiaan Kappes. In his work The Bible is a Catholic Book, Akin notes of the Pharisees canon that the boundaries of this collection were still somewhat fuzzy. When Matthew 1:25 writes, Joseph kept Mary a virgin until she gave birth to a son, the specific Greek words [foreign language 00:02:06] when translated until, is used consistently in the New Testament to refer to a change in condition. Mary was able to do something that Jesus didnt. This is not the rule. Does the Bible ever say Mary was not assumed into heaven? [It undermines] the theory that there was a single canon by the late first century C.E. (The Scrolls and Biblical Traditions, 41-43). Perhaps John witnessed this event and then told others or this may have been given to John through some other kind of revelation. Or Steve could show Bible teaches the opposite of these dogmas in regard to every single human being without exception, which would include Mary. And we can safely assume that Jesus saw the body of Moses on the Mount of Transfiguration. To say here Richard [Bachum 00:28:46], for example, who rejects, a Protestant scholar who rejects the Perpetual Virginity of Mary says, Its strange Jesus is called the son of Mary in Mark 6:3, rather than the son of Joseph. But that would make sense if Jesus had been born of Josephs second wife, Mary. None of the authors of the deuterocanonical books refer to a delineated list of writings (Hebrew, Ketuvim) within a closed Hebrew canon that did not include their own works. The word savior is used consistently in the New Testament to refer to a savior of sins. And also I know others whove done a lot of work on this. Sorry, let me go back a little bit here with this. So lets stick with what scripture actually supports. And yeah, I would just encourage others, Ive always said this, I dont see debates as a way to end an issue. Paul himself reaffirms this in Romans 9:11. Theres a lot of people in scripture including Joseph that doesnt say anything that she gave birth to anybody and others that he didnt give birth to older step siblings of Jesus, so thats an argument from silence. In fact, Protestants believe in many doctrines that are not found in scripture like their 66 book cannon of scripture where that public revelation ended in the first century. Yes, and I also have a video about Protestant inconsistent use of typology where Protestants have no problem even seeing very rough connections, typologically, to Jesus in the Old Testament, but then apply a much harsher standard when those same typological connections or better ones show Mary in the Old Testament. Well, of course not. So it would-. And at basic, psalms 69, if you continue reading, it says that the Messiah was taking on the reproach of other people. No, of course not. Not Really Of Us: Why Do Children of Christian Parents Abandon the Faith? Why Is the Protestant Bible Shorter than the Catholic Bible? A fully independent, lay-run, 501(c)(3) ministry that receives no funding from the institutional Church, we rely entirely on the generosity of everyday people like you to keep this website going with trustworthy, fresh, and relevant content. By contrast, some quoted Sirach as a book of Scripture, though it was eventually excluded. And so it would fulfill the promise in Philippians 3:21 that says, Our bodies, lowly bodies, will be transformed like his heavenly body, Christ. . Steve Christie - Apologetics315 Debate: Do Protestants Have the Correct Old Testament Canon? Marys special, unique status and her being mother of God is something throughout the fathers, definitely. With the Bills, he would become one of the game's top kickers. An interview with Steve Baughman. Thats fine. He says in Philippians 3:7 that whatever gain he had as a Pharisee he counted as loss for the sake of Christ. In Galatians 1:13 he calls his Jewish zealotry a former way of life, and in 1 Corinthians 9:20 Paul explicitly says he was not under the Mosaic law, which was a non-negotiable belief for the Pharisees. After an in-depth study of the writings of the Church Fathers, both Steve and his wife Janet converted to the Catholic Church. However, he should have cited what Jimmy said immediately before that quote: It wasnt entirely clear to every group of Jews exactly what books belonged in the Old Testament., Akin goes on to write that Jesus and the apostles went a bit further than the Pharisees on the issue of the canon. We see this in Luke 3:1, and if these siblings are Jesuss adoptive siblings from Josephs previous marriage, theres absolutely no contradiction here whatsoever. 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