did father anthony mary leave ewtn


I wondered why have not seen you do the mass . I truly miss you at mass on TV. God bless you! I miss you and your homily Fr. We miss you. As many of you know, Father has a chronic health condition (not terminal), which means he wrestles with serious bouts of fatigue and has had to reduce his regular pastoral load. Your homilies were a great inspiration to me and enjoyed by my family! Will not go into that now, but, you continue to keep me wanting to hear mass and the daily rosary. God bless you! 1 Feb 2023. May GOD heal you and bring you back soon. God Bless you always! His loving and kind delivery is outstanding. Hoping for an update on your condition. My dad was born and raised in eastern Iowa not far from where Father Joseph was raised so I feel a connection ther also. Your Homilies are so full of love for Our Lord and humanity it feels like you are speaking directly to each of us. Been praying about and for you for MONTHS!! When I first discovered EWTN, I was immediately drawn to Fr.Anthonys homilies and I was excited to tune in and see when he was serving mass. Many thanks to all of you and especially, Fr. I will be praying for you health to return. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 MFVA - Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. For weeks I have been saying to the TV where is Fr. We hope to see him soon on the air. Yes, Ive been a fan of EWTN since my elderly mother introduced me They watch the daily mass and missed seeing you when you didnt came on . Know that you are missed, but kept in our hearts and prayers. I can still remember some of the homilies he has delivered and they are so touching and at times humorous. Hope to see him soon on EWTN Mass airings. May God continue to bless Father Anthony. I pray the Lord will heal you. May God grant you the healing and recovery you need to come back and officiate masses again. Dear Father Anthony Living in the state of Washington now, something is sorely missing in my life and both priests being it back to me. Praying to the Little Flower and St. Francis for the healing of Fr. Well continue to pray for you Fr Anthony. Anthony and may our blessed Lord heal and strengthen you. Well keep continuing to pray for his health and ministry. Thank you and God bless you. I think they have just told you about Fr. FATHER, I JUST WANTED TI THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE YOU HAD ABOUT THOSE CATHOLICS WHO WERE DIVORCED. My brother always watches the daily Mass as he cant attend. I received a call from my mother in Nigeria asking why Fr Anthony Mary has not been on EWTN. Someone should mention him at mass, I MISS Father Anthony, I hope for your returnwe all have crosses to bear, please return soon .Take care Father, and many prayers sent March 10, 2022. I rebuke your ailment in the precious name, body and blood of Jesus Christ. We have been praying for you each day. Anthony may Our Lady take good care of you! My Mom who was 91 and passed away a little over a year ago always enjoyed your homilies. God bless you. I continue to watch old ones. I truly miss his homily that is clearly understood by me. ! , Dear Father Anthony my friends and I have been wondering why you havent been saying Mass on EWTN. Dear Father Anthony I look forward to your return. Please Friars give us some updates. MAKES ONE WONDER. I do truly miss your presence at Mass and you sermons. Anthonys getting back to good health and returning to celebrating daily mass. It was when Fr William Kiel was giving a Retreat in September 2017. ANTHONY MARY MY ENTIRE FAMILY ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY MASS AND HOMILIES. Prayers for Fr. Anthony and his quick return. For all you did, serving as a beacon that helped keep the catholic faith life on, with masses -homilies and Holy Communion, during the COVID pandemic is greatly appreciated. You did the mass and we met you briefly after mass. Sorry to hear about his illness. God Bless you abundantly, Father Antony! I love youdearest Father Anthony, come back soon! FR. Finally..only today I read the comments here about Fr. If it our Holy Will bring Father Anthony back to the daily MASS on our beloved EWTN. Please EWTN if some priest are ill and we do not see them offering Mass , we audience miss them . God had showered His Grace abundantly you both. I watch the Mass every day. As a shut-in, I watch EWTN every day and miss his wonderful homilies, hoping he will return soon. As I join the many who are praying for you now, I claim healing for you according to Gods will in Jesus name. I noticed that Fr. God bless him and all at EWTN for the wonderful work you do. really miss you not saying Mass hope you are able to come back soon. Anthony and anxiously await his return . I always love to listen to your homily, sometimes pretty humorous. I miss your good sermon, hopping God willing will come back ewtn. Father Anthony Mary Update - MFVA - Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word The Tower of Babel and the Way of the Cross A Connection between St. Therese of Lisieux and EWTN Why Tremble? I dont have television service at home so its was always a special time sharing the Mass with Irene. You always put a smile on my face. God bless you! Anthony will be able to return to lead us through a Mass and his wonderful homilies?I am not even Catholic but an Episcopalianhowever, I end my days watching the Mass for many reasons and it is so similar to an Episcopal Mass-I hope he gets well soon, not just for me but for himself and all the people who miss himhe is greatly loved and missed.. Gods Name is Mercy. Briefly, he discussed Pope Francis's airplane call for schism, put that into a . We, the people can give this situation to Jesus. My Dear Fr. Ive missed you Fr. Get well soon. Dear Friends at EWTN And I believe God resides very well in your hEART and SOUL. He is in my prayers. Pax et Bonum. Knew YOURE AN INSPIRING PRIEST AND YOUR PRESCENCE THROUGH EWTN IS ANOTHER BLESSING IN OUR LIVES! You are a true gift from God and is very much blessed with the true zeal of your vocation! Please know that you will be in my prayers that you will soon be able to resume your Priestly ministers. The servers and Choir members and keeps us up to date on whats going onit is truly a family atmosphere.so I will pray for you every day until you feel strong enough to return to saying Mass..May GOD Bless you and keep you in His loving care. Father Joseph Mary, I did not know how to contact you. Please know you are much loved. Prays for your complete recovery. Dr. Andrew C Smith. Looking forward to your homilies. I am so glad to hear that Fr Anthony will be returning. Sincerely In Christ Jesus, I pray your health continue to get better And you continue to give us Gods good news. May God richly bless you. Have a Blessed day. NOW TODAY I CAN RECEIVE THE SACRAMENTS! I have greatly missed you and your awesome homilies! We just need to pray constantly, consistently and persistently in good faith, after all, this is what all Catholics are good at, that we all ought to pray for one another. 2. Father Tony.. .you are sooo missed! I do hope your illness heals soon as we do miss you and hope for you recovery. I consider you a family member! I enjoy the daily mass very much but I do miss seeing Fr. I always check to see if you are doing the mass for the day. God, grant Fr Anthony (and the other Friars) all the graces they need to grow in your holiness. Hope to see you back to EWTN soon! God bless you. It drove me to the internet and discovered this site. Amen. I hope Father is doing well. Oh Dear Jesus I will pray for you and you family. Will look forward to his smilies and bright homilies! We miss you and are keeping you in our prayers. You will be in my prayers as you recover. Anthony. May God btless you. I enjoyed his gentle, kind, soothing voice. . All of the priests are wonderful.. My family in Minnesota misses you to no end at the EWTN daily Mass. Thank you for your homilies and thank you for your strong faith. LOL Still miss Fr. You are needed in more than one place! Please restore Father Anthonys health. I pray for your continued healing. Before entering religious life, he attended Christendom College for a short time and then returned home and worked for a local business. Anthony Mary I miss his gentle voice, sweet smile and spiritually inspiring homilies. miss seeing you and hearing your voice on tv. , Dear Father Anthony, My dear Father Anthony Mary, I used to look forward to your homilies. Anthony, so you can continue saying masses on EWTN. to your network two or three years ago. God bless you. . You are my favorite-you touch my heart. My 97 year old Mom listens to the Mass every day, God Love Her. Fr. From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Father, your pastoral gentleness and devotion speak volumes about Our Lord , our Redeemer. They feel connected when hearing familiar prayers and songs they are able still able to participate in (EVEN IF ONLY ABLE TO HUM THE TUNE). He was canonized in 1950 and listed in the Roman Calendar in 1960. Frank T from Seattle I pray that your dear twin sister look down upon you in her prayers for your rapid return to good health! Esperemos es Dios padre que pronto se recupere. Im glad to hear I can look forward to your return. Just know that I miss your presence as I was the mass. Gods Blessing. I think that God inspired me to search for Fr. You always gave great homilies that I felt you were talking directly to me. His homilies & gentle manner are much missed. Father Anthony We both believe that this is the life God chose for us and we have total trust in him. My old-lady boss liked his way of doing the homily. We have missed you but continue to pray for you to have a healing from the LORD. He does not preach AT YOU but provides Christs message FOR YOU.. GOD SPEED Father Anthony. I pray for you as you prayed for us. We miss you and your wonderful homilies. I guess you really made a serious impact on my life. Anthony, I am praying for you. See your DR, drink filtered water, eat healthy, exercise, less stress, but most of all, get closer to Our Lord. YOURE SADLY MISSED AND YOU CONTINUE TO BE IN OUR PRAYERS He always enthusiastically and lively delivers his sermon with his gestures and humor. I hope that Fr. We miss you dearly. Had missed his Mass on EWTN which I often enjoyed with his humour. I had the honor to see you on TV. None of the other priest can hold my attention that I would watch them twice a day like I would you. Father Anthony please get well. Take good care and may God bless you always, Hi Fr. I pray for the day that you are able to return. Get well soon!! When will Father Anthony return. Often wondered what happened and how you were doing . I enjoy hearing, and relating to, his personal experiences. Im praying for you and hope that you can get back to giving short homilies every once in a while soon. Ed Condon, the Washington bureau chief, told NCR that he made the decision to leave on his own. Take care Father cant wait to have you back soon. of deepening my Catholic faith journey. I enjoy the celebration of the Holy Mass and always looked forward to your homilies, your beautiful heart, and joyful beautiful bright smile. We love your homilies. Dear Father Anthony: Hope you are feeling better. Many prayers for your healing and return. I am so grateful for EWTN! Praying that well see you soon. Required fields are marked *. Can you please post an update on Father Anthonys condition? He is able to connect past present and future and create a heartful understanding of Christs Word. Miss seeing you and listening to your homilies. We are praying for your quick return to health. knowing that you have health problems i will pray that our Lord may restore your health and grant you well being. Praying for your quick recovery so we can see your smiling face and your wonderful sense of humor Gods Blessings and we love you. I really miss his homilies and I was wondering what happened to him. Have a beautiful day,,,,. We miss Father Anthonys great homilies. God bless you and Our Lady keep you. We miss his personality, wit and goodness. May Mary, our Blessed Mother wrap you with her mantle and help you heal. Now I know I will be praying harder for him. This makes me very sad. So I just checked to see if you were okay. I had so much hope in you just as much as Mother Anglica. Anthony for awhile now. During this pandemic, I have spent a lot of time watching EWTN. For so long I have been wondering about what has happened to you. I pray for you every day. dear fr anthony.miss you terribly your masses and homilies..just read about your health issues.may the LORD grant you good health.looking forward to see ing you at Mass soon.praying for you. I pray for you and all our priests from EWTN. My prayers and God bless you from India. I miss you very much. Dear Lord, Thanks for sharing the news about Fr. God bless you., we hope we get priest like you who are authentic and tRUE. Love in Christ and the help of Our Lady be with you as we move towards the end of the Christmas Season and into 2020 I hope you return to our screens soon but am sure you have intentions even while you struggle with your fatigue.. Happy New Year! Please God, may he return soon. Fr. May this special Divine Mercy feast find you healed totally. I totally understand your illness. I too wish the priests at EWTN would at least give an update on how you are doing. Fr. Keep praying for us, and listen to your Mother Mary.rest and prayLet the Lord do the rest..! Ive also placed your name under my St. Joseph statue; as I would have put you under St. Anthony, St. Joseph has a nifty little drawer! Anthony on the EWTN alter delivering his soul soothing homilies. Anthony, I hope and pray that youre feeling better. Take care and will ask the Blessed Mother to take you into her motherly arms and ask Jesus to help you get well. I pray for him EVERY DAY! I hope and pray you will return very soon! Fr. my dear Father Anthony,,you are truly my favorite,,I missed seeing and hearing you on EWTN I will ask my community, Our Lady Queen of Peace, to pray also for the restoration of your health so that you can resume Gods work for you are greatly missed and greatly loved. Fr Anthony, we love you and await your return to EWTN. Thank you and God bless you all. We all missyou so much. Anthony. We all enjoy your jolly homilies, teaching us about the importance of a loving heart in the Glory of Our Lord. We will both be praying for him and hope he gets all the rest he greatly desirves. Hope you are back soon! You are the first priest I saw and listened to when I discovered EWTN and your homilys wre so good I watched every nigh. Dear Father Anthony Mary, We have missed you for months, and I checked the website a month or two ago and was concerned. In all seriousness you have NO idea how much we miss you. LOOKING FORWARD TO The mother was fired from EWTN and Stone was put on long-term leave of absence, according to Jefferson County court documents. Thank you for giving us an update. Amen. Ma famille et moi vous gardons dans nos prires.. All the Rev Frs are doing a great job. God Bless !!! You set a great example for everyone. May God bless you for the inspiration that you have given me and my family. He has a lot of love for others, and his smile touches peoples hearts. Fr. We love all of you and pray for you. Dear Father Anthony, Our Lord has a funny way of showing us that, but we know that He is good and loving always. Father Anthony, I miss you. Anthony. for you and misses you. Missing Father Anthony, in prayer for his condition of health to be restored soon and can return to give us the homilies full of the Holy Spirit, as well as seeing him smile with his cute spirit of joy and kindness sharing with all his community. I will be praying for Father Anthony Mary- I saw him take vows on EWTN TV many years ago-and always loved him. You are in our prayers. father anthony, Any way I am grateful for small mercies. Peace be with you! I hope and pray that someday very soon we will be able to share/watch the Mass being celebrated by our dear Fr. Fr. I had 8 surgeries in total over the course of 4 years. Anthony Mary. I hope youll be back soon as so many hungered for your homily. If, his health permits, perhaps, he could celebrate Mass on EWTN on a limited basis, during special holidays. Youre greatly missed but I am hopeful that the Lord with his mercy will provide you with all the blessings you need. Miss Father Anthony at mass on EWTN. Blessings for the work you do. Love, Peace, and Prayer from Theresa Baker & Family, Long Beach, CA, Father Anthony I miss your masses hope to see you soon God bless you and the rest of the guys love you all, I finally was able to find this page to have at least a word about Fr. My prayers and good thoughts are with you until then. has always provided a lovely start to the day and we are grateful for his daily offerings when the scola (sic) is not present. Miss your wit and your wonderful messages. Bendiciones. Please do update of his recovery. I and my cousin, Arline miss you and are praying for you. My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness. -2 Corinthians 12:9 Today I googled and found out youve been ill. Fr. I can identify with the symptoms mentioned on this page. Thank you for the update Mary! Anthony Mary. Anthony is resting and taking care of his health issues and I continue to pray for his recovery and enjoyed his wit and his great homilies. YES, I TOO WONDER WHERE FR ANTHONY IS. You have brought Richie and I through some very rough times ,one being Richie accident and loss of his leg and the struggles we have been through ,Please know we miss you and are praying for your return .With Gods love and prayers we hope to see you back soon.. Thank you Father Anthony for all you do for EWTN, Ive missed you and pray for you and continued good health., God bless you and keep you safe.. A little humor in that statement, but I want and people need you back. Father, I have been wondering where you were at morning Mass for the past several months. Im here in Presidio, Texas but is looking forward to meet you in the future. I too had a bout with illness that knocked me down. in. ROSEMAARY. Anthony from the EWTN Mass. I just spoke with her for Mothers Day and she mentioned Father Anthony Mary again so I offered to see what I could find. He can be assured he will be in my prayers. Chronic illness is often a tough and complicated journey. I have written you letters in the past with timely correspondence. We are praying for Father Anthony and his health, and we all look forward to seeing him again soon. Anthony say mass. I look forward to you returning to EWTN,. May God bless you always! Often wondered what happened to you Fr. It is still very sad. Anthony Mary. Do please pray for us. Thank God for EWTN, and for priests like Father Anthony. Anthony, this message is past due. I pray that he is still recovering. Now that i know, I will pray for his complete healing to the Holy Eucharist . Anthony and was wondering what has happened to him, so I decided to search for him today. Anthony Mary, MFVAoriginally is from Cologne, Minnesota. Get well soon and come back soon! We will keep you in our prayers as well as all your brother Friars and all. After a year and some, we pray you are closer to being back on EWTN to say the Mass. We got into a conversation with Hellen over what has happened and I decided to look into the situation! Anthony Mary and his homilies. As a secular Carmelite our mission is to pray for Priests. You have been gone since Mother passed away are you still with the Franciscan priests? Anthony Mary, we miss you but pray that your health will be restored. Our Lady Mother Mary cover you with Her mantle and protect you. God bless EWTN. Fr Anthony , I miss you very much, but you need to rest. Fr Anthony, you were the first celebrant I saw and for over many weeks after that, it was in you that I found spiritual healing, in you that gave me strength when questions of faith arose and in you that I experience that the Gospel was alive. Joseph Mary brother of Fr. May God Bless YOU. PRAYERS being sent for Father Anthony God Bless. I miss the Real world homilies , Mich like those of the OBLATE), (OSFS) that I studied under, many former military chaplains. You are missed. searching something to watch on satellite, I found EWTN, I stopped there because of the holy mass. Interestingly, I was just wondering and thinking of one of my favorite priest who is Father Anthony Mary and one thing led to another, I googled where is father Anthony Mary at EWTN today? And there he was on the Jim and Joy Program. I just googled his name to find out that he is not well. I work many hours and I also travel for work. February 20, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews) - Papal confidante Father Antonio Spadaro retweeted a call for EWTN to be severely censured "until they get rid of Raymond. As you know we are being tested. You are so authentic and dear to so many. We lived in very rural Va and there was frequently no daily mass. did not even know Fr Anthony Mary had been sick other than the fact of not seeing him in either church. Father Anthony, I am so grateful you re back. I am happy to know where youve been Fr Anthony now I know to pray for you in a special way. God bless you, Father!!. May God bless you with good health here on in. Peace be with you! making your way back, slowly but surely, after a spell of health issues. ODD, NO ON EVEN SPEAKS OF HIM ON EWTN. Anthony may soon be back. So Be It. We clearly need to slow down and sit stillbecause your mind, body, and soul requires it. Sending prayers for your health and recovery. Hurry. I am so happy I finally found out what happened to our beloved Fr Anthony. Take care Father Anthony since I really miss your homilies. Well continue to pray for you Fr Anthony. sending love and prayers to Fr. the air lately .Missed your mass and of course God Bless. I hope your feeling better, I miss listening to you.may God help you,and the love of all your families.pray for youMizpahby of genesis31-49,. David Stone, 54, formerly known as Father Francis Mary Stone, was host of the TV program "Life on the Rock" on Eternal Word Television Network. We love and miss that smiling face and your wonderful homilies. I learnt today that Father is poorly, I definitely will start praying for his speedy recovery. Kinda like Im missing a favorite grandson PLUS my priest. Anytime I see Father Joseph Mary I see Father Anthony Mary in my mind. Sometimes we dont rest when we need to. Always made me see how things werent so bad. Anthonys recovery & return May Jesus and His Blessed Mother grant Fr. All the EWTN priests are superb but he is definitely our favorite, the model priest. Ive missed you and was wondering where youve been. Today I have located the reason for your absence. We will always be grateful to Fr. Father Anthony , miss you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Dear Fr. hello father anthony i am still waiting for you to come back on ewtn tv let jesus and mary take over . We miss you Fr. Thankfully, she has been cured. I am known at EWTN as a donor etc but dont use a website yet because am not very technical. Priestly ministers Blessed Mother to take you into her motherly arms and ask Jesus to help you heal true from. My grace is sufficient for you for your homilies him take vows on EWTN my life us and we you... God SPEED Father Anthony since I really miss his wonderful homilies, he. Power is made perfect in weakness may our Blessed Mother to take you into her arms. Face and your PRESCENCE THROUGH EWTN is ANOTHER BLESSING in our LIVES am known EWTN... 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did father anthony mary leave ewtn

did father anthony mary leave ewtn

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