billy carson underground city


They are, in the final analysis, the people who power our drive for lasting customer satisfaction, sustained financial performance and increasing shareholder value. For over a decade, Billy Carson has been actively involved in changing the lives of people around the world. This section of events is not described nor remembered in any text. For Roerich, Shambhala was linked not only to the myth of the Holy Grail but literally connected to the Altay Mountains in Central Asia via a series of underground tunnels that joined it to Belovode, the "Land of White Waters" from Siberian mythology. Meanwhile, I was stuck at the base, all work having come to a halt. The magical light produced by the energy shield was being reflected in wonderful sparks and shades on the rocky walls of the mountain. You can hardly imagine the feelings I had in those moments. It was dusk, shortly after Jesus was removed from the cross. I step inside and my eyes adjust to the beautiful coloration that seems to be filling the room completely. I have purposefully and obviously omitted certain specific data that can lead to identifying the mountain area where the big discovery was made. The listing says each apartment has TV, Internet with security, a modern HVAC system and environmental monitoring sensors. Out of that group a strange man came out. The Americans reacted violently as the declaration would have shattered their planetary influence in a second. have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extend a full 800 kilometers to the opposite side of the country. Cezar told me that there are very important persons in our political and administrative system who, quite fortunately, know about the abominable practices of the Masons and are strongly opposed to their influence, especially with regards to taking over the great discovery in the Bucegi Mountains. I saw, in a dramatic course of images, the life of Jesus and His crucifixion, denied by some even nowadays. All of the events I described to you have occurred since last week. PSD_F-61-3_Basement PSD-F-61-3_Family Shelter Designs (Part 3 of 8), PSD-F-61-3_Basement Concrete Block Shelter. Then he asked her if she had come with any of her sons or at least with her daughter. (Charlie Riedel/AP Photo) Minot Air Force Base, according to its website, is the "only dual-wing nuclear capable base in the Air Force, hosting two legs of the Strategic Triad." The 5th Bomb Wing operates 26 nuclear-capable B-52 bombers, while the 91st Missile Wing operates 150 . Multiple shelters can be connected into underground communities. The upper level features the executive apartments, while the lower level is equipped with everything you could need to maintain a post-apocalyptic society: from a classroom to a weapons room, and even a guest bathroom (you never know what kind of alien visitors Planet Earth might get after the rest of the human race is wiped out.). But, where did they know all that from? I asked. I felt that, even though there was still much to be told, he preferred not to tell me any more at this time. I can say that they were the extraordinary magnet of his being for anyone who came closer to talk to him. Nicholas Roerich had powerful and influential friends and two of themLouis L. Horch, a successful Wall Street currency broker, and Henry A. Wallace, Franklin D. Roosevelts secretary of agriculture and, later, his vice presidentwould respectively fund Roerichs two lengthy expeditions in the Far East. As we approach, the city seems to be made of a crystal material. Sphinx above the tunnels in the film and also above the tunnels in Bucegi? There Lies a World Hidden, The net worth of Billy Carson is estimated at $60 million. Lower left inset shows Shufelt operating his radio X-ray device. When the Bible was written the vocabulary was much smaller than it is now. The woman looked at him troubled because she hasn't mentioned anything about this and then started to cry. Image attached. Digging further and we found some bones of the feet, as big as the wine stakes. The film reveals the discovery of a vast megalithic metropolis, thousands of years old, reaching several levels below the Giza plateau. One can assume that these places are the technogenic civilization and gene pool of humanity). A doorway radiating energy with 3 tunnels by the Giza Sphinx, Tunnels that cross almost every historic area. Previous spots have been available for purchase in bunkers in Arizona, Texas and elsewhere, but this one is the only privately-owned bunker of its kind on the East Coast, according to the realtor. Factory TV free jeff sotzing jim fowler joan embrey johnny carson king of late-night late night podcast roku shout factory tv streaming the johnny carson show tubi tv What Is A Manifestation Journal. An amazing labyrinth of underground passages and caverns hundreds of feet below the surface of Fort Moore Hill is revealed in maps all rights to which have been reserved prepared by G. Warren Shufelt, local mining engineer, who explains his topographical endeavors as being based on results obtained from a radio X-ray perfected by him. And at the same time, Ive realized that among the subtle threads of causal links, there was a very powerful connection between her and Christ. We assumed that the Vatican might fully ignore this information because there was no concrete evidence, only some written reports. Very strange! The crash site was in a remote area at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters (about 6,560 feet) in the mountains, according to the ministry. They immediately decided to continue the research under the exclusive command of the General and me. It's true; but meanwhile, we've discovered this device. said Cezar, showing me the pedestal on which a semi-transparent cylinder was placed. Our mission is to provide a safe haven for 115 members in our coop underground shelter community. How can they find the helicopter but not find the bodies with it? The iris identification system resets itself after five seconds which is enough to cross the entrance line into the gallery and beyond the gates gliding system. Mr. McCarthy is the principle engineer of RADIUS ENGINEERING, INC. and the leading expert designing 'high-tech' WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) shelters. It is as if they wanted to leave us this invaluable treasure but did not want us to know who they were. One of the things mentioned in the book is joint armies around the World guarding the entrance to the tunnel. Things that most people will not be able to digest or believe but would make absolute sense if any deep research into our past and history were undertaken. However, most generally agree that Agharta and Shambhala seem to be closely connected, either as being one and the same place, or as two totally opposed realms, one of light and goodness the other of darkness and evil. [34][35][36], Carson is also the founder of Pantheon Elite Records. This might be included in a possible fifth volume. After the show theyve received an anonymous phone threat. Only two of them didn't share that opinion which undoubtedly came from a vain perception of reality. He is the founder of 4biddenknowledge TV, a TV network known for showcasing conscious documentaries and shows. What are The Different Types of Real Estate Syndication Structures. Later, Cezar told me it was time to go back to the base as my access time to the Projection Room had reached its limit. It moves us toward the glowing city with great swiftness. Billy Carson is the 'Best Selling' author of 'The Compendium of The Emerald Tablets.' Carson is also an expert host on the new original streaming series by Gaia named Deep Space. The projections appear by themselves, but at the same time, they are interactive and depend on the one who watches them and touches the surface of the table.. What they discovered at Mount Kailash in Tibet lead to everything that happened in Antarctica. Billy has an extraordinary personality, inspiring him to seek programmes and avenues to explore that curiosity while pursuing advancement. Nobody knew the cause but everybody suspected something very serious and important was happening. This website was made using 100% recycled electrons. Unfortunately, I have not had the possibility of understanding how it works yet. This eBook assists in designing and building an underground home / dwelling on the cheap. If his diary is true then it very much connects to this page. In spite of his troubles, Kodak is working to better himself. But if you're looking to make a podcast of your own, that's something we can help you with. "Yes, my son," replied the Master, "the dark ages that will come now for your race will cover the Earth like a pall, but I believe that some of your race will live through the storm, beyond that, I cannot say. Specifically, his space agency is involved in research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero point energy devices. Cezar told me they drew samples from it that had been sent for preliminary analysis to the lab inside the base, but they had not received any results. Our mission is to provide a safe haven for 115 members in our coop underground shelter community. The discussions between the American officials and the Romanian officials took place without an interpreter. He even communicated he would put at the Romanian States disposal certain ancient documents from the Secret Archives of the Papal administration that are very important for Romania and support the proofs of the discovery in the mountains. Billy Carson is also a musician and song writer with music in distribution worldwide under his artist name, 4biddenknowledge. PSD-F-61-6_Family Shelter Designs (Part 6 of 8) - PSD-F-61-6_Below Ground Corrugated Steel Culvert PSD-F-61-6_Family Shelter Designs (Part 6 of 8), PSD-F-61-6_Below Ground Corrugated Steel Culvert Shelter (Part 6 of 8) Tick, Giant seats and tables in film and Bucegi? portrayed on an ancient parchment in Egypt. It was about two meters away from the board and represented the Earth viewed from about twenty-five kilometers away in the atmosphere. They were vaguely lit by a green light. Where are we! Billy Carson Interviews Dr. Steven Greer Declassified UFO's by 4biddenknowledge Podcast 4 4 Well, this is embarrassing! I quickly understood these projections were main aspects of the extremely ancient past of humanity. The holographic images from the projection room in Romania were only an overview of the history and earth and man. Finally, after two hours of discussion and consultation, a final collaboration agreement was reached, with precise terms that balanced the interests of both countries. The controls refuse to respond!! Isn't the idea to make money on the contracts? I asked Cezar what was the extraordinary mystery behind these three tunnels. Everything seemed frozen in time. 4 Beds. Cezar told me to step on the surface of the square and in front of the little dome over its middle. In front of each of them, at about six or eight meters away, other control desks could be seen. (Thomas Jefferson), " No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the ( California State ) legislature is in session " - Mark Twain ( with Gunny's surgical addition in parentheses ), Don't EVER stop learning - it can save your life !!! Digging on a hill, the villagers discovered huge skeletons, measuring about 2.40 meters, even more. Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. Later in 2019, he enrolled on a course on Ancient civilization at Harvard University. View more posts, Your email address will not be published. We cannot otherwise explain the gigantic dimensions of some objects in here. What really caught my eye was a big square placed on the right side of the board towards the bottom corner. We are talking about the tip of an iceberg. Exactly! he confirmed. The orders that followed one after the other, revoking each other, were either strong or evasive and showed the existence of a big tension. The lost city, dug with powerful chemicals by the Lizard People instead of pick and shovel, was drained into the ocean, where its tunnels began, according to the legend. Tibet holds MANY secrets and is probably worthy of a page as long as this one. The SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt as early as 1978, mapping an extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids. While walking towards the gallery Cezar recalls the first time he entered here I got back to the base as fast as I could and entered the Americans room where I was also received by General Obadea, Cezar continued to tell me. The Presidential Counsellor was violently thrown to the ground even though the contact between his skin and the barrier was very light. Cezar is an obvious help to him in this regard, and he has emphasized to me that he has only included a very small part of the discussions he has had with Cezar as well as other people. Back then, the problem was addressed in a completely different manner., Did they come from an unknown solar system? I told you I was going to propose this very special experience to you. So firmly does Shufelt and a little staff of assistants believe that a maze of catacombs and priceless golden tablets are to be found beneath downtown Los Angeles that the engineer and his aides have already driven a shaft 250 feet into the ground, the mouth of the shaft being on the old Banning property on North Hill street overlooking Sunset Boulevard, Spring street and North Broadway. media. The side of the square measured three meters and its almost smooth surface was golden yellow. During his tenure at this firm, Carson secured a $20,000,000 fund and coordinated with architects and construction teams to build an underground city in NW Georgia. They like to hide things in plain sight, to reveal truths in small stages. On the contrary, I felt a sort of a release and inner freedom at the thought that mans soul is thus made whole again. Actually, Jesus spoke more about it and even in two stages. Asia-Off-Grid submitted a new resource: As I approached, I said, "It is all right, Howie, it is all right." alumnus with his Certificate of Science (emphasis in Neuroscience), Billy Carson is the founder of 4BiddenKnowledge and two-time best-selling author of The Compendium of the Emerald Tablets, He currently owns and manages over a dozen social media accounts, with followers totaling over 4 million. The two pillars play an important part in our history and the story of the wise men and a 4th person coming through after them were recorded much earlier still. And here is the other thing: This book is right for any point in history. "Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master". Nobody spoke in those moments and his presence, standing like that, was so majestic and dignified that I saw that everyone present had bowed their heads, looking at the ground. Even more, it could have thrown into chaos the economy of their country, maybe even the economy of the whole world. I tug at the controls again. Our exclusive community will feature a spacious underground mini city equipped with urgent care, dentist, psychologist, hair stylist, tactical and communications specialist, networking engineer and 2 diesel engine mechanics. The management team leading Radius Engineering International Inc. into the fast paced and growing world of the shelter protection industry is comprised of highly skilled, experienced professionals dedicated and totally focused on establishing and maintaining leadership in the industry. Shortly, I felt that it actually was alive but in a very special way that I couldnt explain to those present.. Without going into the subject too deeply, she was told that there are seven Root Races of beings destined to occupy the earth, and that we present-day humans are the Fifth such Race. Mostly, the answer is affirmative. In this new Gaia original docuseries explore sacred geometry, ancient traditions, hidden history, quantum physics, binaural beats, brainwave patterns, music theory, and more to learn about frequencies in nature and our vibrational multiverse. Mount Kailash is close to 2 lakes (Manasarovar and Rakshastal) which represents the Sun and a half Moon (highly significant!). Some representatives of the Vatican were sent for discussions. Massini said that no matter how hard they tried, they couldnt penetrate the energetic wall but he didnt give me any more details. The Earths precession cycle of 25,920 years brings the constellations, in their relative position to our planet, to the same spot at periods of time that are a multiple of 26,000 years each. They were similar to the one placed in the middle of the hall but smaller than that. The sphinx is an important guardian to these tunnels and there is not one but TWO Sphinx connected to this. He wrote Das Dritte Auge (subsequently banned) about Samadhi caves on mount Kailash. Actually, that was the main reason they invoked strong-arm tactics. It is delicious. [7][8][9][10], Billy Carson has been featured in several media outlets including Inc, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, Yahoo, HuffPost, and others. Mr. Carson also helped fund the building of the rock climbing wall in the youth center. CBN earmarks N22bn for entertainment industry Cezar told me that nobody was aware of the use of those giant devices. There were moments of great panic and even terror among those involved in this operation as no one knew the real cause creating the current tension. 1145 Hours- I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! No matter how weird it would seem to you, we have had no clue up to this moment. Secondary ramifications of the latter tunnel led towards an area under Buzau, close to the Carpathians curve, and then towards a subterranean assembly in Iraq that is close to Baghdad. Initially, theyve almost panicked. I understood that he already knew the course of the story. I saw what really happened during the Big Flood as well as the germs of the human civilization that followed it and how they later populated Europe, Asia and Africa. I also saw lightening and threatening storms that were higher than the others. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! 3.5 Baths. There was only one such line of signs on each tables width. We were making holes, to plant saplings, when we found a human head, as big as a pumpkin. We stopped at the line of demarcation between the Big Gallery and the gigantic hall inside the mountain that held the hemispherical energy shield. The dead one must have been very big.". It is even given a name: Agharti. "Farewell, my son" he spoke, then he gestured with a lovely, slender hand a motion of peace and our meeting was truly ended. None of these tables were shorter than two meters high. This can be the only hope for mankind. I am placed under strict control via the national security provisions of this United States of America. Quickly, we walked back through the great door of the Master's chamber and once again entered into the elevator. Surface World, I half-gasp under my breath! I saw Jesus suddenly look tot he right towards a small group of people. They are closing rapidly alongside! "From this point I write all the following events here from memory. Apparently, the last such update took place around 500 A.D. No one knew, however, the reason why the historical information stopped at that time. PSD-F-61-3_Family Shelter Designs (Part 3 of 8) - Basement Concrete Block Shelter Sports personality, musician, entrepreneur, and scientist; these and more are some of the fields that New York-born Billy Carson has ventured into across his career. Interviews Dr. Steven Greer Declassified UFO & # x27 ; s by 4biddenknowledge Podcast 4 4 Well, this embarrassing. They were the extraordinary mystery behind these three tunnels surface was golden yellow by... Hidden, the villagers discovered huge skeletons, measuring about 2.40 meters, even more, it could thrown. Section of events is not billy carson underground city but two sphinx connected to this what the! Has n't mentioned anything about this and then started to cry each tables width be in! Described to you lives of people around the world the entrance to the opposite side of whole! It very much connects to this moment out of that group a man! 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billy carson underground city

billy carson underground city

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