NOTE: Caber Toss will now be slightly stronger with short combos, and slightly weaker with long combos. We have removed this RAPID option to make armor frames more closely match parry frames: if you guess right, the opponent cannot escape, > Pork's Chop armor have been moved earlier so they can armor out of 2 light attacks when done back-to-back, Fixed gameplay bug where you could KO during Tutorials, Fixed UI bug where the transition of Character Select > Loading would lag, making the Character Select screen seem unresponsive, Fixed UI bug where menu buttons were too large in Training Mode > Character Select, Fixed rare network bug when it tried to reconnect to the Replay database, Fixed gameplay bug where Caber Toss played its sound clip twice, Buffed BURST: Hitbox is slightly taller, making it easier to hit when getting juggled, Changed Garlic: Sneak now appears slightly lower, Added more emotes: Rematch, LastOne, Nice, Oops, Yeh, Nah, Lag, Fixed gameplay bug where Hopkick > Roundhouse was missing pushboxes for a few frames, Updated stage selection to possibly default to Notebook (before, Notebook was choosable, but never the default choice), Added launch values to the hitstun column in Frame Data Menu, Nerfed Beef: Lemon hitstun reduced 44 > 40, Nerfed Beef: Lemon blockstun reduced 44 > 32, Fixed Lemon and Swat cancels to be marked as Recovery frames (vs Startup frames) so you can now punish them with throws, NOTES: With the recent addition of "Indecisive Lemon" (aka empty cancel), we are trying to change Lemon from a high risk, high reward move to something that more actively shapes Beef's neutral. proceed exit Six new Halloween skins have been added - one for each character, The skins will only be here for one day. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. 2010 - 2023 Cyprezz LLC. You can show it via the Training popup menu, Online: Improved clock sync algorithm to be less error-prone, Changed Noodle: Fist now does a normal amount of pushback on block (it was previously 0 pushback), Maintenance: Fixed bug where FAQ, Todo, and Changelog wouldn't load, Maintenance: Fixed bug where developer tools were accessible on production, Nerfed Pork: Caber Toss throw range decreased 0.6 > 0.8 (reverts 0.54.1), Character Select: Fixed bug where the incomplete boss character "Mystery Meat" was selectable, Versus CPU: Rebalanced Secret Spice and added Backflip, Versus CPU: You can no longer pick custom rounds/time for Boss Fights, Gameplay: Fixed landing frames after BURST to be coded as Recovery instead of Startup, Gameplay: Fixed "gap" frames, the frames in between actives frames for multi-hit attacks, to be coded as Startup instead of Recovery, Frame Data: Menu has been updated accordingly (more info about gap frames coming in a future patch), Training: Fixed bug where reseting position and/or loading state erased your input recording, Training: If looping playback while you reset positions, the loop will now restart after reset, Training: If looping playback while you save state, the loop will resume at the same time on load state, Gameplay: Fixed bug where throws could not Counter Hit. example : DGN | shygybeats (Dank Broccoli #4227) - Tough Love Arena 5,240 views Aug 3, 2022 Getting into fighting games can require a lot of investment: time, equipment, money. . Kiosk Mode: Removed introduction, patch notes, and EULA, Kiosk Mode: Removed "Play Online" from the main menu, Kiosk Mode: Automatically open the controller config when a new controller is plugged in, Maintenance: Added alternate boot option for manual testing, Character Select: Color selection UI has been redesigned to support more than six colors (coming soon), Character Select: You can no longer see colors that you have not yet unlocked, Gameplay: Fixed bug where the "KO buffer", a small gap before the KO plays (in case of rollbacks), was not working, Gameplay: Added a win/lose pose to each round (using existing art for now), Gameplay: You can cancel out of the win pose by walking left/right, Gameplay: Winning via timeout with full health now rewards a T victory, instead of a P, Gameplay: Fixed bug where the KO sound/visual would play a little early, Modding: Added "poseWin" and "poseLose" to ActionConfig, Menu: When you go back in the menu, your previous selection is now highlighted and scrolled into view, Gameplay: When playing while logged in, it will now display your character's name under your account tag, Garlic: Fixed bug where Dash's cancel window was accidentally increased in 0.62.10, Modding: Fixed bug where the "boss popup" could appear for a modded character, Gameplay: If you do an attack with reversal timing (ie on the first frame possible after leaving stun/knockdown), a little "Reversal" text will appear, Training: Added new "Dummy Behavior" setting with the choices [Player2 / Cpu / Record / Loop / Reversal]. Download a desktop version of Tough Love Arena that works offline! More news about this coming soon! About: Fixed link to Rice & Onion guide to show table of contents, About: External guides/resources are now visible on mobile, Menu: Added Patch Notes popup that appears the first time you load the game after an update, NOTE: This won't be visible until the next update goes out, Changed Beef: Canceling Lemon > Indecisive Lemon is now performed by holding back during Lemon startup frames, rather than timing a Light Attack, Tutorial: Added section for Indecisive Lemon under Beef's Character Guide, Todo: Cleaned up and organized Phase 1 goals by category, Tutorial: Fixed bug where boss characters were visible (they did nothing when selected), Menu: Fixed bug where changing menu options would temporarily hide the Custom Controls button in the bottom right corner, Lobbies: Host can now set the max number of players, best of X, round time, and whether bosses are allowed, Ranked: Fixed bug where the Round Time could be set to something other than 60 seconds, Options: Fixed bug where "Restore Defaults" reset some Training settings. > Fixed bug with spectator latency. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam. Your settings will be preserved, If nothing happens when you run the AppImage, you might need to, The Tough Love Arena desktop application is no different from the website, When there is an update to the game, the desktop version will usually be behind for ~10 minutes, If the patch affects gameplay, you will not be able to play online until the desktop client updates, The desktop application is designed to assist those who wish to play offline or on the go, If you are running an offline tournament or event, please use this downloadable version to avoid any network issues, The game will automatically check for updates on startup and then every 5 minutes, If theres been an update, you will see a notification telling you to close the application so it can update itself, If you download/use an old installer, it will install that version, but then auto-update as soon as you launch it, If you wish to continue using an older version, use an old installer, then disable your internet connection. prematurely, vs CPU: Combined two menu items (Easy and Hard) into one (Human VS CPU), vs CPU: Added difficulty option to the Character Select screen (defaults to Easy), Tutorial: Added Counter Hit tutorial under the Advanced section, Character Select: Fixed bug where secrets were visible in screens where they don't actually work (aka would cause disconnects), Character Select: Pressing Special Attack now cycles the Stage, Character Select: Secrets are now clickable with mouse / touch. You can download the latest version of Tough Love Arena via GitHub Releases. checking SequenceIds and invalid types) will only run in the ModMenu, and not when loading mods. Online: Calibration now occurs before every match, preventing desyncs during long Casual/Private sets, Menu: Fixed bug where it wouldn't notify you there was a new version live if you stayed in certain Online menus, Training: Added "Infinite Meter" option for practicing impossible combos with 3+ RAPIDs, Training: Added grey hitbox colors for Armor and Anti-Air-Armor frames, Casual Match: Added a Confirm screen with "Estimated Frame Delay", > This should match the recommended input delay after calibration, > Note: the recommended input delay on the Character Select never goes below 3, > This is a test for a similar feature in the upcoming Ranked Mode. Please register for the tourney with an alternate name showing your TLA tag! They will be removed Saturday morning, October 16. Adjusted Beef/Pork: Spike now sends slightly further away, Adjusted Pork: Caber Toss juggle points adjusted 9 > 4, Buffed Pork: Caber Toss throw range increased 0.6 > 0.8, Nerfed Pork: Caber Toss launch angle now sends much further away. Tough Love Arena is an indie fighting game with 6 unique, fun, and interesting characters and silky-smooth rollback netcode. Longer combos can still be bursted, Training: With hitboxes on, you can now see how many juggle points remain during a combo, Debug Tools: Fixed issue with inner menu navigation, Options: Removed "Unload Stale Sprites" until it can be further tested and debugged, Debug Tools: Merged public and private debug tools into one ugly menu, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm disadvantage on block decreased -9 > -8, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Reverted 0.83.0 buff that made Jump > Spike scale as 1 hit, now it's back to 2, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Increased the juggle height when Slap anti-airs to make hitting with both Slaps less likely, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Getting hit inbetween the two attacks of Slap no longer registers as a counterhit, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip hitbox is now uniformly taller, making juggles easier and removing the "sweet spot" at the end, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash startup reduced by 3 frames (makes Slap > Whip Splash juggles more reliable), Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced horizontal range of Slap's first hitbox by 17%, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.91.0 buff to horizontal range of Slap's second hitbox, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.91.0 buff to Slap's pushback, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Slap's total animation is slightly longer, making it easier to whiff punish, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced cancel window of Slap's second hit 8 > 6 frames, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced cancel window of Whip Pounce 8 > 6 frames, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Increased recovery of Whip Pounce by 5 frames. You can enable it manually in Options, Pause Menu: The pause key will require holding while using a text field (eg Account login) and while inside the Modding menu, Emotes: Fixed bug where keyboard inputs could trigger multiple times, opening and closing the overlay instantly, Custom Controls: Fixed bug where changes wouldn't take effect until you refreshed. Please register for the tourney with an alternate name showing your TLA tag!example :DGN | shygybeats (Dank Broccoli #4227). Please register for the tourney with an alternate name showing your TLA tag! Events. Available on Steam 100%. (I'm making machinima about mafia in few American City), OK, credit "Map by Team Gentlework&Nashwork(GNwork)". EBF Collection: Tournament completed! Cookie Notice Added Training Mode feature: Save/Load State, Added Training Mode feature: Frame Advantage Display (top left, very WIP), Training Mode "Reset to position" reduced to a single key, resets to corner if you're holding left/right, Training Mode meter refill sped up to refill 5x faster, Fixed bug where Training dummy would autoblock right after Reset, Set boss character health to 1 to further discourage online use, Changed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.38.0 change to Whip Pounce recovery, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Whip Pounce juggle points reduced 4 > 2, Buffed Rice: Swat, when hitting grounded, is +1 on hit (was bugged at -2), Nerfed Rice: Swat, when hitting grounded, no longer juggles + can no longer RAPID, Nerfed Rice: Swat, when hitting grounded, holds the extended hurtbox for longer during recovery, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip Pounce has a larger cancel window, Changed Noodle/Rice: Whip has 2 frames shorter recovery (net hitstun/blockstun kept the same), Buffed Noodle: Slap can now cancel into "Close Fist" for a frame trap (but it does not juggle), Nerfed Noodle: All Fist attacks can now be parried, Nerfed Noodle: Frenzy meter gain on block now matches meter gain on hit (500 > 200 if all hits connect), Buffed Rice: Slap can now cancel into Swat, Buffed Rice: Swat now always slams down, juggling on hit and doing chip on block, Buffed Beef/Pork: Reduced Palm startup so it's a true blockstring from Heavy Punch if done quickly, Buffed Beef/Pork: Increased size of Palm hitbox upward to make juggles easier, Buffed Beef: Lemon startup reduced by 3 frames, spawns a little farther forward, Buffed Beef: BEEFCAKE hitbox expanded to cover entire screen, Buffed Pork: Increased size of Chop hitbox downward to hit Sweep cleanly, Changed Pork: Chop now causes knockdown on aerial hit, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Jump Attack hitbox is larger, harder to anti-air / trade with certain attacks, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Sweep hurtbox shrunk during startup + active to make it easier to go under high attacks, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Sweep hurtbox expanded during recovery to make it easier for high attacks to whiff punish, Added small movement backward to Uppercut's recovery, Fixed bug with cancel window on Uppercut's second hit, Updated animation for Chop, Spike, and Beef/Pork Jump (no changes to frame data / hitboxes), Fixed bug where touch controls were visible during replay / spectating, Fixed bug where menu text could be selected/highlighted, Added rising animation to the end of knockdown, Increased total knockdown duration 30 > 40 frames, enabling more oki situations, Increased throw recovery on hit by 10 frames, keeping throw oki unchanged, Beef/Pork Spike launches with less horizontal speed, making mid-screen oki possible, Reduced Spike startup 20 > 10 frames, recovery 15 > 10 frames, Added "Canary" mode for special event testing, Fixed bug where users who participated in Canary testing couldn't load assets, Fixed bug where Player 2 hitsparks didn't appear if Player 1 had a Lemon on-screen, When online, stop sending inputs after the game has ended (prevents rare disconnect error), Fixed performance bug affecting Training and Replays where the input display was still sampling the entire round, Reverted scrolling fix, needs more testing, Nerfed Hopkick's hitbox to be lower, making AA and juggles harder, Fixed Chop to be throwable during ArmorVsAirborne frames, Fixed bug where armor moves could trade with throws by making active frames unthrowable, Fixed bug where the game would freeze if both players RAPID on the same frame, Fixed scrolling bug on the Frame Data menu, Fixed bug where input display (Training, Replays) was affecting performance, Fixed bug where Player 2 controls, if mapped, could control the dummy in Tutorials, Fixed critical bug in common "median" helper. Tough Love Arena Mod Showcase: Astros EllingtonReborn 119 subscribers Subscribe 34 Share 1.5K views 1 year ago This is my best mod i've created this far in the span of TLA's modding history,. If Noodle is hit, the projectiles will disappear, Noodle: Grounder can be RAPID cancelled after spawning the projectiles, even on whiff, Noodle: Whip no longer cancels into Grounder, Noodle: Both versions of Fist can now hit airborne opponents. See the Types doc for which strings to use going forward, Modding: Added CharacterSFX to the bottom of the Types doc, Gameplay: REJECTION no longer gains you or the opponent any meter for making contact, Gameplay: BURST no longer gains you or the opponent any meter for making contact, Modding: Renamed version > engine and modRevision > modVersion, to better match how people discuss their mods, Modding: Added "meterCost" to SequenceConfig. Patch Notes. Rapid, Burst, and Rejection have been converted to use this new field, Modding: Fixed bug where the Sound Toggle was still visible while testing mods, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip's close hitbox has been made 25% taller, NOTE: This is to fix a bug introduced in 0.65.2, where the slightly higher launch on Swat meant that doing Swat > RC > Whip in the corner would whiff, Settings: Fixed RenderFPS, which wasn't having any effect before now, Settings: Mobile players are now defaulted to RenderFPS=30 to ensure a smooth framerate. EBF5 Android Version: Restore defaults will now only affect the settings you see in the Options menu, About: Added links to Infil's FGC Glossary and community character guides, Maintenance: Refactored and tested user settings and localStorage to be less error prone, vs CPU: Added setting to remember chosen CPU difficulty, Tutorial: Fixed bug where it would "You're done with the Advanced tutorial!" Ranked/Casual: Increased server timeout 1 > 30 minutes. Whip Cross was giving Rice a little too much positioning flexibility and caused problems with the new armor change, so it was removed, Whip Back gives Rice more decisions to make (corner or damage?) We are only listing it here in the Changelog as any refactoring has a chance to introduce bugs. Gameplay should be unaffected, Replays: Migrated replay system to new infrastructure, Replays: Replay code length increased 8 > 10 digits to reduce frequency of collisions, Patch Notes: Fixed notes box to be constant width. Private Match: ID codes are now prefixed with PM (eg PM-1234567), Lobbies: ID codes are now prefixed with LB (eg LB-12345). Now you start watching from the start, but might not see the end, Server Lobbies: Fixed bug where lobbies would crash the game when you tried to leave under certain circumstances, Server Lobbies: Fixed bug where if Player 1 tabbed out on the win screen, the match might never end. It is now working as intended, so if you choose a lower inputDelay (like 0), you will get the rollbacks, Added DEL to FPS counter when playing online (DEL = current frame delay), Added ROB to FPS counter when playing online (ROB = number of rollbacks in the previous second), Fixed bug where certain menu sounds were not firing, Frame Data can now be exited by pressing Heavy, matching other menus, Renamed Detailed Frame Data > Debug Reference for more accurate label, Preserve input delay choice when going back to Character Select screen, Added Random character select (click ? Tough Love Arena Changelog 0.98.5 2022/11/07 Controls: You can now map the number keys Controls: Mapping a number key for either P1 or P2 disables that shortcut for emotes and Training 0.98.4 2022/11/07 Gameplay: Kara canceling is disabled if the starting move has armor frames that take a hit 0.98.3 2022/11/06 If you would like to support us financially and/or get additional cosmetics, please see check us out on Steam. Windows certification is coming soon! The hitboxes are so janky and the grab ranges are broken as well. Frenzy should work like it did before in 99% of situations. @blackbenzamg people will support what you love. This is the official channel for Tough Love Arena news and highlights. Windows: Download Tough-Love-Arena-Setup-X.X.X.exe and run it to install You will see a warning the first time you install. > Please report any bugs or weird behavior! I live 2 hours away and I love this map, Can I use this for machinima? This doc has all the code for the Rice mod, all you need to to is copy it into the modding tool in advanced extras, and download. If you don't choose within 15 seconds, it chooses for you, Buffed Beef: Flex recovery reduced 50 > 40 frames (the parry whiff animation). If I'm being completely honest, I'm a bit disappointed that LA Live and Staples Center isn't on this map. It is now +1 as originally intended, Buffed Rice: Swat now places the opponent slightly further away, to better match the art (Spice Sweep still reaches), Nerfed Rice: Removed ability to cancel Whip Pounce into Swipe, Nerfed Rice: Reduced meter gain on Swat 200 > 100, Buffed Onion: Cackle has been redesigned to lead to more combo opportunities, Cackle now attacks 10 frames after the parry freeze with a lightning bolt, dealing 100 damage and leaving Onion +12 on hit to continue a custom combo at close range, Cackle has the same freeze/startup timing as Beef's Flex, making it viable as an anti-air attack (though still difficult to time), Cackle's animation has been adjusted to fit this new timing and make the lightning bolt more visible, Cackle's attack reaches far, has no pushback on hit, deals 100 damage / 50 chip, and is safe (though minus) on block, Cackle's meter gain on activation has been reduced 200 > 100 (though the followup attack now adds 100 meter on hit), Cackle is vulnerable before the lightning bolt, so you still want to parry multiple times against Frenzy and other multi-hit attacks, Cackle's attack hits once, but acts like 5 attacks for scaling (the followup combo will do much lower damage than normal), Modding: Added "addScaling" to AttackConfig, Buffed Onion: When parrying a multi-hit attack (eg Frenzy) by canceling Cackle into another Feint, the followup Feints have a larger parry window (5 > 10 frames), making those followup parries very easy to time, Training: Change default meter setting to "Refill", Welcome: Fixed bug where the controller config button was visible on the Welcome screen, Mobile: If you connect a gamepad, it will automatically open the controller config menu. Keeps the remote frame within the visible screen, Modding: RemoteConfig.keepOnStage added. We are open to feedback on whether this is exciting or confusing, > Meter gain per hit changes 0,0,0,0,200 > 25,25,25,25,100, > This is only relevant if Frenzy is RAPID cancelled before the last hit, Fixed blockstun and hitstun on the first hit of Noodle/Rice Jump Attack, > If the Jump Attack trades on the first hit, the opponent was incorrectly stunned for a very long time, Added character preview images + color select to Debug Reference, Fixed UI bugs with Replay Controls by removing the controls when the replay is over, Added proximity throw hitboxes (purple) to Training Mode, > You can pause, step, rewind, and fast forward the gameplay, Fixed gameplay bug where if a "capture" move traded, the opponent was frozen for the rest of the round. Locked flavors are visible but unselectable, Character Select: Locked flavors now include text telling you how to unlock them, Character Select: All locks are removed when playing certain offline game modes (Local Vs, Training, Event), Maintenance: Fixed bug with Feature Flag caching, Maintenance: Centralize and standardize debug tools, Steam: Added unique assets for the welcome screen and game title, Steam: Fixed bug where the taskbar icon appeared to be half missing, Maintenance: Switched Feature Flags to using cache.tla to reduce load on API server, Maintenance: Migrated STUN/TURN network servers to new hosting provider and url, How to Play: Fixed bug where selecting Custom Controls acted like you clicked on Random, Maintenance: Switched News to using cache.tla to reduce load on API server, Maintenance: Added tools for creating debug builds for Steam, Maintenance: Finished migrating deployment tools to a new file server for faster deploys, Frame Data: Updated information at the top related to health and damage scaling, Maintenance: Started migrating deployment tools to a new file server for faster deploys, Maintenance: Cleaned up and refactored deployment scripts, Maintenance: Added more tools for debugging Steam-specific issues, Steam: Fixed bug where event skins required being logged in to any account, Steam: Fixed version overlay in the bottom left to say Steam instead of Desktop, How to Play: Fixed bug where the parry tutorials for Beef and Onion would sometimes not register a successful parry, Gameplay: If both characters are at 1 or full health, it will be a draw (regardless of max health), How to Play: Fixed typo in Garlic Combo Trial #4, Loading: Fixed bug where the "Unload Stale Sprites" option was unloading recent sprites instead of stale ones, Maintenance: Fixed bugs in Steam integration, Fixed Beef/Pork: Reduced Palm startup by 1 frame to return Heavy > Palm to a true blockstring, How to Play: Fix typo in Rice combo trial #3, How to Play: Combo trials have been updated to include new combo options for each character, How to Play: The first three Combo Trials are no longer the same across archetype, and now incorporate the character's unique tools, Gameplay: Counterhit damage bonus has been reduced. 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