moorish american passport


A New Jersey woman was preyed upon by a fast-growing extremist group that claims its members are sovereign Moors, not bound by U.S. laws. Aware of the increasing conflicts resulting from the denial of or impediments in the way of the freedom of such Moorish American People, which constitute a serious threat to peace here in America. Citizenship at Birth by a Child Born Abroad, Renunciation of U.S. Leg. He claimed he was a sovereign citizen of a country that does not exist and for whom United States laws do not apply. WE ARE WOKE NOW ". ThisisaGovernmentwebsitefor the Moorish American People who wishtohavetheir. You will then be sent a welcome packet to review. This site is for those Moors who are sick and tired of being labeled as some sovereign citizen or radical; but only wish to be recognized as being that of your ancestors;a Moorish American/Moorish National and a true State Citizen of your own Right, of full age and capacity, bearing all Inalienable and Civil Rights! Welcoming the emergence in recent years of a large number of dependent territories into freedom and independence, and recognizing the increasingly powerful trends towards freedom in such Provinces which have not yet attained independence. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Knowing that the process of liberation is irresistible and irreversible and that, in order to avoid serious crises, an end must be put to colonialism and all practices of segregation and discrimination associated therewith. International Travel, Passports and Moorish Americans - YouTube Speaking on the passport and international travel for Moorish Americans.Speaking on issues pertaining to Moorish. Tell them politely to submit it and let the cards fall where they may, even if they believe it will be rejected. The men claimed to be sovereign citizens of the Al Moroccan Empire and that their status permitted them access to the property, Mr. OHaras report said. that the Moorish American People of the United States of America Republic ardently desire the end of colonialism in all its manifestations in America. jurisdiction. He feels entitled that something I basically worked my whole life for, something I was deprived of my whole life, especially as a kid not having a safe space to call home, Ms. Little said. In a podcast interview, he said he spent nine years in banking before buying a one-way ticket to China in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Security and peace bless the dwelling of his people; and glory and strength encircle his throne forever. honoreth with his favor, or rewardeth with his bounty. In his Frost Illustrated article, Gaines-El noted as many white sovereign citizens also do that the Dred Scott decision was never reversed. His people, therefore, look up to him as a father, with reverence and love; they consider him as the guardian of all they enjoy. The following analogy makes a good point: owning the best gun in the world without having done any target practice is not going to make yourself very useful or successful in an emergency!. MSTAs grand sheik, Brother R. Jones Bey, is arbiter of orthodoxy for the movements members. We are citizens of the United States of America, and we want to make our contribution to the United States of America, not tear it down, Jones Bey said. He did not respond to multiple requests for comment. THE EUROPEANS HAS BEEN THE CUSTODIAN OVER OUR GOVERNMENT AND LANDS; OUR ANCESTORS HAD GIVEN THEM THAT AUTHORITY UNTIL WE WOKE FROM A LONG SLEEP. *Processing times begin the day we receive your application at a passport agency or center, not the day you mail your application or apply. He could not be reached for comment. Inshallah! Thousands of Post Offices accept first-time passport applications for the U.S. Department of State. Moors trace their. Any person who becomes a citizen of the United States solely by virtue of the provisions in Section 301 [applying to those born in or residing in the Northern Mariana Islands] may within six months after the effective date of that Section or within six months after reaching the age of 18 years, whichever date is later, become a national but not a citizen of the United States by making a declaration under oath before any court established by the Constitution or laws of the United States or any other court of record in the Commonwealth in the form as follows " I _____ being duly sworn, hereby declare my intention to be a national but not a citizen of the United States.". moorish american tax exempt are moors u.s. citizens moorish sovereign citizen Create this form in 5 minutes! We shall strive to establish laws for Moorish American Nationals,citizens and organizations. Allah has no limits. 14. On March 29, John McGauley, county recorder for Allen County, Ind., came home to find a disturbing message on his answering machine. I dont know what theyre doing, because theyre misrepresenting the Moorish Science Temple of America.. All Moorish American People have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. I say mostly, because, you should be able to use those other forms of ID for some other helpful purposes (such as Notarizing a document, proof of identity domestically for certain situations, second form of ID for opening a postal box, etc.). Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches that the word "Allah" is the Father of the Universe. The passport could possibly help, and make up perhaps 10% of your game. (b) A person who claims to be a national, but not a citizen, of the United States may apply to the Secretary of State for a certificate of non-citizen national status. Some followers also claim to have roots in America that. Send an email to stating you wish to join. 13. The United States of America Republicis not to cause confusion or to overthrow the laws or constitution of the United States but to obey hereby. We pledge our lives to each other, our fortunes and our Sacred honor to our posterity. The core ideas of the sovereign citizens movement originated in the racist and anti-Semitic Posse Comitatus group, which roiled the Midwest in the 1970s and 1980s and believed that the county sheriff is the highest legitimate law enforcement authority. Theres nothing else that needs to be said. Speaking on issues pertaining to Moorish Americans.Disclaimer: This video represents the views of the presenters and/or our guests based off of our personal research and life experiences, and in no way is this content endorsed by or a representation of the official policies of the Moorish Science Temple of America.Support the stream: Talking about how Moors can actually improve their conditions in light of the mess occurring with Moors mixing in sovereign citizen ideology with their desire to assert their nationality.Subscribe \u0026 Check Out Our Website http://www.MoorsInAmerica.comDonations/Support: is the official website of the Moorish Science Temple of America: http://www.mstofa.netJoin \u0026 Contribute to our FB Group: Us on Instagram: Us on FB: Us on Twitter: Everyone about the channel \u0026 Subscribe! Fill out or Download your Form Cost of your Passport How to Submit a Good Photo Tips for your U.S. Its the knowledge and experience, more than a special passport application being accepted, that makes up 70-80% of the liklihood of determining an outcome. He planteth new colonies, he buildeth strong ships, he openeth rivers for convenience, he formeth harbors for safety, his people abound in riches, and the strength of his kingdom increaseth. If they persisted in it after I gave them my little lecture, Id tell them they were in contempt of court.. The United States and all States shall observe faithfully and strictly the provisions of the Charter of the United States of America Republic, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the present Declaration on the basis of equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of all States, and respect for the sovereign rights of the United States of America Republic and its Citizens the Moorish American People and their provincial integrity. They dont know each other, according to Ms. Little, who says they have never met before she found him in her home. Then a Sovereign Citizen Changed the Locks. are part and parcel to its government; however, M.N.R.P. She graduated from the University of Central Florida but struggled as a young adult, living out of motel rooms for periods of time. National/Citizen means National OR Citizen; as the Booklet itself nor the Cover does not tell anyone looking at it, WHICH of the two you are. The SPC process will make up another 20% of your game. "Every man and woman are equal", and Moorish American Citizens of United States of America Republic [U.S.A.R.] Anyone can read what you share. In early June, a new face El Clay Kenyatta Blackburn Bey hit the county recorders office with a fresh set of documents demanding proof from Indianas Superior Court that it has jurisdiction over his traffic violation case. Buying the home felt like a triumph for Ms. Little, who grew up mostly in Florida as a foster child, finding security as a teenager only when her high school principal took her in. is a de jure Religious government of an autonomous Cherokee nation of indigenous people known as Moors/Moorish Americans, successors of the Empire of Morocco. Hes one of a growing number of black Americans who, as members of outlandishly named nations or as individuals, subscribe to an antigovernment philosophy so extreme that some of its techniques, though nonviolent, have earned the moniker paper terrorism. Communicating through social media and learning from an ever-expanding network of websites and online forums, they perplex and often harass law enforcement officials, courts, and local governments across the country. Thou art clothed in purple, and seated on a throne; the crown of majesty investeth thy temples, the sceptre of power is placed in thy hand; but not for thyself were these ensigns given; not meant for thine own, but the good of thy kingdom. 11. 3. The glory of a king is the welfare of his people; his power and dominion rest on the hearts of his subjects. (It was rendered moot by passage of the 14th Amendment). Prophet Noble Drew Ali Please CLICK on YeSharon to book a private consultation. Many claim its presence on the dollar bill signifies a contract between the founding fathers and the supposedly indigenous Moors of Amexem. She tried to unlock the door but was puzzled: the locks had been replaced. Most of the Moors McLeod encountered were summoned for failing to pay tickets for motor vehicle violations. CITIZEN with a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, you are FINE!! was created by a Moorish Society on June 19th,2020 with inalienable rights, endowed by the Creator of the U Show More We have established ourselves in the Free lands of our ancestors of the Empire of Morocco, upholding the Treaty with Cherokee 1866, Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between Empire of Morocco and the United States 1786,1787,1836. Paper Terrorism Moorish National Republic of Peace is a Ecclesiastical Political Organization (Nation-State) under section 508(c)1(A). Moorish people have the right to preserve, use, develop, revitalize, and transmit to future generations their own histories, languages, oral traditions, philosophies, systems of knowledge, writing, and literature; and to designate and maintain their own names for their communities, individuals, and places. A simple traffic violation or pet-licensing case can provoke dozens of court filings containing hundreds of pages of pseudo-legal nonsense. Ms. Little still receives strange letters like the one that upended her life in June. 7. Let us uplift the fallen in humanity with Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. Any studied Moor, or individual that understands the principles of nationality should equally understand the principles of sovereignty for they are one in the same. The term national means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state. However, politely decline and state you are well aware of who you are and what your nationality and answers are, and that you are respectfully not going to take their legal advice. This Second Great Awakening of the Divine and National Movement defined and manifested United States of America Republic [U.S.A.R. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. You can and will still be charged with any statutory crimes, as the National Passport is not enough to make yourself untouchable. We do not follow sovereignty. The prophet never talked about that, he told the Intelligence Report. Central to their thesis is a rejection of the 14th Amendment, claiming it merely created a set of artificial persons . But he is literally oppressing me and taking whats mine as a Black woman.. the increasing conflicts resulting from the denial of or impediments in the way of the freedom of such Moorish American People, which constitute a serious threat to peace here in America. Jurisdiction is power to declare the law; the Constitution for the Moorish National Republic of Peace is the Supreme law of the land. The Secretary will reach out to you with further details. aimed at the partial or total disruption of the National Unity of the Moorish American People and the Provinces and territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United States of America Republic. But across the country, they have clogged court dockets with those arguments, filing spurious lawsuits and burying county clerk offices in flurries of fake deeds, liens and other documents. In line with that, it will only issue passports to Americans with a qualified emergency. Members of Moorish sovereign citizen groups claim they are descended from Moors who predated white settlers in North America, and that they are part of a sovereign nation and not subject to U.S . Known as the Moorish sovereign citizen movement, and loosely based around a theory that Black people are foreign citizens bound only by arcane legal systems, it encourages followers to violate existent laws in the name of empowerment. Most Moorish Americans are not true Moorish Nationals, but are African Americans that are Moorish conscious. Free and Sovereign The right of our Moorish-Fest Destiny to over-spread and possess the whole of the continent, which the Provinces of the United States of America Republic have given to Moorish Americans, so they may enjoy their liberties and the right to self-determination; along with all powers to develop self-governmentto be entrusted to us by The Honorable Prophet Noble Drew Ali. The same views may be embraced by Freeman, Freemen on the Land, Sons of Liberty, and Aryan Nation. God eventually sent European colonists to enslave the Moors as punishment for their forgetting their history and ways, Drew Ali said. The government registers your application as a CITIZEN when you write down a SSN on the form. He foundeth his judgments on the principle of mercy; but in the punishment of offenders, he is strict and impartial. 2. So as you see the passport is already designed to be identical for BOTH Nationals and Citizens. Solemnly proclaims the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations and to this end Declares that: 1. Increasingly, across the country sovereign citizens have clashed with the authorities, tied up resources and frazzled lives in their insistence that laws, such as the requirement to pay taxes, obey speed limits and even obtain, say, a license for a pet dog, do not apply to them. M.N.R.P. 17. And so it was with surprise that Ms. Little found herself in her yard on Ivy Street on a June afternoon as a police SWAT team negotiated with a man who had broken in, changed her locks and hung a red and green flag in its window. Do your SPC Process, and from the moment your UCC-1 Financing Statement is accepted and stamped by the Secretary of State THAT SECRETARY OF STATE FILING, overrides any data in any government database whatsoever. 9. I deserve it because I earned it.. The Moorish permutation appears to have picked up in popularity in the 1990s, inspired in part by Black identity ideology of a similarly named religious group, the Moorish Science Temple of America, which disavows the sovereign citizen movement. Therefore, even if **YEARS AGO** you submitted the US Passport application, as a U.S. steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Provinces or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the Moorish American People of those Provinces and territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or color, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom. A sworn statement on public record rescinding your past mistakes, overrides anything done or filed in the Past. proclaims the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations and to this end Declares that: of Moorish American People to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the Charter of the United States of America Republic and is an impediment to the promotion of peace here in America and co-operation. No murmurs against him arise in their hearts; the machinations of his enemies endanger not the state. They are absolutely organized, he told Intelligence Report. His ears are open to the complaints of his subjects; he restraineth the hands of their oppressors, and he delivereth them from their tyranny. Black, Negro, Coloreds and African-Americans are not living people; these tags are politically and lawfully brands that have been put upon the Aboriginal Indigenous Moors of Morocco. They refer instead to actual treaties made between the United States and Morocco (the traditional home of the Moors) in the late 18th century, which described a category of Free Moor who could not be enslaved or subjected to U.S. law, even as other Africans were being packed into ships and sent to the New World as chattel. 4. The mind of a great prince is exalted with the grandeur of his situation; he evolveth high. 1. 2. Therefore, bunker down and STUDY the materials we have that are more powerful and useful anyway! If you wish to remain on, click the "cancel" message. policies or hamper our power, are diminished. (Known today as Al Aniyunwiya/Cherokee Nation. Just months before joining the U.S. Army in July 2001, Gaines-El recorded a Declaration of Indigenous Identity as kin and family to this soil whose indigenous name is Turtle Land and whose fictitious corporate name is America, at the Allen County Recorders Office. All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against independent Moorish American People shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their National Government here in America shall be respected. And, while black Americans remain a relatively small fraction of the estimated 300,000 sovereign citizens nationwide, it seems clear that their numbers are growing. He frameth his statutes with equity and wisdom; his subjects enjoy the fruits of their labor in security; and their happiness consists of the observance of the law. If you walk into a courtroom and nobody else has the status to be there, automatically challenge the jurisdiction of the court. The official-looking card identifies him as Jabbar-C:Gaines-El, of Moorish-American nationality and Naga Asiatic race. perform as courageous pioneers, who believe that America has a Divine obligation to stretch the boundaries of their noble Republic. Designing a separate document that includes anti-fraud mechanisms was seen as an inefficient expenditure of resources. We, the People of the Moorish National Republic of Peace, in General Board of Directors assembled, in support of this Declaration, form reliance on the protection of the Divine right to Self-Autonomy. Links to external websites are provided as a convenience and should not be construed as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of State of the views or products contained therein. The card, which has no expiration date, also includes a Tax Immune Number. (The strange punctuation in Gaines name is straight out of the sovereign citizen playbook: Sovereigns believe that by writing their name that way, they are indicating to government officials that they are not subject to U.S. The treaty was set up so that the United States could do business in the Moorish - Atlantic Dominions , as well as the Mediterranean and the Barbary Coast. is a de jure Religious government of an autonomous Cherokee nation of indigenous people known as Moors/Moorish Americans, successors of the Empire of Morocco. This site is to help transform you into a True Moorish National Citizen--part of a Free National Government under the protection of a State! There is a $50 Administrative Fee upon joining. The situation never turned violent, but McGauleys gut sense that something was amiss was correct. consists of Board of Directors and Nationals and Citizens exercising our First Amendment right freedom of Religion and the exercise there of, and the right to life, liberty in the pursuit of happiness of the U.S. Constitution and upholding the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between Empire of Morocco and United States 1786/1787/1836, Moorish National Republic of Peace Constitution, and the L.EYE.P Creed. when the Romans invaded North Africa. Convinced that all Moorish American People have an inalienable right to complete freedom, the exercise of their sovereignty and the integrity of their National Government as National Citizens. I simply rattled that off at them, and they looked at me blankly, took off their robes and fezzes, and went back to their birth names, and pled guilty.. No Moorish Treaty documents, "Common Law ID" documents, or World Service Authority passport, will be accepted by U.S. CUSTOMS/HOMELAND SECURITY Officials if you are entering the U.S. Mondays through Fridays 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. I PERSONALLY GIVE THANKS FOR THE PROTECTION, UPKEEP AND DEVELOPMENT OF OUR LAND BY THE EUROPEANS. " We, the Moorish Society of the Moorish National Republic of Peace have personal matter and subject matter jurisdiction over all Nationals, Citizens of this Nation-State Government and their property. Bearing a golden seal, in aureate legalistic language, the documents claimed that an obscure 18th-century treaty gave the sender rights to claim her new house as his own. that all Moorish American People have an inalienable right to complete freedom, the exercise of their sovereignty and the integrity of their National Government as National Citizens. Nationality and Foreign Military Service. 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moorish american passport

moorish american passport

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