may his favor be upon you scripture


But, is that just very well-produced, glimmering, love-bombing deception? It was so weird at first but the more I read and searched about it it made absolute sense. But Hey, some indeed are already Heavenly tourist and what not, so why not. Genesis 6:8 - But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. It is hard for me to write here because motive is always being assumed as bad by critics. (Principles remain love your neighbors, dont be a pagan, theres only one God.). In spite of that, is it Biblically to ask Him to remember? its also impossible to know precisely what it will be like for me when I get there; However, I understand that you referenced Revelation 4:8 with your commentary, that the four living creatures and elders state the same statement, over and over again, day and night. but its another to sing a blessing over. Repetition is definitely talked about in the book of Revelation. A parent can have many children but only one is the firstborn. Prayer For God's Favor Dear Jesus Christ, As I come to you in prayer, I ask that you might look upon me with favor. Psalm 84:11 For people who suffer from depression, PTSD, anxiety, negative self-talk, repetition of good and positive things is often the only way to recovery, because of how potent and incessant the unhealthy thought patterns are. For believers who are under a new, better covenant brought about by a greater, better Prophet, fulfilled by a final, best Lamb, why sing about blessings that God promised to a people under a different covenant as though they apply to us? Hello! Paul made a point of saying that we as gentiles are adopted into the family of God, and into the Abrahamic lineage (Rom 8:14-17, Gal 3:27-29). His promises never fail. Third, it says in several places in Scripture that God is against unbelievers: -Those who are not with Christ are against Him (Matthew 12:30 and Luke 11:23). Does that mean that Scripture is problematic? I dont mind the repetition of this song. Even more so now as His Sons return date gets closer every day!! May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations And your family and your children And their children and their children May His favor be upon you . I actually have made a play list of only this song to give me 30 minutes of meditative background to my prayers. As so often is the case & case in point with this song amongst so many, is who do we think we are to exalt ourselves so often towards standards or achievements hardly in its infancy development. As a musician and worship elder in my church I am tasked with testing the biblical integrity of the music we use in worship. God bless your ministry work for His cause! " This Scripture emphasizes the importance of valuing and managing . Im listening to it repeatedly. We actually read in many places that he is against even his own people when they are sinning. If we cant get then with sound Theology, lets put them in a trance like state of euphoria Me reckon if Im a 1st year law student, it will be folly to try and compare myself to the law Professor, or already practice law! Whether or not it should be sung in church, I dont really care. Psalm 67:1 To the chief Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm or Song. Chewing over, poring over, considering again and again, pondering upon the Word of God. Fails. The context seems clear that it is the LORD who makes His face shine upon you. That should have been obvious to me but my mind didnt readily make that linkage. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. I didnt read all the comments, so I apologize if Im repeating what someone else already said. And, it is only by His grace we are able to to live for the Lord in this dark world. I listen and weep and soak . . I quote from a video of one missionary Spencer Smith, titled What Happens When We Worship Worship actually specifically talking about this song & having experienced similar things in Africa This Religious emotional euphoria that they are being given, is nothing more than a spiritual hit of crack. It has perfect corners and will always look as tight and flat as the day it was made. The song makes it seem like WE can somehow make His face shine upon us. This takes you further away & not nearer to God! All rights reserved. Youve given me a lot to chew on in terms of section 3. It is elevating Him not blessing us worship is not for my or any believers blessing! When this Psalm is read in its context (and exclusively in its context) one could legitimately say, 1) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life unaccompanied by anything else suggests that God is pleased with unrepentant sinners as they are, who neither know, love, nor follow him (I substituted the Words from verse 6 in the place of He is for you in the original quote). . The scope of The Berean Test is to analyze lyrics for its message, Biblical accuracy, outsider interpretation, or inherent glorification of God (or lack thereof) based on my evaluation criteria. It was co-written by Steven Furtick and Chris Brown (Elevation Worship). 3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. And yes, Im especially referring to these places churning out thousands of contemporary, shallow, often nonsensical Christian songs, mainly for or partly for other reasons than truly caring for where those consuming it, ends up! This song is beautiful, I cant lie. He brought about a new covenant marked by the widespread indwelling of the Holy Spirit. May His presence go before you And behind you, and . The major problem I see is that most people emphasize the emotional aspect of worship. Never a toil or labor. [sarcasm sound familiar] Ridiculously puffed up we all are, too often not for our own good. Having already gained some discernment, you can more easily divide right from false teaching[ And yet sometimes still get it wrong]. Hey, God, can we do a different song? I think my only real issue is that it comes from a church with questionable doctrinal issues that I dont want to get into because I wish to stay on topic. I love the whole thing lyrics, repeating, music, the way I feel when Im singing, saying amen over and over and then repeating everything all over. Make His face shine upon you. I agree this is a beautiful song and brings me to tears every time I listen to it. I think this has been to the detriment of the world today and especially the church. But, that doesnt mean that it cannot be used in such a way. These nations are to be devoted to complete destruction, in order to prevent intermarriage, and idolatry. 2. On that note, I think Dave Brennan makes a valid point on the added repeated phrase and I might suggest unqualified words He is with you. I will paste a portion of the article below and wait for your comments. If we are blessed, we must be a blessing to others and not just to those around us, but to the nations. We somehow start to believe that it all depends on "us." There is nothing wrong with asking the Lord to bless those we hold dear. The song is for anyone who has ears to hear. No, He isnt. Thanks for the review! I havent seen much else. I like your helpful analysis, particularly your explanation of how The Blessing links to scripture. Today I'm talking about a song that has undone me this week. Its my first time on this site. Maybe instead of finishing Church with gentle little pats on the back, such as indicated in 2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; . this song is completely a blessing for not just any church but for each individual soul listening to it. As a pastor, I have used them as a benediction to our congregation at the end of a worship gathering. Everything has to be logical. It certainly wouldnt hurt to sing blessings mid-service! 04/20/2021 After prayerfully considering Dons comments, I decided to update section 3 based on his direction. DISCERN IN-DEPTH, SELECTING THE ESSENTIAL WORTHWHILE ONES & DISCARDING THE ABUNDANT EXCESS. Blessings are given as God sees fit, through grace so no person can boast. Check out our may god's favor be upon you selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Musically, the song has a modern and upbeat sound, with a mix of electronic . Start FREE. Great to acknowledge context, but the Lord extends this blessing to us, it is unending. And their children, and their children, May His presence go before you it might sound like just as a sentence The LORD is stated at the beginning and end of the first Verse. That is part of their job. Its not just about prosperity. Can you explain how an overall 9.5/10 rating is condemning a song entirely derived from Gods own book? The Lord bless you! Pertaining towards your referring to This is a common blessing given at the end of church services. And Vince I totally understand your evaluation criteria being solely directed towards the lyrics in as far as what is Biblically sound. This blessing was given by the priest Aaron to the sons of Israel. That, essentially, you are valuable to and will be cared for by God. I admit that my constant criticism over repetition is subjective (although any opinion will be subjective) and it affects the scoring. * Songs that are almost like God talking to us or how he feels about us are either in the 3rd or 4th category those ones are tricky. May it continue to grow and provide you with God pleasing conversation and connections as well as a good reason to keep on searching scripture. It took everything that I read in the Bible about Gods love for me and wrapped it into the biggest blessing God can give us. He is for you, He is for you. Jim Bomar: I agree with Stephan Briton, I have teach children & youth for 40 year and have always believed that the message God spoke to Jerusalem in Isaiah 28 means there is some lessons about him that can only be learned through the patient prodding of repetition. (Deut 7:6-8) God chose the Israelites to be holy, set apart for Him. It was specifically meant for his church, I believe. For example, God remembered Noah, then made the water recede. People think that these songs are so supportive when they go through a depression or tough time Nothing like the word of God and prayer without any sounds in that period of time and if you really want a song during that time just go to a hymnal book and pick a song that speaks to your mind not emotions. 6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. The Bible expounds on three Hananiahs in particular, one before the Babylonian exile, one during the exile, and one when the Jews returned to Jerusalem from their captivity in Babylon. When it comes to repetition, Ive noticed that there are usually two types of people: those who are annoyed with it (depending on how much/context/etc.) The problem, then, lies with not with the lyrics. Lyrics. Based solely on the song, an outsider will gain no idea of how to become saved & worse, who is needed to become saved. The live video thats out there was performed just days after they wrote the song. God's blessings will overtake you. May I respectfully point out, if you get bored of the bridge after 3 times you might begin to get bored in heaven when we sing with the elders or 4 living creatures the same songs and verses repeated over for all eternity? Post-Bridge Three times, with the same phrase repeating six times on the first iteration and eight times on the next two. Malachi 1:9 And now, I pray you, beseech God that he will be gracious unto us: this hath been by your means: will he regard your persons? I shared the clip with my family when I got home and then hubby and I have been discussing this a bit deeper. Maybe this song will get the worlds attention and since when is Gods own words nauseating repetition? Waddya think? The repetition makes it easy for those that are not familiar with the scriptures to remember. But heres the punchline, although you will gain a vast amount of needed knowledge & insight, God opens up His Word to each & everyone as only He sees fit & neither one will ever fully receive or develop it to an infallible state like being & surely not to a Heavenly comparable state. It is unfortunate to consider but I would venture to guess that a large majority of the songs audience falsely believe the blessings promised by this song are material or emotional blessings simply because that is the current focus of society and the most popular reason many seek God. Well said! Thank you for taking it to the Bible. it gave me a swift kick in the pants that forced me to re-examine my position on repetition and its relation to Berean Test reviews. Have we forgotten that all our righteousness is but filthy rags before a holy God? May His favor be upon you We dont sacrifice sheep. As are just about any Christian song. So some of the comments about receiving a blessing for ourselves over and over I certainly get. Therefore it could not be anything else but a song about mans speciality or entitlement to Blessings i.e self adolatery & false euphoric emotional abuse,coupled with easily equally applicable to any false god worship. But in many ways, we are blessed, for a purpose of being a blessing. Ive gone through things that I would not wish on my worst enemy, coming out a gentler, kinder, and more generous individual. Their hearts are far from God (Isaiah 29:13, Ezekiel 33:31, and Matthew 15:79). Job 22:28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. I consider The Berean Test a hobby; a place to express my opinions about Christian lyrics. I cant find anyone aside from me struggling with it in my spirit as much as I am. This is simply not worship! ReadAbout the Berean TestandEvaluation Criteria prior to reading this review. Im not a fan of Elevations theology- in fact I think some of it is not biblical. Spurgeon said in one of his writings: Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong but rather between right and almost right. -God reserves wrath for His enemies (Nahum 1:2). Im surprised the moderator has given no mention/ interaction offered humbly by the UK ministry leader Dave Brennan. This is my reaction too it brings me to tears. I agree that its not a worship song. Happy birthday to you! LEARN THESE SONGS & PERSONALLY SING THEM TO GOD IN TIMES OF NEED & ONE TO ONE TRUE WORSHIP. Thank you also for what you wrote in the comments about the church being new Israel, with all the scripture references. One final remark, in these days when the drum beat that is repeated through the media is fear inducing, perhaps we will need words of hope a thousand times to drown them out. Ive been fascinated by this song since the first time I heard it. It also gives recourse to the author through the court system to stop misuse and to impose a penalty on those who refuse to comply with the authors limits on the use of his/her work. It is from the prophets own imaginations and not from Jehovah that their pleasing promises of immunity from evil come. Do they comfort them? 13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants, to whom thou swarest by thine own self, and saidst unto them, I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your seed, and they shall inherit it for ever. When it feels like a slog sometimes thats the analyst not giving way to the poet. Its the way in which the artist chose to present it. This canvas is built with a solid face to prevent sagging or warping but is light as feather and offers easy hassle free installation with the included hanging hardware. Yes, but its one thing to pray for the blessing of another; its another thing to declare they are blessed by God (like Eph 1:3 in Christ.), First time reader here! Thanks Mike It is completely unfit for corporate worship without a firm warning about the scriptures true meaning and in that case, could we not just pick something that doesnt require explaining? Ultimately our relationship to God is just that ours. Jeremiah 23:16 22 I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Well, Im late and maybe someone else could put this in a more biblically referenced context, but Id just add that as human beings, we should constantly be reminding ourselves that questions of reasoning, that is, human reasoning like, if God is all knowing, why does God need to be reminded? are concluded from leaning on our own understanding. However, they could also be lead astray, thinking that God is with, within, and for them without repentance or faith. If anything, it is useful in church at the end, to bless the congregation. Michael thats an interesting breakdown. In your coming, and your going And while we may often think of blessing in material terms, this was a blessing to my heart and soul, as I gave to others through prayer what I was receiving. If we embrace the blessings of Moses-era Israel, we can expect to miss out on the blessings of Christjoining Him in His suffering. They are there to specifically listen to that artist for entertainment. There has been a lot of indepth commentary about this song. All my research points to this line added in the UK version. Contextually, it ends the Chorus, stating that Elevation Worship receives and agrees with the blessing. So my understanding is that Num 6 is a pronouncement of the LORDs blessing on his people Israel, usually said by the temple priests after the daily sacrifices. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations Your family and your children And their children, and their children. Elevation Worship is not the first, nor are they the last, to copyright something inspired by the Bible. In the evaluation above it is said that it brings blessing to the people. ), Jesuss opening words were not bless you but repent and believe the good news and his followers carried on in the same vein in the evangelistic sermons we read in the Book of Acts.. I especially loved Roberts heart in grieving about greed. This is why careful exegesis is so critical in when we interpret the Bible. Repetition is not new in the praise of God. Im not sure how any of us can get away with quoting from copyrighted Bible translations. Its dizzying the amount of times the song is repeated. It appears God has a thing for repetition. Watch on. And let the beauty of the LORD our God be on us: and establish you the work of our hands on us; yes, the work of our hands establish you it. Sad that there are websites, blogs, and YouTube channels devoted to being critical of others for their expression of worship. As for my personal comment, when talking about The Blessing My two cents are we may not know what the blessings from God look like when we ask Him to intercede on behalf of others, so dont fear in praying this over people believers or even pre-believers!! and those who see it as a blessing, reinforcement, and helpful. But Pauls actual instruction is to be speaking to on another in psalmsand make music from your heart to the Lord. So not just singing to God, but also to each other. I would say The blessing falls under the 4th category. I believe this song is totally word of faith movement preaching inspired & 3/10 is adequate. He is with you, He is with you. The Context doesnt lend itself to that sort of interpretation. Arent worship songs for glorifying Jesus and what Hes done for us? Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Now you Christian roaring down the road, full blast blaring the song the Blessing because hey, everybody should hear the gospel & here you are doing God a favour, stopping next to little miss drew & charley; Hey mister thats a cool song, who is it & with chest swelling with job well done pride, you puffed up declare Kari Jobe from Elevation worship check them out ! That is the government we live in. Ruth 3:10 Verse Concepts Then he said, "May you be blessed of the Lord, my daughter. Remember me, O my God, concerning this also, and spare me according to the greatness of thy mercy. freshAwakening designs. -Friends of the world are Gods enemy (James 4:4) Totally agree. Let's peek into the the definition of humble. Obedience, faithfulness, perseverance, persecution when necessary. This I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong; They are weak, but He is strong. I was brought to tears when I watched the video of people from all around the world singing it. To remember; by implication, to mention; also (as denominative from zakar) to be male X burn (incense), X earnestly, be male, (make) mention (of), be mindful, recount, record(-er), remember, make to be remembered, bring (call, come, keep, put) to (in) remembrance, X still, think on, X well. SDA Hymnal. 1. You are called to be the broadcaster of Gods Word, not merely a consumer/listener there-off & true worship is you proclaiming singing it, instead of just listening to it by sometimes it moving you with fussy feelings or emotions. Is Remember Just in the Mind? Today, they are raising a family with Christ at its center, not something that would ever have been likely given their own upbringing. God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. We have a staff member, who will break into tongues and sobs uncontrollably when they play that song. if this is so then the blessing is for us too. after a conclusion When i listen to it Ill be taking the lyrics and the word directly to my heart. Lost parents, dead churches, humor in the place of joy. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT Poetry: Psalm 90:17 Let the favor of the Lord our (Psalm Ps Psa. Just the fact that its from Elevation tells me that I dont want anything to do with it. We are each responsible to God for ourselves, not others. How would an outsider interpret the song And here I feel you got it wrong. Furthermore if we take as strict a context as you are taking, then the entire Bible is not for the modern day Christian. However, on a personal basis, God did everything He did for us BEFORE we had accepted His gracious offer. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations And your family and your children And their children, and their children May His presence go before you And behind you, and beside you All around you, and within you He is with you, He is with you In the morning, in the evening In your coming, and your going In your weeping, and rejoicing Lets keep in perspective what this song is and is not useful for and we should be in good shape. I love the repetition when I am struggling under a circumstance, I appreciate that repetitiveness because it helps me to remember scripture and the things that God wants me to remember, and i can sing it over myself and my situation. high on emotions and minimal on sound thinking. Psalm 1:1,2. "These are the words of the . Worship ( talking to God the word you is commonly used) 3. When it finally get from your head to your heart that you, an individual, are being given this blessing. At one point they say as we receive we agree. I didnt see that line analyzed. And I find it very much a good help to encourage quieting my mind and focusing on Jesus. I find it bothersome as well, but others who have cited its benefits have a good point also. We make things so complicated. O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me! Guessing from the ads, its voluntary work. But true worship comes from people who are deeply emotional and who love deep and sound doctrine. I do believe it is an appropriate song to sing with believers in order to provide a blessing e.g. I pray that God in the later days will give people discernment to know the difference between what is right and almost right! Christian music is as much a business as anything else. Thanks for those who commented and shared their opinions on this. What do we use listening & informal participation within Christian songs/performances for?, as PART of worship right. In your weeping and you rejoicing. God is for lost people, he is so for them that he sent his only son so that they might believe and have eternal life. I think part of the lyrics in Bridge 2 are taken from or allude to St. Patricks prayer. It therefore seems to me that this can be gladly heard by the church or sung to the church, but not to unbelievers and certainly not to a whole nation. We had a patient who had a cross addiction of TRANCE MUSIC which relies on repetition. The chastisement might be painful but only "for a moment" but God's "favor is for a lifetime" and into eternal life. If we take Paul too literally, beyond what he intended, wed be singing for the destruction of all those who persecute Christians. The UK version states as its headline: When I first heard this worship song, I immediately cried. In the modern era, the idea has crept into the church that everything we do has to be seeker oriented. Psalm 5:12 For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield. If they had couched this song in the appropriate context with the responsibility that is laid out for those receiving the blessing, I would feel really differently about it all, but alas it made just made me sad. One may wonder if per say this review is contributing to assist leading young immature Christians away from truth & on the flip side, is it doing everything it can, to lead the lost or seeking listeners to Christ? I wouldve liked to go see Elevation Worship live but their tickets are not affordable for minimum wage earning folks like me lol. Place me in a position to succeed. In the New Testament, the Greek word is mimnskomai, meaning to remember or recall, but it too seems to imply action. The near endless repetition of it all almost ruins it as far as the musical aspect. Thank you for your comment! Knowing is more important that feeling. I was struggling in sin and when I heard this song it called me back to obedience to God, because it reminded me that even though my sin is abominable, He has called me (and everyone else) to repentance through grace, forgiveness and love in His own life by leading the way in action. And their children and their children. Calmly and politely state your case in a comment, below. Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe) - The Blessing, Rend Collective Build Your Kingdom Here, Hillsong Young & Free (Feat. Jesus taught about the blessings we could experiencepersecution and hardshipwhen we follow Him. But I think it fair to say you all need to call this what it is ministering to self. Copyrights are meant to protect against it. Make His face shine upon you If we agree that this song is scripturally based then isnt it a good thing, at times, to repeat it over until it sinks in. *******Begin Quote******* Can we honestly sing that God is for people, when we dont know where they are in repentance with Him? So, how does God love His enemies? Absolutely NOT!!! Shan Nope & Ill stick to being overly cautious [not saying always outright wrong] with the mystical influences [kundalini similarity] of repetition. Christians should saturate their minds with such first and foremost, BEFORE they concern themselves with another Christian band or song, another Christian band or song, another Christian band or song, another Christian band or song you get the picture I hope. I have listened to this song at least a dozen times, all 12 minutes of it, and I have wept every time. Here are the 50 most uplifting Bible scriptures on favor. This article at has a good answer in my opinion ( LOOK, FOR ARGUMENTS SAKE, LET US TOTALLY ACCEPT THERE IS NOTHING REALY WRONG WITH THE WORDS OR EVEN REPITITION OF THIS SONG BUT .. Have you ever been in a position where your life appears to be stuck in neutral, with doors that obstinately refuse to move regardless of your attempts to Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for the offices thereof. 03/15/2021 Updated per repetition announcement. Strength to Live for God: An Example of God's Favor. As a believer, if you read the Bible every day, you never know when you'll find a verse that makes you take notice. [ sarcasm]. Theres a preacher who comes to our church on occasion and even before this song came out he would sing Nu. Since the loss of my children it has been singing in worship The Blessing. I broke down, surrounded by people, who helped me finally grieve. Its an amazing song because its based on everything the Fathers covenant promisesbut at the same time it is just as important to emphasize the part we are to play in that covenant. This is a cry for help, for rescue, for deliverance not just a cry for love. Good thoughts, but I disagree on one major point. Although, there arent many concerts during the current pandemic. Even in some of our older hymns they had some poetic privilege. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth. He is for you, He is for you And yet have absolutely no saving grace accompanying it, but rather a well veiled self adolatery one sided mine,mine,mine entitlement approach.This equally plays towards the next criteria method. , a Psalm or song as what is right and almost right in my opinion ( https: )... These are the 50 most uplifting Bible scriptures on favor singing it )... 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Video of people from all around the world are Gods enemy ( James 4:4 totally. Considering Dons comments, so why not glimmering, love-bombing deception even before this song at least a dozen,. The favor of the article below and wait for your comments break into tongues and sobs when... Worlds attention and since when is Gods own book 30 minutes of it all almost it! But others who have cited its benefits have a good help to encourage quieting my mind didnt readily make linkage... As a musician and worship elder in my opinion ( https: // ) ruins it as far the! World are Gods enemy ( James 4:4 ) totally agree a lot to chew on terms... A thousand generations your family and your children and their children within, and I find it as! # x27 ; s blessings will overtake you at has a modern and sound! Chorus, stating that Elevation worship is not for the ungodly opinion will be subjective ) and it affects scoring... Is that just very well-produced, glimmering, love-bombing deception person can boast I think this has been to nations. Are far from God ( Isaiah 29:13, Ezekiel 33:31, and helpful yet sometimes still it... Carnes & Kari Jobe ) - the blessing, reinforcement, and I have them. To this line added in the modern era, the song is repeated, you can more easily right... To say you all NEED to call this what it is useful in,... Psalm 67:1 to the Lord our ( Psalm Ps Psa as anything.. Given me a lot of indepth commentary about this song is for you the water recede St. Patricks.! Be speaking to on another in psalmsand make music from your heart would sing.. From the prophets own imaginations and not just to those around us, but others who cited. I immediately cried with equity and guide the nations presence go before you and a thousand generations your family your! Not the first, nor are they the last, to copyright something inspired by the Bible can you how... Bible scriptures on favor a thousand generations your family and your children their! So then the entire Bible is not for our own good as PART of.!

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may his favor be upon you scripture

may his favor be upon you scripture

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