crazy things that happened in 2005


One monkey pushes the dog, and as soon as dog takes his head up, all the monkeys slap him one by one, taking 2-3 rounds. In 1944, he was captured in Yugoslavia after the rest of his command was injured or killed by mortar fire. Some of the events that rocked the world in the 2000s continue to reverberate years later. 10 things that happened in 2003 Sep 28, 2012 at 3:44 pm Expand Autoplay 1 of 10 Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated as it re-entered the atmosphere in February, killing all on board. Here are nine things we somehow got by without before 2005: 1. Perhaps the most annoying of all entries on this list, reality TV has changed the landscape of television over the past decade. One guy accidentally swallowed their precious plutonium. The Pacific Northwest and Midwest would be particularly hard hit, resulting in a short-term devastation of agriculture and waterways choked with gray sludge. From the real (climate change, tsunamis, supervolcanoes) to the perceived (Y2K, creepy clowns, Halley's Comet), scary events are a huge part of our shared human history. Consider that it took the radio 38 years to reach 50 million users, but it took facebook less than 9 months to reach 100 million users. The first decade of the 21st century was filled with major news events that include tragic acts of terrorism, natural and humanitarian international disasters, and celebrity deaths. The exaggerated face paint also makes them uncanny human, but in a strange and mysterious way. Many times, things you may have assumed to be true (for years!) 1 of 10. Runners-up: Lost, The Sopranos, Family Guy. Polish soldiers found a bear cub, whose mother had been killed by hunters, by the side of the road. (Oct. 10, 2016), Teague, Matthew. Pope John Paul II dies; over 4 million people travel to the Vatican to mourn him. Earthquake magnitude 7.6 strikes Kashmir leaving an estimated 70,000 dead and 70,000 more injured. The U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld refuses the United Nations commission access to inmates at the Guantnamo Bay detention center, Typhoon Damrey strikes China's island province of Hainan killing 16, President George W Bush at the G8 summit tells other leaders he will not support legally binding reductions on carbon emissions, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, wins a landslide victory on June 25th in Iran's presidential poll, Terrorist Attacks in Sharm al-Sheikh, Egypt kill 90, Prisoners go on hunger strike at the US Guantanamo Bay prison camp. Had it been successful, it would have been the first orbital spacecraft to use a solar sail to increase its speed in space. Microsoft releases the Xbox 360 gaming console in North America. But it was the subsequent failure of the levees in New Orleans that made the hurricane a humanitarian disaster. Dec. 20, 2012. Johnny Carson hosts The Tonight Show for the last time. 6. 2020 is a year where the essential goods section gets wiped clean, while toilet paper becomes the hot new currency in some countries. 7. In 1983, during the Cold War, a single Soviet lieutenant colonel by the name of Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov avoided nuclear war by correctly identifying a false alarm with the Soviet missile detection system. What defines the 2010s? 11th March 2004 Madrid train bombings or Madrid train bombings: Simultaneous explosions on rush hour trains in Madrid, Spain, kill 191 people. Gross. Then, rebel groups began fighting the government and its allied Arabic-speaking Janjaweed militia. In October of 2001, Apple introduced the world to the iPod, and perhaps they didnt even realize what they were doing. Runners-up: Dotcom bust, real estate collapse. "Steam Explosions, Earthquakes, and Volcanic Eruptions What's in Yellowstone's Future?" Jeff Zucker, the Chief Executive of a rival network remarked that, I think Idol is the most impactful show in the history of television. Runners-up: Hotel Rwanda, Brokeback Mountain. Beachgoers, frolicking in the warm waters of Indonesia's Indian coast, look up and see a strange sight on the horizon: A swell of water. Feb. 24, 2023 An object near the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy . This president didn't do that and now all of America is paying the price. Terrorist bombs are planted in crowded marketplace bazaars killing at least 61 people. 2023 E! Hurricane Katrina Makes Landfall as Category 3 status at 6:10 AM local time near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana with sustained windspeeds of 140 MPH, Storm Surge in Area Affected up to 22 foot New Orleans, Storm Surge in Area Affected up to 30 foot Biloxi-Gulfport Mississippi, Breaches to 53 different levees in greater New Orleans. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been elected as the new Pope, he has taken the name Pope Benedict XVI, MG Rover, the UK's sole remaining volume producer goes into receivership. The triumph of change was approved all around the world. Deaths occurred in fourteen different countries, and Indonesia suffered the worst fatalities. Sept. 29, 2012. The issue has been tied up in various negotiation processes, United Nations deliberations, probes, and sanctions debates. Saddam Hussein, Iraq's brutal dictator since 1979, was successfully ousted from power; his two sons, Uday and Qusay, were killed fighting with coalition troops; and Hussein was found hiding in a hole on Dec. 14, 2003. That second-place finisher, Thomas Hicks, was given a mixture of egg whites and strychnine, a poison that is often used to kill rodents or birds, as an attempt at a performance-enhancing drug. 7. So what was the big deal? 2012 was the year of many things, because of 2012 we learned that we the Mayan's calendar just happened to end on that date. Negotiations went on for six days while the United States Strategic Air Command, which was responsible for the nation's strategic nuclear strike forces, stood at DEFCON 2, the highest level of readiness ever ordered [source: U.S. Department of State]. (Oct. 21, 2016), Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, Earth Passes Through the Tail of Halley's Comet, The United States Nearly Loses John Glenn and the Friendship 7 Spacecraft, Time: Everything You Need to Know About the 'Clown Attack' Craze. 1 Russia Invades Ukraine On February 24th, 2022, Russia announced the beginning of its "special military operation" against Ukraine and shortly after began attacking Ukraine using missiles, rockets, and airstrikes. 10) People jumped out of cars for the 'In My Feelings' challenge. Of course what happened to him makes his own crimes seem pretty tame. By 2006, search engine Google purchased the company for $1.65 billion in Google stock. And it was the proto-example of twentysomethings moving to California to create a company and. Halley's Comet came again in 1986, and with any luck, we'll all see it again in 2061 [source: Clark]. A freak occurrence involving sunlight reflecting off of high-altitude clouds confused the satellite system, causing it to indicate that there were five incoming missiles, assumed to be American. The film made instant sensations out of its fresh-faced stars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. He gambled away all the money when he arrived in the States, and showed up for the race in dress clothing. 1 Coronavirus Outbreak. "Steam Explosions, Earthquakes, and Volcanic EruptionsWhat's in Yellowstone's Future?" Pepsi, the soda company, once had the 6th largest military in the world. 42 of 68 43 of 68 Aug. 31, 2005 Express-News file photo Show More Show Less 44 of 68 Sept. 1, . "Climate Change: How Do We Know?" Clint Pumphrey "Will Indonesia Be Ready for the Next Tsunami?" The Iranian regime, which has continually railed against the West and Israel, left little doubt about its motivation for wanting a nuclear weapon or willingness to use it. Michael Jackson is found not guilty of Child Molestation Charges. Oil prices rise sharply throughout the year caused by Trouble in the Middle East, and later Hurricane Katrina. You didn't mean it! Perhaps it was an elaborate plot to cover up the planned murder of Muhammed's ex-wife, or even part of a bigger plan to extort the federal government. 21. He is succeeded by Rawhi Fattouh. He claimed he did it "as a joke.". Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. From the awe-inspiring to the downright bizarre, below we've handpicked the 22 most amazing things that happened in the UK this year (in no particular order). So what's the big deal? They took out #1 and #3 of the 2000 Hottest 100 with 'My Happiness' and 'My Kind of Scene'. Time. On the line was national pride and confidence in the country's ability to compete with its Soviet rivals. "Is Our Survival Instinct Failing Us?" "Apocalypse Postponed: How Earth Survived Halley's Comet in 1910." The News Feed -- now the homepage of the site -- wasn't introduced until 2006. The launch of the unmanned Cosmos 1 failed during June. Well, doctors and other spectators would often watch these surgeries from the gallery, which was much more up close and personal than medical galleries today. Atlas Obscura. Earthquake struck off Sumatra, magnitude of 8.7 it is the second largest earthquake since 1965. She laughed and said it wasn't loaded. A trend toward stronger and more frequent hurricanes, though not yet definitively tied to climate change, is also expected to accelerate. The Darfur conflict began in 2003 in western Sudan. RELATED: The biggest company blunders of 2014. Fear is an ancient emotion. ThoughtCo, Aug. 31, 2021, Some of the top featured acts were U2, Paul McCartney, Elton, John, Pink Floyd, Madonna, Stevie Wonder, and Green Day. (Sorry to all the Constantine Maroulis diehards!). Probably people dressing up as creepy clowns and scaring the pants off of other people. An international poll showed an average of 49% worldwide in favor of Obama, while McCain only garnered 12%. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed, or else none of us might be here. Jessop had to jump out of the lifeboat she was on in order to avoid being sucked under the ship's propellors, and suffered a head injury in the process. He even typed up a constitution, which was just a copy of the US Constitution with any occurrences of "United States" replaced with "New Atlantis.". From a deadly pandemic to a global movement for racial justice, the year 2020 . Sea levels have risen 6.7 inches (17 centimeters) over the past century. "Y2K Bug." Tourists, mostly from Europe, were also killed during this peak travel time, with over 9,000 deaths. We learn that the young man, played by Dev Patel, is not interested in the money, but in finding his lost girlfriend. (Oct. 11, 2016), Philofsky, Rachel. Katrina roared onshore as a Category 3 storm on Aug. 29, 2005, spreading destruction from Texas to Florida. Slumdog Millionaire took the world by storm, grossing $377 million. That first-place finisher, Fred Lorz, hitched a ride in a car to the end of the course after he was struck with serious cramping. During the procedure, Liston accidentally swiped near an elderly doctor with a blade, slicing the fabric of the doctor's suit coat. "I was young and stupid," he said in the series. The New York Stock Exchange, which makes its home only blocks away from the WTC, had its largest one day drop in history when it re-opened. People jumped out of moving cars to perform a viral dance in what was possibly the most 2018 thing that happened in 2018. But instead, the heroic Glenn set the stage for the ultimate American space victory: Landing a man on the moon [source: National Archives]. Screenshot via YouTube. 1. 28. ajoker40 Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith hit theaters, and we thought the series was complete. Here are the worst things that have happened. Liston was renowned for being one of the fastest surgeons alive, which at the time was a very good thing. Jackie Salo. In October 2020, an Italian farmer's dog gave birth to a litter of five puppiesincluding one that had green fur. Dec. 25, 2014. The same fight-or-flight response that gripped cavemen stalked by a hungry saber-toothed tiger still grips modern humans when they skydive for the first time. The tsunami is believed to have been the deadliest natural disaster since the 1976 Tangshan earthquake. As various nations suffered the consequences of the downturns, world leaders grappled with how to counter the economic crisis in a unified manner. St. Helens eruption of 1980 [source: Lowenstern et al.]. Outraged by rising government debt, the Tea Party formed in 2009 and has had considerable success in Congressional elections. Apparently, this has happened before. Nov. 4, 2015. 9. Even with superstar closer Mariano Rivera on the mound, the Red Sox were not going to be denied. The Kyoto Protocol which is intended to cut global emissions of greenhouse gasses comes into effect, without the support of the United States and Australia. 5: Earth Passes Through the Tail of Halley's Comet, 2: The United States Nearly Loses John Glenn and the Friendship 7 Spacecraft, Carlson, Adam. Even wilder theories emerged suggesting that the comet's gravity might throw off Earth's tides and cause the Pacific to empty itself into the Atlantic. Many groups attempted to ban the books, arguing that Rowling was brain washing kids into practicing magic and believing in the occult. Remember the guy that leaned out the window in Boyz N the Hood and used a shotgun to almost blow Ricky in half? As the story goes, a train conductor mentioned that railroad passengers were often disappointed at how these quiet towns were so different from how they were portrayed in Western dime novels. Churchill participated in a number of raids throughout the war, including one in Norway where he jumped off the landing craft playing "March of the Cameron Men" on his bagpipes before throwing a grenade and charging into battle. Feeling safer yet? Dire predictions of accidental missile launches, nuclear meltdown, financial panic and airplanes falling from the sky had people building bunkers and stocking them with Spam. From Tokyo to London, New York to Sydney, Rio De Janeiro to Cairo, the fireworks and celebrations were extraordinary. Weve come a long way since. Obsessed with travel? If Glenn had failed, a struggling space program would have raised some real questions about the United States' national defense capabilities. The woman was using her phone in the Olympic National Forest when she fell into the toilet. But however much it might feel like it, a pandemic was not the only thing to happen in 2020. That wasn't the scary part [source: Weissman]. American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the USS Cole off Yemen were among them. Sometimes one person's scary event can have a ripple effect across a nation. They influence government policy, disaster . Oct. 18, 2016. While such actions may seem crazy now, they could one day prove necessary. Oscar died in 1955, a full 14 years after the sinking of the Bismarck. Anesthesia as we know it didn't exist, so patients were awake for the entire procedure, meaning the shorter it was, the better. Citizens from both sides of the wall uses hammers and axes to smash away at the wall until nothing was left. I'd like to think we respond with thoughtful, positive action, but judging from these events it seems mass hysteria is a more common reaction. Really tense. A woman in Alabama created a Facebook page for "Flomo Klown" and threatened to kill people at a local school. The tsunami claimed victims in both poor villages and plush tourist resorts. The wave struck on Dec. 26, 2004, with a catastrophic force usually confined to apocalyptic action flicks. The movement of the seafloor thrust a tsunami in all directions, like the ripples of a stone tossed in a pond. Encyclopedia Britannica. The pipeline transports diesel and jet fuel from Texas to New York and delivers roughly 45% of New England's fuel. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. The morning of September 11, 2001, would end with two hijacked airliners flown into each of the WTC towers, another plane flown into the Pentagon, and a fourth plane crashing into the ground in Pennsylvania after passengers stormed the cockpit. In 1997 an unknown writer named Joanne Rowling finally got her break upon the publication of a novel she had been working on for seven years, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. The resulting tsunami slammed 11 countries as far away as South Africa, with waves up to 100 feet high. The devastation prompted a massive global humanitarian response, with more than $7 billion donated to the affected regions. Runners-up: The Da Vinci Code, Oprahs book club. June 12, 2012. But before you know it, local officials are dragging you off to a witch trial where logic doesn't matter and torture is the preferred way to draw a confession. Just as scary as the tsunami itself is the possibility that a deadly event could happen again despite the installation of an early detection system in the Indian Ocean. "D.C. Sniper Attacks of 2002." Petrov reasoned that if the US was initiating nuclear war, it would likely be an all-out attack and not just five missiles, so he correctly and against military orders determined it to be a false alarm, preventing a retaliatory launch by the USSR. Psychology Today. Why Bush and Lincoln Both Suspended Habeas Corpus, 14 of Hillary Clinton's Major Accomplishments, What Is Interventionism? Scientists believe climate change will continue to affect the planet through this century and beyond [source: NASA, "The Consequences"]. It's been a full nine years since The Huffington Post emerged into the virtual world, and in that time the world has become wildly different place. Feb. 14, 1999. Some of the consequences of a warming planet are already happening, including accelerated sea rise, more intense rainfall, more severe heat waves, increased wildfires and decreased water availability. Yikes! Nearly 3,000 people died in the country's worst terrorist attack, which made al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden household names. Even the scriptwriter, almost died in an airplane crash, when it was hit by lightning. Updated on July 14, 2019. Danny Boyle created a masterpiece in 2008 with his film Slumdog Millionaire. Even the venerated Time magazine set up a generator-powered "war room" in the basement of their building. Dec. 31, 2014. Take the Yellowstone supervolcano eruptions, which happened 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago and 640,000 years ago. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Live 8 concerts happen in members of the G8 cities around the world to put pressure on the Leaders of the G8 countries to do more for the world's poor. Spoiler: The Force has awakened to the sound of more box office dollars. Iran steadfastly claimed that its nuclear program was for peaceful energy purposes, but various intelligence sources said the country was in dangerous reach of developing a nuclear weapon. 14. An Australian speedskater won that country's first-ever gold medal in a Winter Games because of sheer crazy luck. But there may be something more fundamental. That was the terrifying reality during the D.C. sniper attacks of 2002. The list is broken into ten different categories, with at least one runner-up listed for each. We just aren't wired very well to deal with this uncertainty, and the Great Clown Scare is proof [source: Romm]. There is much weird and crazy that's happened in my life. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! In a nation still bearing the scars of its Jim Crow past, the people of the United States made a huge move toward true racial equality in 2008 by electing Barack Obama, the nations first black president. Here are nine things we somehow got by without before 2005: 1. The Oregon Supreme Court nullified nearly 3,000 marriage licenses issued to same-sex couples, Wild Fires Sweep Portugal leaving over 20 dead and thousands of acres destroyed. Some of the events that rocked the world in the 2000s continue to reverberate years later. He correctly guessed its arrival in 1759, and the comet dazzled the night sky again in 1835. We wouldn't say things were simpler a decade ago, but they were certainly interesting! The movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith was released! What followed was nothing short of mania. If you loved this article and want more content like this, support our site with a visit to our Contribution Page.Please and thank you. Hopefully you can somehow convince the superstitious executioner that you aren't a witch, but if not, you'll be hanged, beheaded or burned at the stake. The Guardian. Their motives were unclear. Part of HuffPost Business. It was the original Internet platformsomething virtually every technology startup now aspires to be. The U.S.-UK invasion of Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, toppled the brutal Taliban regime. Runners-up: HD TV, high speed internet, Wikipedia. Y2K was a computer bug. Mercifully, police were able to identify Muhammed and Malvo as suspects and capture them at a rest stop, but not before they killed 10 people and injured three others. President Obama had some strong ideas and plans for the future, and only time will tell if he can truly come through with them. December 17, 2020. Katrina claimed 1,836 lives, and 705 people were categorized as missing. By the time the final book was published in 2007, the Harry Potter series had turned Rowling into a billionaire, one of the runners-up for Times Person of the Year, and easily the most influential childrens writer of her era. 16 members of the EU are obliged to adopt the euro eventually, with the United Kingdom and Denmark exempt. "Mad Jack" Churchill, a British Army officer during WWII, was, At one point, the makers of Pepsi had the. Jan. 2, 2009. Harry Potter became famous for its cult-like following, with millions of kids everywhere waiting outside bookstores for midnight parties on release dates. Two were crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, one was flown into the Pentagon Building in Washington DC, and in the fourth plane, civilians overtook the terrorists and the plane crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. He started as a ship's cat aboard the Nazi ship Bismarck, which was sunk by the British ship HMS Cossack in 1941. Sometimes events that happened hundreds of thousands or even millions of years ago are scary, not because tons of people were there to see them, but because they are predictive of what might happen in the future. The Crow (1994) The Crow has become a moody, gothic cult classic. (Oct. 12, 2016), NASA. October 6, 2016. Any small musician, looking to make it big, can get his music in the iTunes store, and theoretically propel himself to stardom. Let's hop back a decade and remember why your friends couldn't stop quoting Hitch. How we managed to function without it remains a baffling mystery. Apr 19 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger elected Pope Benedict XVI on the second day of the Papal conclave. Before the company's founding in 2006, we had to get through our days without recognizing the 13 Potatoes That Look Like Channing Tatum nor the 14 Cats Who Think Theyre Sushi. The Y2K bug was big news in December 1999. Kanye West. Women particularly elderly women bore the brunt of this fanaticism: Eighty percent of those brutally executed in this dark chapter of European history were female. Nicknamed the "Yorkshire Witch," Mary Bateman's career began when she pretended to be the go-between for a couple of fake psychics named "Mrs. Moore" and "Miss Blythe." She actually made a pretty tidy living selling potions, fortunes, and curses, but greedy people are never happy with "a pretty tidy living." (Oct. 11, 2016), Miller, Laura. Or maybe you get upset with someone and make a half-joking quip wishing him harm. So. The intelligence that led to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003 remains a controversy, but the invasion changed the decade in a way that its predecessor, the Gulf War, didn't. Coordinates. The Washington Post. And everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief [source: National Geographic]. Carrie Underwood won Season 4 of American Idol. Part of the reason for its strange allure is the tragic accident which occurred on set. Just two hours later, before the family had been informed of the death, the man's twin brother rode his own bicycle across the exact same stretch of highway. A new cadre of internet citizen has been created since 2005: The social media editor. The disaster also prompted the creation of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System. On June 29, 2009, U.S.forces withdrew from Baghdad, but the situation in the region is still unstable. A star-studded memorial service took place for the singer at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. One of the biggest problems would be the massive amounts of ash thrown into the air, which winds would carry across the United States. Nearly three thousand people were killed in the attacks. After the war, he was placed in the Edinburgh Zoo where he lived out the rest of his days until he died at age 21. The second-largest earthquake ever recorded, with at least a 9.1 magnitude, ripped the floor of the Indian Ocean west of Indonesia. The shootings continued for the next three weeks, claiming victims at a gas station, home improvement store, middle school and other ordinary public places [source: Philofsky]. Consider this: The Kardashian sex tape didn't come out until 2007. The first months of the year were full of X-rays, surgeon visits and physical therapy. Based on the book Q&A by Vikas Swarup, the movie tells the tale of an impoverished young man and his chance to make millions on the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? He answers question after question based on chance encounters throughout his life, such as how he knows who is on a US 100 dollar bill. Woody Allen (age 56) left his long-term partner Mia Farrow after she discovered his secret affair with her adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn (age 21). And did anyone think the Rolling Stones would still be touring? Whether that's applied for the the righteous or the trivial is up to the tweeter. The Tea Party Populist anger had not yet materialized into the Tea Party movement in 2005. Heads prevailed, or else none of us might be here eventually, with waves to... Some of the events that rocked the world in the Middle East, and we thought series! Now the homepage of the EU are obliged to adopt the euro eventually, with millions of kids everywhere outside. Crazy that & # x27 ; s first-ever gold medal in a short-term devastation of agriculture waterways! 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crazy things that happened in 2005

crazy things that happened in 2005

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