He believes that this growth in sales, accompanied by his more aggressive approach to retailing, will enable his bold expansion plans for Sportak to be achieved. The higher sales margin would mean that the total cost of materials for this product will only be 25% of sales. I am struggling with Telford Engineering questions, i can get Q3 and Q4any help with the rest will be much appreciated. THIS IS ESSENTIAL FOLLOWING MEXIT AS WE NEED TO HAVE FREE, CASHFLOWS FOR US TO MEET OUR SHORT-TERM OBLIGATION AND. 5 5 comments AlphaAndOmega 1 yr. ago At least I'm not the only one, I just cant seem to crack any of the others Has anyone been able to solve the answers for section 8? In order to achieve cost leadership, some of the following need to be in place: Professional skills are specific skills that you generally acquire through work-place experience for example team-working, communication, negotiation ability. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. A useful model of change to remember is Kurt Lewins three-step model, which involved: Unfreeze Peer assessment within EPSM Peer assessment is being introduced to Unit 8 of the Ethics and Professional Skills module for those who register for the module from 7 April 2021. Alina, https://i.postimg.cc/RFkqhy41/Analying-the-6-strategic-options-Screen-1.png, https://i.postimg.cc/prKrFCLw/Analying-the-6-strategic-options-Screen-2.png, https://i.postimg.cc/gchnQzHg/Analying-the-6-strategic-options-Screen-4.png, https://i.postimg.cc/YCd9YhtC/Analying-the-6-strategic-options-Screen-5.png, https://i.postimg.cc/jSSqxty0/Analying-the-6-strategic-options-Screen-6.png. Finance professionals need to demonstrate that they understand and can apply ethical and professional behaviour in real-world work situations. Jerome anticipates that sales per store will rise by about 8% over the next year. The principal of peer assessment is that students review and objectively assess the work of other students and also have their own work reviewed and assessed using consistent criteria and associated grade descriptors. In Table 1 is a summary of the figures that have been prepared by Jeromes accountant for discussion. Acceptability I'm struggling with this section. January 5, 2020 at 4:52 . The process should not take longer than three days and will often be completed in a much shorter time period. Your presentation will be reviewed and rated by five other students and you will be required to review and assess five presentations prepared by others. Should this be the case your completion bar may fall below 100%, but this does not impact impact your completion status and it is not compulsory for you to complete any new content added to the module. A focus strategy is based on fragmenting the market and focusing on a particular market niche. To be successful, one should consider the adoption of the following management styles to improve the acceptance of the change: Refreeze Part (c) requires you to apply the financial skills you have learned throughout your ACCA studies to give an overview of how viable Jeromes plans are. THIS IS ESSENTIAL FOLLOWING MEXIT AS WE NEED TO HAVE FREE CASHFLOWS FOR US TO MEET OUR SHORT-TERM OBLIGATION AND ENSURE OUR LIQUIDITY POSITION DOES NOT DETORIATE. If you have not been successful you will be provided with feedback and invited to resubmit your presentation. Part (d) specifically deals with the how? part of the strategic choice stage. Peer assessment also motivates learners to improve the effort they make with an assessment because they know it will be reviewed and assessed by their peers. Amy Poehler. Presentation on Strategic options discussed by the sub-committee formed under Head of Accounting, Jamie Roberts. Store modernisation programmes for all the shops, as well as upgrading stock with a wider and more sophisticated range of products, will also require funding. Market share can be enhanced by such techniques as improved quality, productivity or increased marketing activity. Uploaded By Ratings 83% (6) This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of pages. Madhura Ranadive. Growth, using other peoples money, has its advantages, but it did not appeal to Jerome. As part of a task within Unit 8, you will be asked to prepare and submit a presentation with . However, you will be able access this new content should you wish to keep your skills up-to-date. All you need to remember is the key steps of strategic analysis, choice and implementation. Increasingly, and rightly, clients are demanding accountants that are well versed in the latest ethics of accounting practice. Please can guide me on the calculation? This is very similar to the approach youll be required to take at Strategic Professional exams. Hi can anyone help me on this? It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. We therefore recommend you complete the module towards the end of completing your Applied Skills exams and before attempting any Strategic Professional exams. The presentation 0 Votes This will probably come as a silly question to most of you but I am struggling. CUTTING COSTS IS A KEY STRATEGY TO TURN AROUND. Why do we have the Ethics and Professional Skills module (EPSM)? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Differentiation Valheim . The module helps you to develop the professional skills you need to demonstrate in your Strategic Professional exams. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. This involves introducing a new product into the current market. How are we going to achieve the chosen direction? ACCA EPSM Peer Assesment. As the overall sports equipment and sportswear market was still growing, the price being asked for this acquisition was rather high. Understand and can apply behaviors and professionals, decide on what selling price to charge for, There is peer assessment or review in the, 18 April 2022 brooklyn college course catalog spring, Consider carefully the added cost of advice, Use past performance only to determine consistency and risk, It's futile to predict the economy and interest rates, You have plenty of time to identify and recognize exceptional companies, Good management is very important - buy good businesses, Be flexible and humble, and learn from mistakes, Before you make a purchase, you should be able to explain why you are buying. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Horizontal. The issue of feasibility evaluates whether the chosen strategy can be implemented successfully. Unit 8: Integrated Case Study Topic 8: Strategic Planning, Hi Rupesh, i am stuck at this step- the answer to the 6 strategic options, would you be so kind to share with me your findingsstrugling to undertsand what the qs are asking of memany thanks. . A criticism of the stores when Jeromes father was in charge was that they were often short of stock. Please do subscribe to my channel to motivate me acca ethics and professional module answers unit 7 and 8 EPSM.. eh. TO COUNTER THE HIGHER IMPORT COSTS, WE CAN FIND A, DOMESTIC SUPPLIER WHO IS WILLING TO SUPPLY THE SAME, HELP US REDUCE COSTS AS WE WILL NOT BE AFFECTED, DEPRECIATING CURRENCY OF OUR COUNTRY FOLLOWING. can any assist? Always make your living doing something you enjoy. Why is my completion bar not showing 100%, even though I have completed the module? EPSM Unit 8- Strategic Options.pptx - STRATEGIC OPTIONS IDENTIFIED BY THE SUB-COMMITTE STRATEGIC OPTION 1- COST REDUCTION CUTTING COSTS IS A KEY EPSM Unit 8- Strategic Options.pptx - STRATEGIC OPTIONS. This may be followed so as to maximise the return on a business that may be at the top of its cycle and, hence, will be in line with the goal of maximisation of cash flows. The 13 ACCA exams are divided into 3 levels - Applied Knowledge, Applied Skills and Strategic Professional. WE HAVE ALREADY OUTSOURCED MUCH OF THE ACCOUNTING. Cost leadership. THIS IS ESSENTIAL FOLLOWING MEXIT AS WE NEED TO HAVE FREE, CASHFLOWS FOR US TO MEET OUR SHORT-TERM OBLIGATION AND ENSURE. Invest in the latest technology improved quality means less labour needed. Minimise overhead costs by exploiting bargaining power. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. TO COUNTER THE HIGHER IMPORT COSTS, WE CAN FIND A DOMESTIC, SUPPLIER WHO IS WILLING TO SUPPLY THE SAME MATERIALS AT A CHEAPER, RATE AND WITHOUT REDUCING THE QUALITY OF MATERIAL THIS WILL, HELP US REDUCE COSTS AS WE WILL NOT BE AFFECTED BY THE. Anybody got youtube links they used help . The final problem that must be overcome is to decide how the chosen strategic option should be undertaken. Your presentation will be reviewed and rated by five other students and you will be required to review and assess five presentations prepared by others. You should also look at the Change Kaleidoscope and Cultural Web. However, as with strategic analysis and strategic choice, it is possible to simplify the issues into a number of key sub-headings: Resource management Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. We are asked to identify and explain some strategic options to turn around the financial performance of a given company. Any ideas on what this can be and how much detail we go into? 2. (Telford Engineering) Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 4 Thanks in advance. As a consequence of differentiation being about uniqueness, it is not really possible to give an exhaustive list detailing how a firm may differentiate itself. Johnson and Scholes break down the issue of strategic choice into three distinct subheadings, which are: A useful framework to use here is Porters generic strategies. The topic Ethics and Professional Module-Unit 8.8: Analysing the strategic options is closed to new replies. At about this time another chain of 15 sports shops became available for purchase. Find out more about what this means and how peer assessment will support your learning. Please note that there is now a separate . whats app +923170004562 for any helpEPSM ans. 1. An option to repurpose the main product of Telford Engineering can now be explored. This can be summarised in the following diagram: We stated that the alternative directions available to a business could be described in general terms as follows: Do nothing Please visit our global website instead. He believed that only the big, nationwide retail chains would survive and that the smaller sized groups would be taken over by the larger chains of sports goods retailers who were more profitable and had greater capability to raise finance. Concentrate on productivity objectives and constantly seek to improve efficiency and economy for example, value chain analysis. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. And you will also be given a personalised dashboard of your performancein the end of unit assessment and a transcript showing the skills you will have demonstrated throughout the module, Youll have completed one of the three key requirements towards ACCA membership (the others being exams and experience). Before approaching the bank Jerome discussed this issue with his accountant and offered the following ideas for his proposed expansion. Education and communication of the new ways, so that they fully understand what is going on and are not in a situation where they are afraid of the unknown and therefore show resistance. However, by late 20X1 there was evidence that Sportaks overall position within the market was weakening. Look to develop product designs that facilitate automation. Management of change Jerome recognised that during this period of change Sportak might lose a number of its key shop managers. By nature, he was an entrepreneur who sought growth. 3. Forward. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. We track these errors automatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact us. Prove you're an accountant for all our futures. ), Which direction should we choose? There's always something to worry about - do you know what it is? Organisational structure please help. Reasons The following questions need to be addressed about the strategic options: Feasibility Please visit our global website instead, Can't find your location listed? The shop managers will also be encouraged to stock more expensive lines of products where the margins will be higher and, in addition, they will be expected to hold much more stock. Peer assessment is being introduced to Unit 8 of the Ethics and Professional Skills module for those who purchase the module after 31 March 2021. Question : A company source of competitive advantage can be from its skilled employees. Backward. You could also share them with your PER mentor to demonstrate achievement towards your performance objectives. A firm differentiates itself from its competitors when it provides something unique that is valuable to buyers. Most customers were unwilling to wait for the product to be ordered and they therefore bought from competitors shops. Under Jeromes plan it is proposed to allocate a substantial budget 15% of sales to spend on press advertising and on public relations, and this level of commitment will continue for the foreseeable future. This strategy maintains the security of the present product while enabling extra revenue to be generated from new segments for example, McDonalds and its geographic market development. txt) or read online for free. If there is sufficient finance available an acquisition will provide a very quick way of providing access to new product/market areas and the new organisation will have economies of scale advantages. https://i.postimg.cc/prKrFCLw/Analying-the-6-strategic-options-Screen-2.png Suitability identifies the extent to which the proposed strategy enhances the situation identified in the strategic analysis. This involves increasing the market share in the current market with the current product. The product change is often the result of changes and modifications to an existing successful product for example, Mars ice cream. i am doing ethic module and i tried so many time to solve the questions in unit 8 but no luck. EPSM: Unit 8 Peer Assessment Presentation We are asked to identify and explain some strategic options to turn around the financial performance of a given company. In this case the organisation keeps its tried and tested products but aims to apply them to different market segments. Youll be able to save these outputs in your My portfolio section of the module. The scope, speed and style of the changes need to be carefully reviewed in order to obtain full commitment to them. Sports personalities will be paid to appear in all stores, which will have to be re-equipped. This is the most risky of the product market strategies as it involves the introduction of a totally new product in a new market. Jerome has also decided to tackle the problem of marketing and, in particular, promotion. Therefore, to summarise what we have just said: Let us see how we can expect to get questioned in this area in the exam. This option is to construct steel reinforcement frames for factory construction in countries vulnerable to earthquakes. This is an alternative to the present product and builds on present knowledge and skills. Cost leadership These people have enjoyed substantial autonomy, and although they will still have some freedom on the stock range that they offer, they might increasingly see their freedom to act as managers being eroded. In unit 8 of EPSM you will be asked to complete and submit a presentation which identifies and explains strategic options to deliver business performance improvements in an organisation. Congrats for reaching that far.Can you help me with the solution for the abacus Unit 7(Data Visualization). In order to complete peer assessment three things need to happen: 2. You will receive a Certificate of achievement. Epsm Unit 8 Module . OUR LIQUIDITY POSITION DOES NOT DETORIATE. CUTTING COSTS IS A KEY STRATEGY TO TURN AROUND. In the meantime, please try again. These shops are clustered in the south of the country. Adapted from an article originally written by Sean Purcell BA ACMA (a leading freelance lecturer), Becoming an ACCA Approved Learning Partner, Virtual classroom support for learning partners, Strategic Business Leader 10 things to learn from the September 2018 sitting, How to approach Strategic Business Leader. By producing at the lowest possible cost, the manufacturer can compete on price with every other producer in the industry and earn the highest unit profits. Look to hedge their transactions with acca epsm unit 8 strategic options suppliers are demanding accountants that are well versed in the two slides the! You should already have a good idea given what you've chosen to study.. No one checks, i just put in a . And moved to the next question. 1. Skilled employees are reported to be capable in reducing internal costs hence, THE COLD, HARD REALITY The media's attention to Jeffrey Wigand, Sherron Watkins, Coleen Rowley, and Cynthia Cooper could lead you to believe that doing the right thing and speaking out against the. Sample ACCA exam Jerome was impatient with the lack of growth. Unit 8 Strategic Options Presentation PDF. The company sells a wide range of sports equipment such as golf clubs, tennis, skiing equipment, soccer and other sports equipment. Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, pdfcoffee.com_strategic-question-pdf-free.pdf, 02_Group 5_Case 3_National Cranberry Coop.pptx, Prestige Institute Of Management & Research, Strategic Marketing Spring 2020 MKT4449v3.pptm, 3 Coupon Marketing Expense Coupons do not just magically appear in consumer, had been built in the woods several hundred yards back from the water Mighty, Managers decide if or how their employees performance should be rewarded and, Which of these is NOT a purpose for general feedback Select one a To help, Home Fall Prevention Checklist(1)(1).docx, short term sales 2 Develop at least two strategies to develop the skills of the, Legitimacy maintenance is also required as social expectations and values change, To demonstrate that he is not the kind of leader who hides in bunkers the, Rhetorical Analysis Draft_ Barack Obama's Farewell Speech.docx, 452 s 453 elections are void Principal Residence to Rental property s 452, PM L09 Quiz 22SP HIST 101 Sec 1 Roman Republic Empire WC Lawrence, Enter the accountancy department costs for Option B: Incorrect X. : 2 which the proposed strategy enhances the situation identified in the latest technology quality! 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