robin webb phil graham photos


My father received a confidential letter from his friend Kent Cooper, former general manager of the Associated Press, who was living in retirement in Palm Beach. Phil wrote a letter in return that Katharine rightly describes as pretty strange: One morning when you were despairing I tried to help you by words. Katharines mother, Agnes Meyer, was descended from Lutheran ministers. Johnson worked actively to cultivate the press, and Phil was always drawn to politics. The End. It was unendurable to him not only that he couldn't make any of it right but that he might cause more hurt again. For the first time I had found a man who was that right mix of intellectual, physical, and social charm, and warm and funny on top of that. It happens to be a beautiful Destiny and I shall be there while it is beautiful and while it is not. To get a sense of how momentous were Katharine Grahams two decisions in the nineteen-seventieson the Pentagon Papers and Watergateit is crucial to understand just how poorly she had been prepared for such decisions by her family, her legendary husband, and the atmosphere in which she had always lived. Mrs. Graham looked quite handsome, I thought. During his time in D.C., Graham rubbed shoulders with a group of like-minded politicos known as the Georgetown Set, and came to know both Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. On Nov. 2, I flew up to Idlewild Airport with Phil to see him off to Europe, where he was going to talk to Larry Norstad. As he was being taken out of George Washington, he loudly proclaimed who he was and that he was a prisoner. I have now gone. Because of this, he never put a name to Phil's illness. Katharine, by her own account and in the accounts of others, was a tall and awkward girl with a manly stride, but she was also intelligent, and she absorbed the lessons of her social class well. Mrs. Grahamone always referred to her as Mrs. Graham, even in private and at great distancesdid not travel in the style of the British Raj, but she was not arriving on a Eurailpass, either. I simply didnt connect my lack of self-confidence with his behavior to me., The end of this increasingly painful marriage was prolonged and extremely public. He said he felt trapped, no longer able to go on; that everything was black. To a reporter, and especially a reporter in 1996, there doesnt seem to be a need to make any decision at all. Circumstances seemed to conspire in challenging Graham. By early March 1961, Phil was involved in his old in-depth way with many activities -- political and Post Co.-related -- and he seemed to me to be enjoying himself. Katharine Grahams establishment position on the war did not go unnoticed. My father had indeed given Phil the major part of the stock, and Phil had run the company well, but it was the millions invested in the paper by my father that enabled it to survive the years of losses. I can see today that his activities had become increasingly frenetic, though still fairly constructively so, the most obvious example of which was his purchase of Newsweek, then a weak, marginally profitable newsmagazine for businessmen, far behind its rival, Time. Gone not to my Far Country but to my Destiny. This was in 1988, and I had recently been assigned to the Washington Posts bureau in Moscow. Most of the year following Phil's breakdown was spent in slow, gradual recovery. Post vice president James Truitt arranged with Kennedy to send Air Force 2 to retrieve Graham, who checked in for the first of two brief stays at Chestnut Lodge, then a leading psychiatric hospital in Rockville, Md., that has since burned down. Her allegiance to democratic capitalism is no less firm than that of William F. Buckley, Jr., and her inherent faith that the establishment lites will do the right thing is nearly absolute. Robin Webb. On Feb. 1, Phil came home briefly. He wept and wept and couldn't stop. If one compares the approach of the liberal media (the Post, the Times, etc.) The reporters returned to The Post to write the story, expecting, of course, that it would be on the front page. At that point, Phil got together with {columnist} Joe Alsop to discuss the merits of Lyndon Johnson as Kennedy's running mate. At that meeting he offered him the vice-presidency -- both because he thought he had to and because he thought that Johnson would not accept. In 1962, he began an affair with Australian journalist Robin Webb, for whom he would later threaten to divorce his wife Katharine Meyer Graham. Everything except Phil's personal expenses was carried by me from the modest trust started for each of the Meyer children by my father. Needless to say, for years I regaled all who would listen with my Katharine Graham story. He loved me, and I loved him. He was the publisher (from 1946 until his death) and co-owner (from 1948) of The Washington Post. Then, in June 1946, President Truman called and asked my father to become the first president of the World Bank. It was he who instilled in Phil a distrust, fear, and horror of any drugs, not to mention shock therapy, claiming that these treatments reduced people to something less than human -- something tranquilized and fishlike. From Sioux Falls, Phil and Robin flew to Phoenix, where many of the nation's most prominent publishers were gathered for a meeting of the Associated Press. In the end he went sadly but willingly, late in the day on June 20. Bradlee now sees himself as the self-appointed leader of. He refused to be used, particularly by my mother, or to be dominated by her. Sometimes you dont really decide, you just move forward, and that is what I didmoved forward blindly and mindlessly into a new and unknown life. It is not usually advisable, or possible, to argue with a Soviet bus, but my priorities were clear. Phil and I flew to California five days before the Democratic Convention was to open. But there are also relationships that start out that way yet cross over to become real friendships that last forever. At once he became my father's close collaborator. In 1967, Katharine wrote a letter to Johnson (not quoted in the book) expressing enormous empathy: These times are so difficult that my heart bleeds for you. It's hard to describe my devastation after my discovery of the affair. Under Philip Graham, the Post had no prayer of even pretending to match the standards of the countrys best paper. The Formative Years. In my boyhood as a reporter, I nearly killed the matriarch of the liberal-media conspiracy. According to Otis, who told me all of this only much later, Phil was disheveled and spinning out ideas, some of which were unintelligible. In his first, brief tenure at The Post, Ben Bradlee was deeply distressed by the side of Phil that used the paper to achieve his political purposes, however worthy. Robin Webb (Songbird) See Photos. As a publisher, Don Graham may never face a pair of crises as critical as the Pentagon Papers and Watergate. Those first few years of marriage, Phil and I had a very happy time. On the other hand, some of our long talks over the past few years had made it apparent to me that Phil was worried about being a "son-in-law," about having been "given" the paper and the company by my father. Liz at Large Bradlee was incensed, and said so in terms both loud and profane. And then nothing more. Katharine soon learned of their affair, when she picked up the phone and heard Phil and Robin talking to each other in words that made the situation plain.. Please reload the page and try again. Local Activists Work With Falls Church City Council To Reinvest In Eden Center. Once married, we were confined to running houses, providing a smooth atmosphere, dealing with children, supporting our husbands. . The book has been republished twice by small presses. He welcomed her with a carload of flowers, and together they flew to Sioux Falls, S.D., where he was to talk to the publisher of the local paper about buying it. Dr. Phil McGraw has worked extremely hard over the years . Facebook gives people the power to. His mother, the former Florence Morris, had been a schoolteacher in the Black Hills of South Dakota. While publisher of the Post, he grew so close to L.B.J. Perhaps it was true. community.". I had no understanding of the terrible depression he had gone through or the polar-opposite mood that was dominating him at the time. Even considering the style of rich American families in the early part of the century, her parents, Eugene and Agnes Meyer, seem to have exceeded the norm for emotional reticence. Though Phil knew nothing about the newspaper business -- or any business, for that matter -- his brains and abilities served him well. So, on June 18, 1946, The Post announced that my father was withdrawing from active direction of the paper. Graham eventually met Australian journalist Robin Webb, and in 1962 they began an affair. As a result, I had no one on whom to lean for advice. Katharine's husband Philip battled alcoholism and mental illness throughout the marriage. We don't have one. Certainly he saw his whole endeavor as useless unless he could project a future for The Post in the family. When Eisenhower finally sent in federal troops, Phil saw it as a defeat not only for the South but for himself. Pretty soon this kind of thinkingindeed, this kind of lifetook its toll: most of us became somehow inferior. Phil's involvement in the whole matter -- besides pushing Lyndon on its importance from the beginning of their relationship -- began in earnest in July, when he invited {civil rights lawyer} Joe Rauh to our farm in Virginia, Glen Welby. She had not thought about what marriage entailed in the way of relationships to spouse and children, Graham writes. Readers like you keep our work free for everyone to read. . Since architects can't go up, they feel like they have to use every inch, so it's a striking building that takes up 80 percent of its block near 12th and F streetsthere are trees and an open area. . And, under Bradlees urging, she began spending the money necessary to create, among other things, a first-rate foreign staff. After a hurricane struck in 1926, the sugar company gave up and his father developed a dairy business on some of the land. Week after week, the leading figures of the Nixon Administration lambasted Graham and the Post for the Watergate stories. In those days, of course, the only possible heir would have been a male, and since my brother was in medicine and had shown little or no interest in the business, my father naturally thought of Phil. At Harvard, Phil made the Law Review and, at the end of his second year, became its president. One doctor told a friend later, "Phil was determined to get out and really was unbelievably masterful in his ability to manipulate people." We had lunch on two trays on the back porch at Glen Welby, chatting and listening to some classical records. In an otherwise blissful spring of journalistic overload, a time when the merest cough in the Kremlin merited front-page attention, it came about that the Post and its sister publication, Newsweek, were being awarded a plum: an interview with the General Secretary of the Communist Party. Orval Faubus ordered the National Guard to bar nine Negro students from the previously all-white Central High School in Little Rock. Phil, who had been helping him prepare for this moment for months, was at his side working on his statement. Later, she developed an infatuation with the work of Thomas Mann and seems to have made endless demands on the authors time and patience. I began keeping a little accounts book, dutifully noting every penny spent, including the cost of gas and oil for the car, stamps, groceries, even our personal allowances, which were $9 each per week. He knew everyone in the building, always taking on the problems of people who worked for him -- worrying over someone's sick child, unmet mortgage payment, health crisis. Phil was clearly upset, too. But then Mrs. Graham was laughing. My mother seemed to undermine so much of what I did, subtly belittling my choices and my activities in light of her greater, more important ones, she writes. Yet, with all her complexity, I felt closer throughout my early childhood to my mother than to the very distant and rather difficult figure of my father. It was a loyal nanny, Powelly, who supplied the hugs, the comforting, the feeling of human contact, even the love that my mother did not.. Museums/Galleries Eugene served Agnes breakfast in bed every morning; he ate at the bedside table. Advertisement. Robin . Gear Prudence Latest news and commentary on Robin Webb including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography. The whole political year of 1960 was very exciting. When she travelled to Paris, she quite naturally took up with Brancusi and Rodin and Stein and Satie; she took fencing lessons with Mme. In the summer of 1963, Phil seemed to be getting betterhe was undergoing treatment at a psychiatric center in Marylandand there was even hope of resuming a normal life at home. The violence grew steadily. . He committed suicide that day. Porter High. His temperament, his interests, and his style are quite different from his mothers. the tiny fringe of arrogant litists who infect the healthy mainstream of American journalism with their own peculiar view of the world. The fact is, though, that two days after making that statement Colson talked to Howard Hunt about the need to supply more financial help to the defendants in the Watergate trial. Graham was from a Florida family whose financial prospects, while far from dire, were a matter of occasional drama. Some of my deepest friendships began with an administration person whom I got to know because of my association with the paper.. Someone -- I've never been sure who -- reached President Kennedy, who agreed to the use of a government plane to transport the doctors to get Phil. The babushka melted. Phil's activities in regard to Little Rock were the first sign for me that something was wrong with him, that his powerful talents could be used in such an idealistic but confusing and irrational way. But those who worked in the Posts newsroom knew one infinitely reassuring fact about Mrs. Graham: that at the most important moments of her professional life she did the right thing. Naturally, they voted that he be allowed to go. Gravely, as if we were negotiating the Treaty of Ghent, I gave her an annotated copy of Vogue, a mug shot of Mrs. Graham, and a hundred dollars. On an early trip, he requested a secretary, and the bureau chief dispatched Robin Webb, a young Australian trying to make it as a journalist. This is about enough to mention about the family except possibly to reemphasize that they are lousy rich -- for instance, they live in an absurdly huge vulgar castle here, have another in N.Y., have a ranch in Wyoming, etc. I insisted. Contact Us When Johnson had announced he was running for President that year, Phil Graham helped write the speech; he even ended up on his hands and knees, crawling around at the last minute to retrieve one of Lyndons contact lenses, which had popped out. This is a posture unbecoming to a publisher of newspapers. CAPTION: A June wedding: Phil and Katharine Graham married in 1940. It wasn't until years later that I looked at the downside of all this and realized that, perversely, I had seemed to enjoy the role of doormat wife. I rang her up and explained the situation. Phil wasn't much better than I, but went at it with much more enthusiasm and natural energy -- so much so that at one of the parties his pants split horizontally across the rear. At last, we could begin to believe that The Post was here to stay. Events, Football Around this time, my father decided to pass the paper on to Phil and me. You've probably heard of her father, Eugene Meyer, who is now publisher of the Washington Post, and has been in the past such things as head of the Federal Reserve. Philip planned to divorce Katharine for Webb and started the process of dividing up the couple's assets. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories, To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. I cannot tell you how pained I am by the circumstances which have caused you, quite unnecessarily, distress and concern, Jovanovich wrote in a cowering letter to Mrs. Graham. As she grew older and more self-confident, she could be imperious, even frightening to her editors and executives, but her desire to please, or at least to get along with, those in power, never entirely faded. Gradually, I ceased talking much at all when we were out together. She felt like Trilby to his Svengali; she felt as if he had created her, that she was totally dependent. The cost of failure was incalculable. It was my paying all our living expenses that had allowed Phil to purchase his stock with his income from The Post. He loved me, and I loved him. Around the table in Phil's office sat Secretary of the Interior Julius "Cap" Krug, Undersecretary Oscar Chapman, President Truman's special adviser Clark Clifford, and two or three others. I told him I had the feeling that he thought my point of view was different from Phils, but that in general Phil and I had agreed. I panicked. If she has been cool to any Presidents since Watergate, they have been the two Democrats, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, not least because they came to town with the greatest suspicion of old-line WashingtonKatharine Grahams Washington. The whole strategy for going for voting rights was inspired -- the idea for which Phil was the architect. He is a Jew, a Republican, and rich as hell. Youve never known anything., I cant say I think Mother genuinely loved us, she writes. She, too, saw it, felt its heat, and began running for the exit. For all its glamour and great personages, Personal History is a litany of humiliations, incidents in which the memoirist faults herself for lack of judgment, of independence, or of strength. In 1963, he and Webb flew to Arizona; he appeared at a . Early the next day, Phil and Larry in Paris both wrote letters to Stanton. He came to Washington in 1917 as a dollar-a-year man for the Wilson Administration; and, while he was holding a variety of positions on the War Industries Board, the Farm Loan Board, and the Federal Reserve Board, the Meyers became friendly with Bernard Baruch, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Charles Evans Hughes. Phil firmly stated his intention to divorce me and marry Robin. Robin Webb. But there was also a certain Africa-based correspondent who carved his own career coffin by arranging for a balloon safari over the Masai Mara at dawn; just as the sun was glinting off the savanna and the balloon was rising above a herd of grazing giraffes, Mrs. Graham is said to have turned to the correspondent and announced, with a profane burr, You know, I didnt travel all the way here to be a fucking tourist. It is said that the correspondent ended up as a recipe checker in the food section. But that statistic has to be balanced by the conservatism of nearly all publishers. The Formative Years. Pei was talking, and Katharine said, I didnt know that., Whats surprising about that? Agnes said. In later years, he wanted to mold the career of his friend Senator Lyndon Johnson. @robin.webb.100. Both Phil and Felix worked on Joe throughout our dinner, suggesting that the most important first step for the 1950s was the right to vote. ", "Washington City Paper has made me feel like I am part of the D.C. . If you have the goods, you say, Screw it, and publish. Updated: August 28, 2015 She was flushed, delighted. It proceeds from my belief that the editors and reporters have fulfilled the highest standards of professional duty and responsibility.. The appearance of this messenger, a Newsweek stringer whose name was Robin Webb, was the beginning of the tragic end. Music And he wanted many things. Katharine Graham, the general secretary of the Washington Post Company, and a planeload of senior editors would soon arrive in town to conduct it. Philip Leslie "Phil" Graham (July 18, 1915 - August 3, 1963) was an American newspaper publisher. Truitt, an intimate of the Grahams whomBen Bradlee would later force to resign, committed suicide himself in 1981, still despondent over his treatment at the newspaper after Philips death. Instead, just a month later, Arkansas Gov. To win the paper, Phil employed the most feared lawyer in Washington, Edward Bennett Williams. Under Philip Graham's management, the newspaper, thanks to its collaboration with the CIA, experienced an upswing and its empire expanded, including the purchase of the then-moribund Newsweek magazine [1] and other media properties. My feelings about The Post, however, were very clear. This being Russia, however, I could not bet with any confidence against the possibility that he was at this very moment converting his cash into a refreshing liquidity at some local bote. The pressures were enormous and her preparations for them slight. . She'd been told that Harvard was the best, so her dying wish was that he go there. Sure, we can go, I ventured, but the second act has some really great animals. I began to describe Misha the Bear, who wore skates on his hind paws and played ice hockey. Unlike Phil, I find it hard to express emotion. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Performance/Dance In 1962, Phil Graham met Robin Webb, a young Australian woman who had been working in Newsweeks Paris bureau, and he began appearing with her at Newsweek bureaus all over the world. From the start, Katharine was dazzled by her husbands intelligence and wit, his ability to light up a room: He began to liberate me from my family and from the myths they had propagated. But she was resentful as well. Born Katharine Meyer on June 16, 1917, in New York City; died on July 17, 2001, in Idaho; daughter of Eugene Meyer (owner of . I would be recalled to the home office. In the beginning, even Richard Nixon got the same treatment. I see nothing wrong with the fact that people in power often deal with others on more than one level, she writes. He needed Joe's help because Joe had a solid relationship with the black leadership in the country, especially Roy Wilkins, then executive secretary of the NAACP. During the McCarthy era, the Post acquitted itself well, especially in the reports of Murrey Marder, but when everyone from the Chicago Tribune to a two-bit conservative publication entitled Plain Talk attacked the Post as Washingtons Pravda, Graham showed dangerous signs of capitulation. I found it impossibly difficult to learn and never really did, although my children tried having me learn by stamping out cigarettes and drying myself with bath towels. We were both up all night, with me trying desperately but to no avail to be of some reassuring help. The subject of the cruise seemed to cause her, so many years later, intense painpain beyond the loss of her husband. His most passionate political interests are local. He wanted Estes Kefauver to head an anticrime commission and told him so, repeatedly, until Kefauver did it. Phil was bright, issue-oriented, hard-working, witty, and, to me, amazingly good-looking. In 1940, he married Katharine, daughter of millionaire Post owner Eugene Meyer, who made Graham publisher in 1946. This arrangement was never an issue. By mid-1948, The Post was still a rocky, if lively, paper. To read Personal History is to understand how ridiculous is the right-wing image of Graham as the matriarch of the liberal-media conspiracy. Privacy Policy In the process of blowing his stack, as only he could do, Ben felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find Phil, who said, "Okay, buster, come with me," and led the way to his office. 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robin webb phil graham photos

robin webb phil graham photos

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