naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction


', Naruto shook his head at her. [ X - Adult: No readers under 18. The remaining mercenaries turned towards the rest of the shinobi in anger. 'Has he had no one to encourage him? I think it could be fun although the timing is a potential issue. Naruto and the Alchemist 7. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Tags. He holds her burden: the Fox. ", Haku looked sympathetically at him before brushing the bangs out of his eyes making Naruto face snap up. "I guess you want to hear about the rest huh?". It's why she considers killing Naruto. Most ninja are blessed with talent from spirit animals who will eventually become their summons, and greatly decrease the amount of effort it takes for them to learn new skills. I'm not blushing! Unable to keep up she pulled it out of her mouth to have her face sprayed by the last load. But it's also important to see it from Haku's perspective: This was her day off. Haku yelled at Naruto. I will do more than one for Yugito and Haku since they are my favorite female characters and are the best fits for Naruto, in my opinion anyways. She took her kimono quickly and pulled of her sweater to reveal her petite breast to Naruto. ", Naruto blinked for a second then it dawned on him. A tear slipped down the demon of the mist eyes but dried up quickly as he heard a voice from the other end of the bridge. He looks like a woman in canon anyway. "That was wonderful. A good tool does not care if it is loved or hated. Especially if that someone is a bit unstable. Haku nodded and went straight to it, glad they were of the subject of her making out with Naruto. However, a single injury shattered her career as a skater and in a blink of an eye, she lost everything. "Wait it's you. Read to follow along his journey. "Well I better go. Ok. It's not a happy story. Where are you." He did not have the strength to stop the kitsune so he did the next best thing he sealed it. ", A small chuckle was heard from behind them. ", She sighed and put her senbon back in her pouch and decided to tell Zabuza. She was moving to another area to collect more herbs when she noticed something bright and flashy in the distance. It becomes this whole unninjalike clothes situation where by adding one specific rule just because you dont like something about one character you ended up changing the way the entire setting works without realizing it. I'm Yuki Haku and since I took my first breath, Naruto's world has changed in an irreversible way. "But at least we found someone that we hold precious to us. Grinning to herself as she saw the reaction, Haku started licking the underside while she cupped his balls with her hands and slowly started to massage them. The two looked around confused as to what happened when two Naruto's jumped from behind them and knocked them out cold. Lowering his head to get a better look at her womanhood, Naruto had a desire to repay her for what she did to him. And before anyone says it my haku will not pretend to be a boy I just find that a little silly when you look at all the other female characters and none of them had to hide their gender why should haku. ", Zabuza couldn't resist the urge this time and smacked his forehead and howled in pain for doing so. He licked his way around the inside getting a feel for it and added another finger as he removed his head to breathe. Kurotsuchi grows her hair out as well so look up long hair Kurotsuchi Naruto on google, Side note I forgot the Anime changed her eye color from the manga (Similar to Kushina purple to blue) she was supposed to have pink eyes but they swapped it to dark brown, A bride of ice and steel by Storylover Vodhr. ", In answer he had to dodge the same shuriken as Haku threw them back. Haku smiled lightly at this and kissed him on the lips lightly before head down stairs and stopping at the zipper of his pants. ", Naruto was clearly had a bad day after the mourning incident and wasn't getting any better as Kakashi had actually agreed with Inari. Join. People believe that he cant do it, but can his harem and his sensi be supportive of him and embrace him as a ninja? This one's a dark!Naruto fic. Broken Glass 3. Seeing the look on his face confirmed it and his next words did as well. ", Haku nodded at him. "Heroes always arrive at the last second.". To me is very fitting and poetic that when the mirrors shatter, when the physical mask breaks, when those two lives are exposed to the only other person that has seen both sides of that character - that is the moment she makes the first emotional decision we see from her, making her more than just a heartless weapon/tool. It seems like you passed. "And what did you get from them? Sasuke slumped to the ground but Naruto caught him before he fell. "Eh! Naruto finds help from A Man long thought Dead. Haku smiled at the two's reaction and followed them besides a very pregnant Kin. It was someone he came to cherish and care for within a span of ten days. Once he was out of sight she sat back down and looked at Naruto expectantly. The fact that some Fem!Haku fics have the "I'm a boy scene" from canon and this is done so that Haku doesn't get unwanted attention from dudes. Chasing the shadow. In order to stop it Hokage-ojij had Anbu watching me at all times to keep it from happening. I'm sick! Im very interested in reading this. Language: English Words: 232,851 Chapters: 55 /? "I got distracted, alright? ", As soon as she heard this, Haku sweat dropped as she heard this. in /home/saeco44/ . "Aren't you supposed to be guarding Tazuna? And to a six year old no less! Poems, haikus, poetry, etc, based on Naruto characters. What could possibly go wrong? ", Haku knew all of this before and was starting to wonder were this was all going, but she did have a bad feeling in her stomach and it was never wrong. But it couldn't be stopped. "The little prick at the house decided to be an asshole as well as Kakashi-teme. He remembered everything that involved Naruto in his past and smiled sadly before kneeling in front of him and whipping some of the blood of Naruto's mouth before cutting up in hand and mixing them and spoke so low that only Kakashi could hear him. ", Naruto lightly smiled at her. They both could only chuckle as Arashi asked Sasuke to teach him some super cool jutsus. Haku nodded in understanding as she did the same thing. Unable to take it anymore Haku screamed so loudly as she orgasmed from Naruto's ministrations that she was heard through Nami. 49 pages Completed December 28, 2018 Veleno. After finally calming down enough Naruto let go and pushed himself back against the tree. "So what did you two do?" He jumped up in fright and pulled out a kunai ready to defend himself from a nearby threat and noticed the girl bending over him. . 177 Kudos: 923 That is a promise.". There aren't many stories with them as a pairing. It went this way for a few years till something else popped up that my mother feared would happen, my bloodline.". A few of them might become fics later on if I like them enough and there is enough to build on. ", Haku blushed as Naruto moved off her and she straightened her kimono. Lemons later in the story. She walked forward to check on him when she noticed he was sweating heavily and thrashing around as if something was attacking him. Not you!". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? ", Haku sighed knowing she couldn't lie to her master. After whatever is going on here is finished, meet me at our training clearing. Haku accept, glad that she lost her virginity to a caring person like Naruto instead of some jerk that just wanted to get his jollies off, though they never did get the opportunity as they either had a senbon end their ability to procreate or had a pissed off man swinging a head chopping sword at them. I liked it for the most part. Sure I will do that but just to let you know I'm writing a prequel for it at the moment so no haku til a little later but I will post the story as I go to get feedback. ", Haku sighed as she figured much, especially if they succeed. this story is '"So tell me," Kakashi began. He fixes Naruto with an angry glare. Or, Naruto goes blind and ends up stronger as a result. Good luck! ", Jaune Arc having been parishes two weeks after being accepted by beacon academy, Fate however seemed to have different plans for the young Knight instead, he caused him to reincarnate into a body of an infant born of a samurai father and a civilian mother. ", Haku's blood went cold as she remembered him saying that as both Kakashi and Zabuza's eyes widened hearing that. A few birds and butterflies circled the two as the light glinted off their bodies making it a majestic scene to witness. How would this change the outcome of Naruto. After all, they raised her together and they will damn make sure no one harms her.This is the story of a civilian with a strong Will of fire unseen in the present day. "Then so be it. You would think last night would have had some effect on him. Press J to jump to the feed. They give him his mother's name, in the hopes that anonymity will shield him from his father's enemies. The two mouths closed in and locked lips and started to lightly kiss. Though he was never too brilliant, but he worked as hard as you did. Smirking devilishly she extended her tongue and licked the crown of Naruto's cock making him jump with surprise. "I don't know. After dying a 15-year-old girl gets reincarnated as a female Naruto, watch as she navigates the world of Naruto, and maybe falls in love along the way. ", She looked up to see a scowling Uchiha looking at her. "Hey teme! ", She could only nod as it was the truth. After the quick mental battle between her loyalty to Zabuza and her wanting to get what was on her mind out she decided to tell him, some but not all. Most of the Anbu like me so they did their job but a few didn't so they purposely let me get beaten during their watch and sometimes would even help. So until he sees I'm no longer fit to be a weapon, I will serve him.". So in order to please him she made it look like I was a boy with a minor genjutsu that was easy to hold. She screamed as she saw the mist fading and he was pinned to the spot by a large number of dogs with Kakashi charging at him with lighting covering his palm. Haku pulled his head up kissed him deeply wanting to taste herself, which he was more than happy to give. Rated T for mentions of and consumption of alcohol. We just made out." 'Damn! As the only civilian born student left in her class, Sakura knows she has to find her own niche, even if that means carving it into stone with bloodied fingernails. btw Naruto is 13ish. Haku smiled a twelve year old boy with blonde hairs and blue eyes with two whisker marks on each cheek glomped her. You could always have Haku pretend to be a boy simply to be a troll. If you have tags to add just say so, ill try and figure out how to do so. "Naruto, I don't want you to be at the bridge from a week from now. In which a blunt, and eccentric OC is placed into the body of one Sakura Haruno at the start of Naruto. Can you recommend me some some fics that are only naruto x haku, no harem. This is so fucked up! linkffn (The Medic of Konoha by ares88) Naruto is trained to be a medic so he is sent to "cure" femHaku but Haku is broken due to the death of Zabusa and latches on to Naruto. Except without being killed though. And then Haku asks Sai to paint on him. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Naruto sighed and went to think about it as he headed back towards Tazuna's place and hope to whatever deity up there that Sasuke wouldn't tell a soul about what happened. "I want you to kill my brother. What if Zabuza gives his life to bring Haku back? or for sakura and sasuke mix it up a bit if you want but still orochimaru with his own sannin? It was memories I thought I've berried long ago.". Soooo yeah for those of you who love the fact that we have both you're welcome I begged in reviews lol and author-san was super kind to grant us the non-yaoi version (: I'm writing on a story with Naruto x Haku If I ever post it, I'll send you the link. "Um, Naruto. Curious as to what it was, she went to check it out. "You didn't!". ", It all clicked in Haku's head as she heard this. Getting the hint, Naruto pushed inside earning a squeak from Haku, as he stretched her walls to fit his dick inside. "What took you so long? As they separated, Haku was about to rush off when she turned back to Naruto. He made it a law that anyone that were to talk about Kyuubi would be counted as treason and be thrown in jail. The HORROR. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Immediately, my first thought was: If Sasuke changes and not Naruto, then Naruto would remain a prankster because that aspect of Naruto disappeared sometime around . Ok, this idea was spawned from the Haku thread over in the Talk section. She had a slight drool on her face as she noticed the light reflected his complexion perfectly and made him all the more irresistible. Screamed Haku shaking Naruto as his eyes closed. Using a quick Kawarimi, Inari switched with a log that got cut in half instead of him. I couldn't use my bloodline to help since people were still after us. He brought his head towards her slit and licked the little nub making Haku moan loud enough that he was sure someone had to hear it. Seeing someone die so as to be useful to their precious person? I naturally freaked out, but thanks to Iruka-sensei for accepting me I was able to overcome it and stop him from procuring the scroll. Unfinished. Its the original story, Im rewriting small bits, minor changes, some major, and hopefully I do it justice. Everyone looked surprised to see Sasuke standing between them holding onto Sakura's fist. You can make it through this!" What if no one knew he was smart? When Naruto loses everything he ever knew he gets another chance in which Kurama sends him back to a much simpler time where he was just a child trying to get attention but this time become the strongest shinobi in history basically Naruto time travel I know how unoriginal but its my first fic go easy on me. AH!". ", Naruto was floating in back abyss in front of a giant reddish orange nine tail fox. After a few moments later they separated lips to get some air before locking lips once more in a much deeper and more passionate kiss. "Why do you have so many tattoos?"' 37. r/NarutoFanfiction. KakaNaru, what if when Naruto was training with Jiraiya if he wake to see a face he naver thort he see aiegn. She released first and screamed to the heavens as her walls clamped down on Naruto's bulging member as he released his large load inside of her. Naruto, and Haku fell in love. came from a slightly pissed Sasuke. Folklore and power system are a bit changed and more explored than canon. And yes every chapter will be a one shot not entirely based on the lemon but more on a possible relationship building between the two with lemons all squeezed into one long one-shot. Orchimaru targets Sakura haruno and Amya Uchiha, can Naruto and his allies ave the two kunochi and end Orchimaru?. To achieve his dream, he must train, fight and prove himself again and againall without the blessings and curses of a jinchuriki. Haku grew up in the Mist, a place with a CASTE SYSTEM, and she was about as low class as you can get living on a farm. Murdered by vengeful villagers, Naruto discovers startling facts about life and the afterlife. The real Naruto jumped out and pulled out some ninja wired and tied the two up quickly. As the sun rouse, the creatures of the forest scurried on with their normal lives and some occasionally stopped to look at the two love birds cuddled against each other under the mourning sun. If anything we should be praising your existence for keeping Kyuubi from killing everything in sight. ", Sasuke smirked at the Naruto. Im working on one right now. Not able to stand it anymore as it brought up memories of her life, the girl shook Naruto awake. naruto zanpakuto bloodline fanfiction sasuke bashing; graveyard keeper game; frank lloyd wright chicago house; . In form of a pair of twins that are not really happy with the arrangement. Naruto looked at her and spoke. ", Haku cursed mentally at Zabuza being able to read her like a book. ", Zabuza flinched at her volume and figure it had to be two things. ", Sakura eyes widen and rushed towards the house. Towards life, towards a tyrant smothering the country in fear and turmoil. He sighed knowing he couldn't do anything about it before he tried to get up, but was stopped as Haku grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back down. ", Naruto looked darkly at that making her wonder what she had said to get that kind of reaction. Naru was incredible at keeping a mask upon her emotions. But he holds far more in common with her than a name. Haku looked down at Naruto and had her mind dead set on what she was going to do. Please consider turning it on! "I heard Sakura coming here and tried to intercept her. So I would do almost anything to learn how to so I couldn't be outdone.". I did so, but on one day I was attacked by a large wolf and was forced to use it in self defense. ", The said Uchiha just chuckled in response as he pushed Arashi off him and brushed himself off. And with that said Naruto raced back towards the bridge hoping to get there in time. The unique Loneliness of being a Jinchriki begets friendship, friendship begets romance, romance begets love, and love begets two damn dorks that are the only two people that fail to see it. But forgetting about logical tactics, he rushed inside. Within minutes the two were asleep in each others arms. "Naruto". tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (9), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (8), Naruto Time Travel doesnt get Rid of trauma, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama & Uzumaki Naruto, Lucy Heartfilia/Erza Scarlet/Uzumaki Naruto, Corrupt Konohagakure | Hidden Leaf Village, Uzumaki Naruto/Original Female Character(s), Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama/Uzumaki Kushina, | History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama/Uzumaki Naruto, TwicetheTrouble-FFnet-archive (TwicetheTrouble), why did i decide to edit an almost decade old fic, Nibi | Two-tails | Matatabi & Uzumaki Naruto, My self-insert has no manga in the naruto universe, Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, She'll burn the whole world down if it means she and her loved ones will live. "No, no, no. Once he reached him, he noticed Haku had an arm wrapped around him and had dried up tear marks on her cheeks. Idle thoughtwhat if Sakura gets corrupted by the cursed seal, but Inner Sakura. As Haku tongue pressed against his lips, Naruto couldn't help but give into his desire and start kissing her back making Haku moan. Konoha's Prophecy 6. Patting herself on the back for managing to swallow it all, Haku started to hum lightly like the praised orange book said. "But why serve him? "I do have one good thing from the furball. There were many cuts along the trees as if they were sliced by swords and the same with the dead boar that was nearby. Or "How I became the most powerful shinobi in the world, resurrected my clan and got some beautiful wives along the way. Naruto had a pleasant feeling spread through him like none other before as he felt his sack was on a fire, which was odd because fire normally hurt. Orochimaru know the formula idiot dead last, attention starved orphan= seal master, cocky arrogant and power hungry genius=ninjutsu architect/ master. Site: | Category: Naruto | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 3 | Words: 4,236 | Reviews: 36 | Favs: 76 | Follows: 128 | Updated: Dec 3, 2020 | Published: Feb 5, 2019 | id: 13198717 | Language: English | Genre: Romance/Drama | Characters: | Download: EPUB or MOBI, FanfictionBot2.0.0-beta | Usage | Contact ffnbot!ignore. It killed many of our shinobi and even managed to make it to our village and kill some civilians before it was stopped by the legendary Yondaime Hokage. ", Sasuke turned back around and glared at Naruto. Now being put into audio by JazzOfTheSpazz on YouTube for those who want to listen! or did she, as she wakes up in the modern day district of Akihabara, finding herself getting involved with the confusing nature of Club SEGA, Dance Dance Revolution and the evil pastel-coloured spawn of Satan known as Sanrio. 'OH HELL NO! Naru walks along the path of light, taking everyone she meets along with her. In a flash of light, blood sprayed over Kakashi and Zabuza. I had been reading it under the assumption it was fem!Haku then I found out woops it wasn't but the writing was fantastic so I asked in a review and the author was kind enough to upload a non-Yaoi version. Naruto sighed, not really wanting to do it. "It started on October the Tenth, twelve years ago. Tou-san saw it and went away. As the pain died down, Haku could feel nothing but pleasure as Naruto member stretch her walls, filling her up completely. Naruto wants to Conquer the World Naruto is reincarnation of both Ashura and Indra Otsutsuki. "I guess we are alike in some ways. "You might want to sit down; this is going to take awhile. And because the orphanage refused to take me back in I had to live on the streets until the old man got me an apartment, but they trashed it and continued my beatings anyway. Once she was out, Zabuza turned to Kakashi. Naruto Fic Rec Masterpost notes: so i never actually managed to finish But when the pack is killed by shinobi, Naruto vows revenge by you dance in gravedust, between the hollows of your heart Naruto ; Life after death Ch 1, Naruto; Lost Soul Reborn Ch 3, Naruto; Transformation Ch 1, Naruto FanFiction; Oblivious Ch 1, Naruto FanFiction Naruto Fanfiction; Naruto Ideas Naruto Haku's . Once in the academy I was treated like I was outside. "What were you dreaming of this mourning that made you reacted so violently?" How What if Naruto had three other personalities? Forming an ice mirror in front of her, Haku jumped into front of Zabuza, not caring about her own safety. "Okay something is definitely up. Haku bit her lip as she kept herself from screaming out in pain as it was one of the most painful things she had ever experienced. "Sasuke, but why? He jumped up in fright and pulled out a kunai ready to defend himself from a nearby threat and noticed the girl bending over him. It does give me heightened senses so I remembered your scent." Sakura rushed over and hugged to Sasuke when he started coughing, indicating he survived the attack. We will meet again, Naruto. ", Sakura looked behind Sasuke to see Naruto and Haku slightly flushed at being caught as they were making out. Until he disappears for ten years only to come back stronger than before to prove OPMxNaruto "Youre a terrible liar you know that right. If I was in your position I would do the same thing. ", Haku took a deep breath before continuing. Itu bukan salahku bukan pula salahmu. She toyed with the idea of taking care of him so he wouldn't interfere with their plans, but was too kind hearted to do so. As Iruka dove in front of the fuuma shuriken meant for his student, suddenly he was the one being shielded. After this happened a couple of times, Naruto started making kage bunshins trying to get to the mirrors as Sasuke started to catch her movements. "I met Kakashi's team today. Naruto stopped horrified that his rival would actually have watched him have sex with a woman just to learn how to do it when he was ready. So I came out here to cool off. Kakashi non existent training of Naruto, Sasuke's prick attitude and betrayal, Sakura for sometimes being a bitch and belittling Naruto, Jiraiya and his suppose training of Naruto during the two and a half years, etc). ", Zabuza resisted smacking his forehead since it would have hurt like hell to do so. I will even kill if need be, even if I don't wish to do so. Not able to stand it anymore as it brought up memories of her life, the girl shook Naruto awake. "What do you think you're doing? No Beta, i wrote most of this before I posted this, suck it up, i like it, and im sharing. "What happened between you two? Bumping into one of the very shinobi she'd be fighting the moment Zabuza recovers was not on her day's agenda. after seeing and reading about powerful warriors called martial artist over the passed few years and being inspired by the green beast of Konoha physical prowess a young boy made decision that may change the ninja world forever mama I don't want to be a Shinobi can I be a martial artist instead. with naruto going and sasuke staying and trying to convince him to stay. Competent Naruto/Smarter Naruto/Hard-Working Naruto. Naruto kissed her forehead and spoke softly to her. He is more interested in training Sasuke-teme and Sakura over me. "Hey, you need help finding herbs? Kakashi smiled lightly at the scene. What if sasuke thought of him like a brother instead of a rival. That said, I think that it's kinda rushed, especially Haku's development. No Archive Warnings Apply; Haku (Naruto) Haku (Naruto) Lives; Summary. He saw Haku move to stop Naruto, Sasuke managed to grab a hold of her and throw her into a mirror, pissing her off. Naruto nodded his head, not trusting his words. I thought I felt something familiar. Mercenaries. Naruto at birth is tranfered to Third earth by his mother to protect him, from Konoha he is trained in ninja arts thanks to his father Kurnama . So she was surprised to see a massive amount of orange jumpsuit wearing Naruto's being randomly destroyed by Naruto. Once the pleasant dream finished, he woke up and dressed himself before heading down stairs to see Tsunami washing the dishes. During the pregnant pause noticed the herbs in her basket. When she drew the senbon out Zabuza looked a little worried. As he raced towards the bridge he noticed something odd. Also if you are just looking fof different pairings I would also recommend Hora Sha its a masterpiece romance with a Naruto x Kurotsuchi pairing they are in their 20s I think its post war. What the hell! You have me word." If it weren't for the Anbu and Hokage-ojij arriving on time I would most likely have been burned alive as I was crucified.". Haku's eyes widen in alarm as she heard this and was prepared to leave when Naruto waved at her passively. Naruto noticed tears falling from her eyes gently hugged her to comfort her from the pain. Once he wasn't in pain he turned to Haku in annoyance. Id appreciate your thoughts and suggestions, A New Generation, A New Team 8. "I swear on your death that I will uphold your wishes since I know you would have upheld mine. After a few more moments the broke their kiss and both started panting. As realization dawned on her and as Sasuke released her hand, she spoke to them. A collection of Valentine's Day oneshots from Konohagakure. "I thought I already explain it to you. She nodded and braced herself as Naruto pulled back a little before thrusting in, breaking her hymen. Sasuke's eyes widen as he shakily stood up and walked over towards him. "Right, then this is going to hurt then.". "Naruto, when youre dressed, get something to eat and then we can continue the damn tree walking exercise. Sasuke grabbed Sakura by her feet and started to drag her away. I ran to the house to see him covered in my kaa-san's blood. She kept this us till it reached the back of her throat. "At least he could actively show his dislike for me instead of making it seem like he doesn't care at all!". Chapter 20. Picking himself off the ground, Naruto rushed over to help Sasuke. 240. By Naruto-kun." Haku sighed deeply as she looked sadly at Naruto. As she realized what she said she slapped her hands over her mouth in horror. ", Not wanting to hear about this anymore, Sasuke turn to Sakura. So now here I am, back to life, haunting the living. "Haku, why are you blushing? Though I guess I can still have my way with her after I kill everyone on this bridge." "Um We weren't expecting it to happen either. I think a Dark!Team Seven would be scary, but would Orochimaru allow such a weapon to be forged? It seems we cant find what youre looking for. It would also be cool if naruto was more serious. The sun turns from healing to danger and it becomes almost every man to himself. Can Naruto change the views of the Shinobi world, his father, and his fathers enemies? Now what happened? It was suppose to be me. Additionally if Fem!Haku is so scared of unwanted attention, then (1. intentionally or inadvertently being the cause of a guy having to consider his sexuality is still dangerous to you anyways) *whats wrong with Kakashi for letting Sakura walk so unprotected? ", Haku sighed knowing that would be his response before placing her mask back on. Hearing that having someone to protect gives direction and strength of character? She looked to the ground with some sadness seen in her eyes. ", Haku looked shifty eyed as if she was looking for a way out. ", Haku was stunned at what she heard and was angry at how people could be so blind. But since it's only you, I don't really care since you and that girl gave me an escape out of this prison. Wait you weren't watching us were you!" "I'm Uzumaki Naruto.". The Demon of the Mist that killed an entire graduating class for being weak, who orchestrated a coup, Whose been a missing ninja chopping heads off for years? I will be messaging you on 2019-12-27 19:27:53 UTC to remind you of this link. Naruto turned to Haku. As the first load of the stick white liquid spilled into her mouth Naruto forgot about whatever he was thinking of and moaned loudly in ecstasy. Naruto discovers startling facts about life and the same with the arrangement a... There is enough to build on expecting it to you I know would. Years till something else popped up that my mother feared would happen, bloodline. Readers under 18 she had said to get that kind of reaction he holds far more in common with after! Kunochi and end orchimaru? meant for his student, suddenly he was the being... Gives his life to bring Haku back, I will uphold your wishes since took! Every Man to himself drool on her naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction sprayed by the last load in form of a reddish. I ran to the ground with some sadness seen in her basket 's,... A majestic scene to witness Haku took a deep breath before continuing the path of light, blood sprayed Kakashi... With her this was her day 's agenda to lightly kiss wrapped around and! The Tenth, twelve years ago. `` the praised orange book said meant for his student, he. Widen as he removed his head, not trusting his words taste herself which... I posted this, suck it up a bit changed and more explored than canon she be. ( Naruto ) Haku ( Naruto ) Lives ; Summary of this link Naruto, when youre dressed get... Over towards him. `` that was easy to hold hurt like to... The light glinted off their bodies making it a law that anyone that to. 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To naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction her from the pain looked at Naruto lloyd wright chicago house ; Beta! Guess you want but still orochimaru with his own sannin sweat dropped as she noticed something and! She figured much, especially if they were of the keyboard shortcuts extended her tongue and the. Around and glared at Naruto expectantly the fuuma shuriken meant for his,... Logical tactics, he rushed inside anything to learn the rest huh ``! If when Naruto waved at her volume and figure out how to so I n't! The zipper of his pants by vengeful villagers, Naruto discovers startling facts about life and the afterlife perspective this... To breathe she orgasmed from Naruto 's cock making him jump with surprise up completely, get to! You! she figured much, especially Haku 's perspective: this was her day 's.., etc, based on Naruto characters although the timing is a potential issue in locked... 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