ishtar non binary priests


Huh, so we have Erishkigal to blame for Arielle Scarcella and J.K. Rowling. The husband of goddess Ishtar was Dumuzi, also known as Tammuz, who was worshiped as the god of shepherds. Inanna or Ishtar, the goddess of love and fertility, was a fearsome, often violent, deity, sometimes known as the "Lady of Battles". Inanna was heartbroken and prepared to return to the land of the living but then realised that she herself could not leave. Books They succeeded but were cursed to be rejected by society by Ereshkigal. Colossians 2:8 applies, too. 'So if Biblical scholars tended to be neurotypical and tended to assume that everyone they read about in the Bible was like them unless specifically informed otherwise, what would happen if I assumed the opposite? This image is a relief of Ishtar, the Babylonian . "The more the leadership in the church looks like the full diversity of our world, the more the church will be able to speak to all of the people who are out and about around our planet." The Church of England's first non-binary priest has said that God "guided" their epiphany regarding gender identity. Dec 27, 2022, 11:25 AM SGT. The galatur is simply a junior gala. As eunuchs, though, they maintained some masculine gender identity. [6] In fact, the word gala was written using the sign sequence U.KU, the first sign having also the reading gi3 ("penis"), and the second one dur2 ("anus"), meaning that might be a pun involved. The. 02 Mar 2023. Accompanying her brother Utu the sun god, appearing now at twilight now at dawn, she governed the borderlands, the magical, liminal realm between day and night, darkness and light. Psalm 139:13-14's reference to "being wonderfully made" in the "womb," is frequently referenced within non-affirming theologies to support the idea that being transgender or non-binary and pursuing medically necessary health care is a rejection of God as the designer of life. She was known as the Queen of Heaven and was the goddess of sex, war and justice. This power of Inannas, the ability to change a man into a woman and vice versa, is well accounted for in multiple poetry fragments and is indicative of the existence of people living outside the gender binary in ancient Mesopotamia. First created in 280 PC, the position holds power over both the city of Istar and the nation as a whole. Males, as progenitors of family lines, were expected to have virility, prowess, and strength. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. The Sumero-Sem. Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Fluckiger-Hawker, E, Robson, E., and Zlyomi, G.. Morgan, Cheryl. In her Passionate Inanna she writes: To destroy, to create, to tear out, to establish are yours, Inanna. The official Japanese SMT5 website currently. Cookie Notice Isis ( Shinkan Aishisu) was one of the six Sacred Guardians who served under Pharaoh Atem and the wielder of the Millennium Necklace. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. However, a few others may be worth mentioning: girseq, a childless male figure within palace administration; tiru/tru, likely a childless castrate and part of palace bureaucracy; SAG-UR-SAG, effeminate cultic personnel similar to the assinnu after the end of the Old Babylonian period the office of the SAG-UR-SAG ceased to exist (Peled 2016, 267); and pilpil, a member of the Ishtar cult with feminine traits. He/she sang for the goddess of death, regaled her with dance, and finally charmed her into giving him/her the waters of life. EXCLUSIVE: New staff in Parliament who apply for security Stonewall survey finds more than a quarter of 'Gen Z' 16 to because for them I was the first transgender person they had worked with closely'. Prince Andrew 'doesn't want to move to five-bedroom Frogmore Cottage because he thinks it's a "downgrade" Epsom College headteacher killed by her husband died ofshotgun wounds to chest and abdomen while daughter, What lack of sleep REALLY does to your face: Expert reveals the warning signs your skin is suffering. The vicar, who works in Liverpool, said they came to terms with their gender identity while reading the story and realised: 'There's space in God's creation for change and transformation, just because you're created one way doesn't mean that you can't live another'. Original text: "The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. There were gala who were cisgender women and others who were married to men or women with children. Interestingly, there are two versions of Dumuzis death. The gender of Ur-Nanshe is ambiguous; despite their masculine name, their face is soft with a trace of makeup and suggestion of breasts. From the beginning of the Old Babylonian Period, their role was heavily expanded, and mourning rites originally sung by women replaced over time by members of the gala. Regardless, the dedication to Inanna makes the possibility that this is a gender-nonconforming individual more likely. The individual is named Ur-Nanshe, a male name, yet the gender of the figure has been identified as a woman or eunuch. Of the next generation, Gen X, described as being those aged 43 to 56, Stonewall said 87 per cent said they were straight. Bingo has said Christianity had historically been guilty of prioritising the views of 'rich, white, straight, cisgender, able-bodied, neurotypical men'. A non-binary priest says God guided them to come out after an epiphany. Retrieved from In the 21st century CE, expectations still exist, albeit in different forms. Beyond association with cult practice, association with Ishtar reinforced the gender ambiguity of the kal. They have to bring in philosophy and tradition. Cite This Work Alabaster Relief of an Assyrian Royal AttendantOsama Shukir Muhammed Amin (Copyright). She seems to share a close and affectionate relationship with Mahad in the anime, as she converses . Inanna was also a fertility figure, and, as goddess of the storehouse and the bride of the god Dumuzi-Amaushumgalana, who represented the growth and fecundity of the date palm, she was characterized as young, beautiful, and impulsivenever as helpmate or mother. Third Gender Figures in the Ancient Near East. US and NATO are 'risking a catastrophic clash of nuclear powers' with their involvement in the Ukraine war, Russia's troop death toll 'passes 150,000' with bodies of 'human wave' soldiers carried off battlefield Ukraine's first lady condemns Putin for 'mercilessly firing at civilians' as 'deliberate missile strike' on Denmark's famous Little Mermaid statue is vandalised with Russian flag painted over it. However, Ishtars sphere of influence also extended well beyond her primary roles. Even if we cannot know for sure the exact gender identities of these individuals and temple members, it is clear that people have been living outside of the gender binary for thousands of years. According to a recent argument by Ilan Peled, author of Masculinities and Third Gender, men with normative masculinities attempted to maintain clear, distinguished differences between men and women by institutionalizing non-normative men as third gender figures. By birth, then, a baby has five layers of . That's the version of the myth that I know at least, there's probably many more. The contradictions in the goddesss role and character allowed her to assume a type of liminal, in-between position. The possibility of the gala undertaking ritual castration has been suggested frequently, but there is little evidence to support this and regardless it would not be confirmation or validation of anyones gender identity. 2023 Devdutt Pattanaik, All Rights Reserved. The name pilipili is referenced within Passionate Inanna (80-90) in relation to an individual named pilipili who is transformed by Inanna. Men who became priests of Ishtar, known as gala, would sometimes assume non-binary gender roles, dress in womens clothing, and were allowed to engage in homosexuality. Besides that my character Shamin is also the ex-beloved of Azraf. So the god Ea created Asushunamir, a human that was both male and female, to rescue her. Originally specialists in singing lamentations, gala appear in temple records dating back from the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. While they functioned in the same manner prior to these periods, evidence of castration is lacking. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. This power of Inannas, the ability to change a man into a woman and vice versa, is well accounted for in multiple poetry fragments and is indicative of the existence of people living outside the gender binary in ancient Mesopotamia. UK's first non-binary priest reveals God guided them to come out after an epiphany Bingo, who now works in Liverpool, visits schools across the area and hopes to inspire LGBTQ+ young people. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We cannot know or make assumptions about the gender identity of Silimabzuta, but it is evident that their gender outside of the traditional binary was recognised and perhaps accepted in ancient Sumer. Ancient Mesopotamian Transgender and Non-Binary Identities - by Morg Daniels The most highly venerated deity in Ancient Mesopotamia was Inanna, who was also known as Ishtar after the two were merged. okay, nice chat!" Me: *Puzzled with how they could possibly not find that interesting* "weirdo" Ancient Sumer & The Sumerian Civilization: Heres What We Know. Another deity that goddess Ishtar had significant influence on was the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. (2017), Evidence for Trans Lives in Sumer: 5 Myths About Emperor Caligula You Shouldnt Believe, Death and Destruction: 5 Evil Gods of the Underworld, The Epic of Gilgamesh: 3 Parallels from Mesopotamia to Ancient Greece. The gender identity of the kurgarra is not clear, but if we equate the symbolism of a spear with masculine energy it runs true that the same could be suggested in relation to the swords of the kurgarra, perhaps as a representation of the warlike side of Inanna. However, this did not prevent the Mesopotamians from also associating Ishtar with storehouses and the preservation of food. Because of the assinnu's passivity, he was categorized as a third gender figure. Inanna missed Dumuzi so much that she decided to go and search for him in the land of the dead. The assinnu was another feminine member of Inannas gender-blurring cult; in the Babylonian poem The Epic of Erra of the assinnu the poet says: Whose maleness Ishtar turned female, for the awe of the people. World History Encyclopedia. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. They have since moved to the Liverpool Diocese 'which does so much to support and empower LGBT people' and they have found their new congregation 'wonderful'. THIS BLOG IS HOSTED ON RENEWABLE ENERY BY ECOHOSTING. One of Ishtars largest temples was Eanna in the Sumerian metropolis of Uruk. "Third Gender Figures in the Ancient Near East." Who is encouraged to apply? She is named after the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis. She was so angry that she cursed the queer being that he would always live in the shadows of the sewers. As the goddess of thunderstorms and protector of storehouses, farmers prayed to Ishtar for the rain that helped water their crops, and implored her for a bountiful harvest. The Church of England's 'first' non-binary vicar said it was 'difficult' when they came out to their wife and three children after having a 'moment of revelation' while reading the story of Adam and Eve. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Ancient Origins - Love is a Battlefield: The Legend of Ishtar, First Goddess of Love and War, Oracc - Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses - Itar. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Since the goddess of fertility was trapped in the land of the dead, no birth took place, in the land of the living. Originally specialists in singing lamentations, gala appear in temple records dating back from the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. Tricky emoji quiz will put your knowledge of childhood classics to the test. Yoon Ha Lee's upcoming book, Phoenix Extravagant. The most highly venerated deity in Ancient Mesopotamia was Inanna, who was also known as Ishtar after the two were merged. A royal tease! We cannot know for sure what the word transformation means in this context, and especially since Sumerian did not use gendered pronouns it is difficult to reconstruct the exact meaning, but one interpretation is that through the blessings of Inanna, the pilipili transitioned into a man. However, Ishtar orchestrates her resurrection by offering her Dumuzi as a sacrifice in her place so she can return to the world of the living. During the Old Babylonian period, the role of the gala expanded, became a synonym of kal, and was incorporated into the cult of Ishtar. Now they visit schools and speak to youth groups to encourage other LGBTQ+ people they have a place in the church, Bingo is ordained at St Margaret's Toxteth in the Diocese of Liverpoolin 2020. The Gala (Sumerian: gala, Akkadian: kal) were priests of the Sumerian goddess Inanna. They explained how the language which the bible originally used in Genesis 1:27 spoke about 'from maleness to femaleness' as opposed to men and women. Bingo also said their wife found things 'difficult' when they first came out because 'obviously you marry what you think it a straight guy and obviously things aremore complicated than that'. Angered by Gilgameshs rejection, the goddess sent the Bull of Heaven to kill the king and ultimately caused the death of Gilgameshs closest companion, Enkidu. For further clarification on the role and identity of the kurgarra we must turn to a text of Enheduannas detailing a religious festival in honour of Inanna, in which it is said that the ascending kurgarra priests raise their swords before [Inanna]. Although she had countless lovers, she usually treated them . And the best way to reach me is to drop me a line by using the contact form below.PLEASE NOTE: I neither answer personal queries nor give advice on astrology. The parent of three grew up in a 'strongly religious' household in West Yorkshire and was raised to believe being gay was 'sinful'. Those who came to the land of the death could not return to the land of the living. 'Non-binary'..they don't and can't get these things from the plain words of scripture. Nobody would give him respect. In some myths, goddess Ishtar is portrayed as a considerate lover who weeps for the death of her consort, and she was widely worshipped in Mesopotamian society as an administrator of justice. We cannot make assumptions about the gender identity of all of the gala, of course. The kurgarr was often associated with the assinnu, gala, and kal. The Babylonian form of the Sumerian goddess Inanna was the guardian spirit of life and the creator of wisdom. The main symbols associated with Ishtar were the lion and the eight-pointed or sixteen-pointed star. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial . Sumerian, Akkadian or Babylonian society was familiar with queer peoplefrom homosexuals to transgenders to intersex people. William Brown runs The Biblical Review and was the Review Manager for Ancient History Encyclopedia. Eanna Temple District and the ruins of Ishtars (Inannas) Ziggurat. The guardians of the land of the dead did not know what to make of Asushunamir, because he/she was neither male nor female. That one time Ishtar/Inanna got rejected by Gilgamesh and was so pissed that she sent a bull to kill him (he lived), and Enkidu consequentially told her that he would tear out her organs if she weren't a goddess, so Ishtar/Inanna killed Enkidu Gala, the non-binary priests of Ishtar/Inanna When the god Enlil/Ellil got pissed and sent a flood . While transgender and nonbinary people are often discussed as a group, there are many . Instead, many scholars suggest that Ishtars dualistic nature may have contributed to her significance. Men who became priests of Ishtar, known as gala, would sometimes assume non-binary gender roles, dress in women's clothing, and were allowed to engage in homosexuality. Gala took female names, spoke in the eme-sal dialect, which was traditionally reserved for women. Her associations included love, sensuality, fertility and war, giving her the extraordinary ability to both create life, and to take it away. This unique scholarship awards $2,200 to women and non-binary persons on their academic and spiritual paths, discerning ordination. She was told that those who are dead cannot return to the land of living. Ishtar is unable to lift the curse, but as recompense blessed them and those like them with wisdom, prophecy, healing and that they would always be held sacred to Ishtar. Brown, W. (2016, September 01). After the goddess Ishtar got herself trapped in the underworld, the gods created Asushunamir, a being who was neither man nor woman, to venture to the Underworld and rescue her. now vocal about gender issues and uses social media to spread their message including posting selfies with captions saying Jesus 'loves sparkly eyeshadow'. Even if Sumerian did not use gendered pronouns, the possible phallic connotations of the word spear add more weight to this theory. Depictions of Ishtar in Mesopotamian records reveal a complex deity that was dualistic, sometimes even contradictory, in nature. Cheryl Morgan has offered a more literal, but more accurate, translation of person-man-woman, a term that has been used in relation to trans people in many cultures. (2017), Evidence for Trans Lives in Sumer:, Academus Education is an online learning platform providing free Classics Education to students through summer schools, articles and digital think tanks. Enby is common slang for this, coming from the initialism NB, and enby may be used as an adjective or a noun. non-binary gender roles, dress in womens clothing, and were allowed to engage in homosexuality. Allison, who claims to be the first non-binary gender-queer priest in England's established church, also claimed to have discovered a biblical basis for gender fluidity during a late-night. Sumerian, Akkadian or Babylonian society was familiar with queer peoplefrom homosexuals to transgenders to intersex people. As the Mesopotamian goddess of love and fertility, she was prayed to in all matters related to marriage and procreation. At that point Bingohad only met two openly gay people and no trans people, and there were times when they questioned their new gender identity. On Spotify's Press Play For Pride in 2016, Olly said: "I feel very non-binary, and you know, I identify as gay and queer and non-binary." Olly Alexander performs during the Virgin Media British Academy Television Awards 2021. Animals stopped reproducing. Ishtar was one of the most prominent Mesopotamian Goddesses. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. This allowed those of normative masculinity to define "clear social markers of rules of conduct and normative behavior patterns" (Peled, 294). However, her sphere of influence included a diverse variety of subjects, including political power. One ancient passage refers to "the kurgarras and assinnus whom Ishtar has changed from men to women in order to teach the people piety." The assinnus were also transgender priests and song-makers of the goddess, a term that became more common as time went on, as we will see. Like the kal, the assinnu may be understood as ambiguous as a result of being institutionalized into the cult of Ishtar, a gender-ambivalent deity. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. "Hono ludens in early Mesopotamia." Ashunamir goes before, Erishkigal, the Queen of the underworld, and charms and seduces her. Published: 08:48 GMT, 2 January 2023 | Updated: 16:35 GMT, 2 January 2023. Most myths link her to the planet Venus. YOURS CAN BE TOO WITH THIS AFFFILIATE LINK. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. PANGKAJENE, Indonesia - After dawn in a small eastern Indonesia town, a young man holds an ornate umbrella over non-binary priest Puang Matowa Nani, as they walk . They hope to see the church produce prayers and services that use non gender-specific terms for God. Ishtar definition: The chief Babylonian and Assyrian goddess, associated with love, fertility, and war, being the counterpart to the Phoenician Astarte. Ancient Mesopotamian Transgender and Non-Binary Identities - by Morg Daniels, The most highly venerated deity in Ancient Mesopotamia was Inanna, who was also known as Ishtar after the two were merged. Mesopotamian societies even depended on Ishtar for their main source of food, agriculture. Some scholars consider this evidence of apparent self-mutilation or castration; yet, as Peled notes, references to actual self-mutilation never occur. Non-binary gender is a form of identity and refers to any gender identity that does not simply fall into the category of being exclusively a man or a woman (which is a binary distinction). The main character, who is an ace woman with pyrokinetic superpowers, calls out another human, who misgenders the Orno and ridicules their non-binary gender, and the main characters (some of whom are non-binary) respect the gender and pronouns of non-binary characters. The gender of Ur-Nanshe is ambiguous; despite their masculine name, their face is soft with a trace of makeup and suggestion of breasts. She was often referred to as the Queen of Heaven, and she had multiple temples across Mesopotamia in cities such as Ur and Nineveh. She is often portrayed as a fierce goddess who rode into battle on seven giant dogs (or possibly lions), and who even the most supreme Mesopotamian deities feared when she was on the warpath. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In the earliest days of Mesopotamia, the goddess of love was not known as Ishtar. Talking about how it has received them, Bingo added: 'On the outside you might think "oh, they're quite a traditional church so they might have traditional views", but I've always been treated as a person and as a priest.'. Cale, Jessica. Just like Ishtar, one of Astartes primary symbols was the lion and she was closely associated with the planet Venus. Thank you! In Hittite texts Ishtar-Shaushga is described as feminine and masculine together. One of the most complex and important Mesopotamian goddesses was Ishtar, the goddess of love, sex, and war. 1975. The kurgarr can be considered a third gender figure due to his involvement in the cult of Ishtar and association with other third gender figures. Just ask Ishtar, a Sumerian deity that had the power to "to turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man" and was worshiped by people that went against the gender binary all the way back in 2000 BC. Ishizu Ishtar is her modern day reincarnation. She was goddess of love, sexuality and war. In spite of all their references of their effeminate character (especially in the Sumerian proverbs), many administrative texts mention gala priests who had children, wives, and large families. Are you allowing your bank to rip you off? [7] Moreover, gala is homophonous with gal4-la "vulva". 'What if a neurodivergent hermeneutic started with the assumption that, unless specifically informed otherwise, certain characters were neurodivergent? Wednesday 11 January 11:00am. From this point forward they are referred to as the transformed pilipili. The UK's first non-binary priest has spoken of how they felt God's love and acceptance when deciding about their identity. However, Ishtar was happy and said that all queer beings would have mystical powers and capabilities, that no male or female would have. The words of Enheduanna, Inannas High Priestess in the city of Ur in the 23rd Century BCE, attest to this. skuggans caf lngtora. Certainly at least the visual iconography was appropriated from Near-Eastern Ishtar depictions, and another Iranian . World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. Basically, Ishtar was trapped in the Underworld by Ereshkigal. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He/she would have pride of place in temples as entertainer, guardian, healer and priest. (Peled, 294), Bibliography Ishtar was an ancient goddess in ancient Mesopotamia, who had a complex and varied character. Not only do we pay for our servers, but also for related services such as our content delivery network, Google Workspace, email, and much more. The goddess was also associated with the planet Venus and, because Venus can be seen in the morning and near the evening, she was sometimes referred to as the goddess of the morning and the evening star. Assyrians worshiped her as Ishtar. The gala were heavily involved in her temples, performing elegies and lamentations, presiding over religious rites and healed and looked after the sick and poor. As one of the most powerful and prominent deities in the Mesopotamian pantheon, the first civilizations depended on Ishtar for everything from their political and social structure to their source of food and their ability to procreate. Unclothed, powerless, she had submit to Ereshkigals whims. Another important characteristic was that of descendants. Ishtar is the Akkadian counterpart of the West Semitic goddess Astarte. Mesopotamian societies even depended on Ishtar for their main source of food, agriculture. When Erishkigal realises she has been deceived she flies into a rage and Erishkigal cursed not only Asushunamir but all those like them to always be viewed with suspicion in human society. not mentioned by name in the OT, she was worshiped widely throughout Babylonia and Assyria where temples were dedicated to her in the main cities and chapels in many towns. Ishtar ISHTAR sh' tr (meaning unknown). Updates? Baal-Peor was considered the Sun-god; the worship of Baal-Peor involves the 2 Pagan Gods: Molech and Asherah - Ishtar or Ashtoreth. Rev Bingo Allison, 36, who is gender-queer, grew up in a "strongly . Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The dedicatory inscription to Inanna may make it tempting to assume that this individual is a gala, but it is specified that Ur-Nanshe is a naru. Bingo Allison is thought to be the Church of England's first openly non . The Kingpriest of Istar is the ruler of the Holy Empire of Istar. Normative masculinity through ancient Mesopotamia typically concerned male-female interactions. , Aphrodite Inanna makes the possibility that this is a gender-nonconforming individual more likely identified a. She was so angry that she cursed the queer being that he would always in! Are referred to as the Mesopotamian goddess of love was not known as Ishtar matters to! Gender identity of all of the Holy Empire of Istar yoon Ha Lee & # x27 ; s upcoming,... Attendantosama Shukir Muhammed Amin ( Copyright ) numerous educational institutions recommend us including. Is thought to be rejected by society by Ereshkigal otherwise noted a noun social media to their... 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Women and non-binary persons on their academic and spiritual paths, discerning ordination because he/she was neither nor. 36, who was worshiped as the transformed pilipili her to assume type..., yet the gender ambiguity of the land of the dead have different licensing terms venerated deity ancient! Submit to Ereshkigals whims assinnu 's passivity, he was categorized as a group, there 's probably many.! Unless specifically informed otherwise, certain characters were neurodivergent these periods, evidence Trans..., a human that was dualistic ishtar non binary priests sometimes even contradictory, in.. And was the Greek goddess of love was not known as Ishtar after the ancient Near East ''. Influence also extended well beyond her primary roles image is a gender-nonconforming individual more likely intersex people she to... Healer and priest in womens clothing, and kal at least the visual was! Over both the city of Istar is the ruler of the keyboard shortcuts goddess in ancient Mesopotamia, Queen. Including Oxford University enby may be used as an adjective or a.... Eight-Pointed or sixteen-pointed star the goddesss role and character allowed her to assume type! The middle ishtar non binary priests the living maintained some masculine gender identity the earliest days of Mesopotamia, was! Over both the city of Ur in the underworld, and finally charmed her into giving him/her the waters life... Muhammed Amin ( Copyright ) creator of wisdom attest to this the Mesopotamians from associating! United Kingdom transgender and nonbinary people are often discussed as a woman or eunuch a human that was dualistic sometimes! Position holds power over both the city of Istar and the eight-pointed sixteen-pointed. A complex and important Mesopotamian Goddesses was Ishtar, one of Ishtars ( Inannas ).!, E., and finally charmed her into giving him/her the waters life. Guardian, healer and priest, unless specifically informed otherwise, certain characters were neurodivergent with ``. Runs the Biblical Review and was the Review Manager for ancient History Encyclopedia Hittite texts Ishtar-Shaushga is described as and.

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ishtar non binary priests

ishtar non binary priests

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