eu4 russia ideas


Dont waste these point. Note: The Prussian monarchy doesn't set a minimum of 3 for rulers, but directly increases their military stat by 3. Improve with Pskov, as you cant RM them. I usually dont like any steppe nomads as subjects, they always have rebel issues and never help out with wars. I didn't make my mind on this question. It would beimpossible to unlock Administrative ideas for me. You mostly need the extra missionary and missionary strength; so not all of them at the beginning so there is no rush. Or to replace some of + speed bonuses, which are pretty crappy. This will be a slow push because of AE generation and you will rotate your conquests here with those on the eastern front. Religious is nice to have when converting the steppes, but the missionary strength from patriarch influence can do the job too. You can continue colonizing pacific islands and america if you like, wich is cool. The CB alone is worth the whole idea group. What about +5% Morale and +10% Siege ability? One random owned province with Pomeranian, Saxon or Prussian culture: One random owned province with Saxon or Pomeranian culture as well as country's capital: The lands once conquered and Germanized by the Teutonic Order will always need protection against rapacious neighbors. You can have short lighting wars against them with good seige pips and bankrupt them. Ming will want to white peace after a while. 2nd Channel: Privacy Policy. Later you need another big ally in Europe to fight off France and Great Britain. More diplomats, better diplomats, better relations improvement, etc. It is more viable and basically necessary in MP. The worst options are: Quantity. I prefer taking Offensive > religious >influence >trade > admin >quality, the rest depends on the situation. It is also possible to release and play as a Ruthenian vassal from Lithuania or Poland, to start as a Russian principality and complete the Restore Kiev mission, to make a custom nation with the right culture. This is good, but hardly compensates the opportunity cost of getting Economic+Quality. I don't care what people say but I go trade for my first diplomatic. Expansion is probably a good idea too, not necessarily for the fact you can colonize Siberia quicker, but for the extra states it gives you, which you definitely need. Cookie Notice If Kiev (280) is part of the HRE, but its owner is not a member then: Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. The age of crusading knights is fading fast. In 1.29, you started with 9000 manpower and needed 9 whatevers to reach the force limit for the permanent cores on novgorodian land. Always has worked, probably always will. In addition to the absolutism from the tier 1 reform, all republics get,, Play Like an eastern power probably. Also Exploration saves us ADM points (we need to have at least Religious + Economic), and in the end gives us +25% naval forcelimits which could be nice for Russia. Beating the Ottomans in a war? They have three key adavantages over basically any other nation: Between increased manpower-recovery, reduced core creation cost and massive force limit, they have a very good set of national ideas. Colonists are nice to have to expand further beyond Siberia if that interests you. Break royal marriages till your stab is -3. Replace Religious with Humanist late game if you are going for world conquest. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Other nations wishing to form Ruthenia will have to change their culture first; Lithuania is the best-positioned state to do so in 1444. Quantity is overkill for Russia but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider using it for absolutely stupid manpower and force limits. The only way it is less viable is if you are hyperblobbing everywhere into AI in singleplayer. Economic isn't really worth it since Russia doesn't go tall, it goes super wide. More merchants, better merchants, more trade power in general. Good thing about exploration is that you can colonize North America if you pick some cores from Norway. Trade becomes very powerful for Russia once Fur rises in price, and most of Siberia will have Fur. It draws in the petty states around it and its ruler envisions a new Rus'. . If you have problems running eu4, the launcher or none of your mods work, have a look at. My initial "plan" is that. Information, Frequently Asked It took me until 1550 to unlock Deus Vult, which is far too late considering that Religious was my first idea pick. Everyone says that Expansion is better than Exploration for Russia, but I actually have to argue about it. Early on when Poland attacks Teutonic knights, there is a small chance they might get sandwiched by another war from Hungary or Bohemia. As Russia you can just go Trade + Quantity + Religious and have +30% goods produced on top of great trade goods and a trade flow you can control 100%, making spawning global trade in Novgorod a breeze. If you are extremely lucky, you will find a nation that borders Ming and isnt a tributary yet. Westernization yes or no? Do the estate interactions. After you get Siberia frontiers and more of nobgorod trade node trade really come in handy to solve all problems with money Russia normally have. Generally i always try to hire the best advisors for admin tech, the best i can afford, because they are the most valuable. That's absolutely vital to keep up with tech and such while conquering vast swathes of land. If you want to colonize all of Asia and don't conquer China and the hordes, exploration would be better. Barely. 96K views 1 year ago An EU4 Muscovy Guide where we form the Russian Empire or Russian Tsardom and destroy eu4 kazan eu4 novgorod and the other nations around us. The Reason? Influence second, you've got vassals to annex and other small neighbors countries to vassalize and then annex as well. Try to come out with 4k to 5k manpower to spare after this war. By reforming into a secular state, we can revitalize our administration and gain the respect of our neighbors. on Paradox technology, Legal Personally I like going (For MPs at least): Espionage or the one you didn't pick at 3) for the extra states. Aristocratic is always a solid pick. Low manpower means you dont want to drag the war out too long, Splendor generation as a province in Asia, Border with non colonized provinces for Siberian Frontier once you form Russia. I don't see how anything else would be better. Especially as Orthodox since the number of orthodox nations is very small. Prussia is one of the formable countries in Europe and can be formed by Brandenburg, the Teutonic Order, or any country with Prussian, Saxon, or Pomeranian culture (besides end-game tags such as Germany and a unified, centralised Holy Roman Empire). Same as always, really. Automatic inflation reduction, bonus advisors, production bonuses, mainetance discounts, building discounts. I used to go Innovative - > aristocratic - > trade -> quality. Where's Quantity? You can switch the order with offensive if you want and your military is doing fine. Your colonies will be mostly useless apart from troops though. Support Oprichnina: -30% progress from all rebel factions. Later, more Military ideas and Influence, if you plan on having a lot of subjects. And you are unlikely to take them on early game even with a good ally in Europe. With all that money you can have an absolutely MASSIVE army as Russia, dwarfing any and all competitors. You are using an out of date browser. There are a ton of Idea Groups in EU4, all of which can greatly improve your nation (except Espionage, no one ever takes Espionage). Couldn't take the +1 monthly admin because military took priority and the land I conquered constantly dropped my crown land down. A capital not of a mighty territorial empire, but of a compact and concentrated state that can still use gold and favors to influence neighbors and rivals. And especially as Russia you don't need quantity, because the zar gov already gives you +50% (i think) manpower. Get Norway as subject like stated earlier. Permanent claims on most of Eastern Europe and North Asia. Espionage is another idea group that I would usually like to use as Russia as pairs well with it's NI and that corruption reduction is so nice when your big. Get a general from Boyars but dont make them disloyal, you need the extra manpower recovery. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). In MPs, I'd suggest going for 4 military idea groups. Admin has that coring cost reduction, so it always worth it, but Russia expands through a lot of perma claims and already has coring cost reduction, so it's not as necessary as you might think outside a world conquest run. Have fun! 1 Swap National ideas 2 Countries 3 Group national ideas 4 Easter egg 5 Converter-only Each country has a unique set of strengths that make it different from most or all other countries. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You must log in or register to reply here. Icon of St. John Climacus for spreading and embracing Institutions. In addition to the immediate benefits you also keep those provinces from being converted to Sunni. The rest of the group sucks, but that's okay. Is +10% goods produced and +1 missionary strength a bad policy? Into the forests and hinterlands of the land we today call Russia. As you conquer these lands, you can release Timurids as subject if they dont exist. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Valve Corporation. If you want a military group go for quantity. Prussia has three unique government reforms, Prussian Monarchy for monarchies, Stratocratic Administration for republics, and Militaristic Divine State for theocracies. But trully agree about eco, it might be usefull for a noob as first isea and quality second, but with time it's become totally useless In terror our people fled the plains of Rus' and went north. Dont core them, because we are diplo-vassalizing Circassia and give them all of those provinces, except the one in the Tambov area, we need it for a mission. Pravda, major Russian news media, just used an EU4 campaign screenshot in an article. As a result, it's a massive part of Paradox Interactive's strategy masterpiece Europa Universalis 4, which puts you in charge of a nation vying for greatness on a real-world map. As you pointed out, Orthodox is the only religion that gives benefits on a per province basis. Eco comes too late. I'd agree with you with any other religion but Orthodox. Is +10% Morale a bad policy? You're assuming that Russia will stay your ally after you find a way to release them. I like Trade ideas here as Russian provinces arent the most valuable. Religious is not as strong as it used to be, but it still has a massive amount of power in it. This is an unofficial video, not endorsed by Paradox Interactive.The following DLC is used in this series:Eu4 1.32 Origins leviathan Emperor DLC, Dharma, Rule Britannia, Cradle of Civilization, Third Rome, Mandate of Heaven, Rights of Man, Mare Nostrum, The Cossacks, Common Sense, El Dorado, Art of War, Res Publica, Wealth of Nations, and Conquest of Paradise.#eu4 #eu4origins #eu4muscovy #eu4russia #eu4guide #eu4building #eu4playingwide Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Fight them for a little bit and see if you could just give them a few provinces from Caucasus region for now. The CB is more a nice bonnus (also this policy with 10% moral and the one with moral and siege are among the best millitary policy). Ottomans are THE hardest enemy you will face playing as Muscovy/Russia. Now that you have a foothold in Scandinavia, you can get more land from Denmark. "Russian Government" abilities: Reform Sudebnik: -10% autonomy from every province. The Sun Never Sets on the Indian Empire" . EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. The most important thing about it is the peace cost and AE reduction, you can take tripple the land for half the AE with the expansion compared to the holy war cb. The 100% MP boost is gone since ages. I also don't think Muscovy needs them at all. Looks like a pretty sound bunch of ideas, I guess if you want to get Alaska up and happening you'll need explo at some point, but last time I tried that, it was quite annoying as it was just really slow - I'm keen to try a early capital move to the new world and use siberian frontier over there run though. Note that the latter two decisions will elevate the nation to kingdom rank and will consequently make it leave the Holy Roman Empire unless it is an elector. And my leaders haven't been bad either. Colonial Russia can be fun. If you have done the earlier wars and integrated your vassals, you will have the required provinces to form Russia by the time you get to Admin level 10. JavaScript is disabled. Since you are not having colonial nations you are short in merchants and other powers are draining your centers of trade because you won't have enough traders to steer to your collecting node. Early game- Icon of St. Michael for more manpower recovery and discipline. This could be Hungary or Austria or even Poland depending on their diplomatic relations. (Austrian WC), Ottoman Blobfest (Over a Thousand Provinces). You will miss out on the missions early on but they are a very powerful force and will help you with your wars against Denmark and Ottomans. You won't be devving especially if you pick it that late and without quantity and if you're picking it to make money then trade is a much better choice. Use Oprichnina here for temporary rebel suppression. They destroyed our kremlins and the towns fell one by one, even Kiev itself could not avoid this fate. Russia excels at this because of some unique features, like: Fabricating claims on entire areas. Focus has been on ADM since game start. Prussia is a powerful military state with strong morale, discipline and tradition; enough to ensure strong generals in commanding large armies, well-trained troops in aforementioned armies and good military rulers. Even if you national focus away from it and have no advisors and no admin abilities of your ruler, that's still 2. And Khorasan as a march for their national ideas. Admin ideas at some point for this reason too. Early siege ability and FL boost is great and 115% discipline is op. I am thinking on the side of quality for now and then later quantity, Quantity as a first idea is good because muscovy has extreme manpower problems in the early game. Form Prussia or Germany, have the Empire government rank and 40.000 Marines raised at the same time. Most of the time they will ally Ryazan and the war will be easy. Interactive corporate website, Uses Russian government mechanics: Each year, this government gathers. You can't outlast Russia.Recorded live on Game starts with 5 subjects that fill up your relationship slots. Press J to jump to the feed. The last is for any other country with Prussian, Saxon or Pomeranian culture, representing another German country taking the path that Brandenburg did historically. Quantity then religious then trade. Trust me, you dont need it. I havent played this tag since the DLC specific to them launched. Oh, did I mention you get +30% goods produced from this (policies)? They might be allied to Uzbek, but you should be able to take them on too. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Administrative, as Adaptability. If all you want is money, you are far better of taking trade or even maritime ideas in addition to the always useful administrative ideas. Lose one battle to win the eventual war when you can fight on your own terms (preferably when you have taken your Golden Era in Age of Absolutism). If you ally PLC, you will miss out on some missions, but in my opinion they are worth it. Expansion gives more governing capacity and more Settlers. Taking on Uzbek, Nogai, Kazakh, Siber is easy. This was even nerfed, the Ghazi idea used to give +50% recovery speed. And later the Harsh treatment cost reduction. You need Quantity first to have infinite manpower to conquer whatever permaclaims you have. Dont rival Novgorod yet, in my experience they are more likely to ally someone who have rivaled you (Denmark, Lithuania) if you rival them early. The combination of Orthodox with Religion is very strong. Why not both? Idea Groups for Muscovy/Russia. Next set of conquest will depend on how Europe is doing and who is Lithuania or Poland allied to. Its not too hard if no one has formed Bharat or Hinudstan yet. Offensive is all about the army, and every idea in it complements Russia's strengths. In terror our people fled the plains of Rus' and went north. I have unlimited manpower anyway. BUT if we take Religious ideas (which we rather should take), then we have casus beli for everyone anyway. But as diplomatic tech gives colonization range, then you have to balance the ideas with tech, so you don't end up coring Island but not being able to reach Greenland. This mod has been made to expand upon the variety of formable nations already in Europa Universalis IV. Also probably pick eco a bit earlier so you can atleast dev somewhat. I am also happy about any general tips on forming/expanding Russia since I am a newbie, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Offensive would be my first pick over Quality because 2/3 of quality is Navy or cavalry, which doesn't play into Russian strengths. Pointed out, Orthodox is the best-positioned state to do so in 1444 permanent claims entire. More viable and basically necessary in MP the CB alone is worth the whole idea group and necessary... Super wide province basis stupid manpower and force limits it used to be, but that & # ;. 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eu4 russia ideas

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